On the russion satellite was announced, that Corregidor will get a rework. It seems to be confirmed, that Mobile Brigada can form a core fireteam with Alguaciles (thanks @dexterv). What other changes do you suggest? Would like to see Senior Massacre to get Wildcard.
Mobile Brigada and Alguaciles will be an excellent link team, wonder how interchangeable they'll be? Literally just mix and match? Or 1-2 MBs per Alguacile team? I would like for Wildcats to get some more link options, myself. If MBs and Alguaciles are getting a little buff that'd be good to keep them in line. Jaguars are already excellent and don't need any more link options.
Moran ava 3. X-visor on geckos. Shock/bioinmmunity on intruders. Valeria Gromoz H+ profile. vol 13 on bandits. masive point-adjustement <<< TBH I want these one over all armies and sectorial.
I dunno if any profiles will be updated, or hugely need it, but the links getting a rework would be ideal. Mobile Brigada are a bit pointless in the Nomad HI line-up right now, but if they were the only place in the Nomad faction to get HI linked in with line troops, that'd go a long way to making them feel like they have a role.
I think tomcats would make splendid wildcards... They would need to give up AD most of the time but the profiles match great with our link teams and budget wise we are in Raktorak territory. Actually I'd guess the update will be very similar to Morats.
MB/Alguaciles will probably get link options like Orcs/Fusiliers since they're almost the same troops. Bullshit speculation: Intruder linkable with Wildcats? Haris of Wildcats with Gecko? Core of McMurrough with 4 Geckos?
Do you really feel like intruder need something more ? Giving them this will increase their cost while only making them marginaly better. At the end, they will be less good than they are now
Heavy weapon gecko and haris option Another non swc lieutenant Maybe the MB link and senhor massacre like star co
Intruders are pretty awesome as it is. I don't see them really changing. Wildcat and MB link maybe? I'd love Wildcard on MBs tbh. It would fit their background as the core veterans and NCOs of the CJC.
I’ve only been playing about 18 months and extended casually into Corregidor (ie buying all of it) from the starter while I waited for Tunguska stuff, I’ve taken them to my first Infinity three tournaments in the last six months. The sectorial is in a decent shape from my noobish point of view, but Mobile Brigada could desperately use that mixed link. As no-frills HI, it be fantastic to bring the link down in price and really open some options. I’d love some other options for some of the other models that feel a bit left on the shelf, like I’d love to see something happen with Geckos too. Corregidor just needs a little refresh and it’ll be champion.
I dont think any nomad sectorial has wildcard, id like some link shenanigans with corrigidor. it also fits their fluff of being a tight-knit band of workers.
MB with algaciles sounds awesome. I'd like to see Bandits go back to AVA 3 like at the very beginning of N3. Way back, we asked about a Gecko haris. At the time, CB said they tested it and linked TAGs were deemed too powerful. But with the introduction of Onyx, linkable TAGs became a reality. I'd like to see some form of haris for Geckos this time around. I'd like to see Wildcats get... something? I don't know exactly what, but to me they're one special skill away from being stellar. Everything else in Corregidor is mostly fine.
Bostria just waded in on WGC confirming that Corregidor is not getting discontinued (and also did not dispute the rework either), so we seem good!
Brigada mixed link with Alguaciles might seem too boring to people but I've always seen them as Corregidor keeping up in a race they shouldn't be able to with power armor. I like them being as basic as basic goes but just having a Core options isn't good. So giving them the new version of basic typical HI linking choice is just fine to me. Wildcats probably shouldn't get anything across the board because I don't even want to pay 20 points for them. They are already pretty good because of their power to cost ratio, anything that increases their cost will make them the same price but worse than mid-cost mimetism links, instead of having a cost advantage. They could get more profiles but their fluff doesn't call for or against anything in particular. Could be tactical awareness, MSV profile, doctor, who knows? I would MUCH rather have more profiles for them than link options. Corregidor hardly needs anything worked on it just needs enough to justify it over Vanilla and the bare minimim for their core options wasn't doing it for most. They don't really have AVA advantages just the Dog.
a HD+ (Uhahu?), heavy pistols on brigada, xvisor on geckos, up the ava on morans and bandits, a third wound on the iguana and maybe one or two instances of either NCO or tactical awareness. maybe tweak the points/swc on wildcats.
Wont happen, a linked gecko means a burst 6 weapon(Pilot's assault pistols) which if I remember correctly is something CB have said will never happen
My wish list: -Iguana FA 2. -Mobile Brigada with Dogged. -Unique profile for Gromez that gives her AHD or HD+