Personally I just want to know the criteria for them choosing who will help them with the whole project from the community side.
Please don't get me wrong, the thanks to Koni is heartfelt. It's just that "what took you so long" is a very strong sentiment. I mean, N1 to N2 was less than 2 years (for the new folks, N2 was basically N1 with the FAQ incorporated) edit: also, "what took you so long" wasn't a poll choice!
Pretty much the last option. It took so long that the probability of being coincidence (to be launched mere days after the WarCors debacle) is pretty low. CB should realize AROs are for the games, not the company. While they are in "let's do the right thing", maybe they want to implement book reviews too, so 3rd Offensive is the last with serious glitches. Staff members and friends reading full pre-print copies or something.
I’ve voiced it in the past, as have many others; the lack of editing in the books, especially 3rd offensive, is going to prevent me from buying any further publication. If they announce their intentions to resolve this issue, then I would definitely reconsider my position.
My feelings are mixed here. Rules cleanup would be very nice, I'm just afraid I'll find another excuse to be disappointed. Really though, I don't expect every and all problems to go away as long as current rules are used as a basis. But improvement would still be an improvement, and iterations will simplify isolation and addressing of remaining issues.
Please leave intent out of the debate, stick to the topic. I feel that the poll could use some more options between overtly happy and vastly disappointed.