@R-z, Have You read about "Sunz Never Rest" @Solodice's own PBP in this own English Off-Topic subforum. . .?? I have the privilege of Playing in it with other excellent Forumites, but if You are searching for something to Join, then I fear it is closed to recruiting (but You could anyway P.M. @Solodice's thoughts about new recruiting). . . In the Old Forum I was asked to perhaps try My hand at a Combat-Heavy "Ruleset Tryout" based in Ariadna's Dawn Planet, but it did fell down of interest and never saw the light. . . If somehow I will be able in the future to put it back on the burner was a very "High End" Military Combat game for Trying out the full-set of Combat Rules, rather than the typical "Cyberpunk Sprawl Investigation" the Basic Manual Game was usually geared on. . . Would have featured sort of Anti-Pirate / Anti-Teseum Smuggler "Elite Crack Team" where ANY of the Character would have been either an Ariadnan Dogwarrior, a Nomad Combat Cyborg or an Haqqislamite "Geneeenginered Supersoldier" (so very heavily slanted towards Heavy Duty Firepower). . . Was also considered the option to have some sort of T.A.G. Mercs Pilot, based on the fact that the Basic Manual have the "Barebone Stats" of both the Yu-Jing Guijias and the Nomads' Geckos to have a taste about how really works the "Landmates" of Infinity. . .
Apparently some of My L.G.S. pals (some of whom still remember fondly the venerable "Mecha Powersuit" of Talsorian "Cyberpunk 2020" and one of which STILL plays "Heavy Gear" by Dream Pod9) could potentially be interested in this "Mercs T.A.G. Battalion" (stationed in Ariadna, onboard a rapid "Pirate Counter-Strike" Navy Seaship...!!) game that I previously described in vague, rough details. . . Should this project come to an effective end I'll try to post / link whatever comes of useful about it (I will be mainly tasked with the Graphic Part of it). . . . . Work-In-Progress. . . . .
I'm still working on the premises of the Idea, but the gist of it is that we'll use as a Baseline for generic stats and rulesets the newere, updated free Pdf- Demo released by Modiphius via Drivethrough. . . While there are many interested in the official Infinity R.P.G. in my L.G.S. is not a matter of spending money to acquire the Basic Manual rather than a sheer impossibility to have it; in a number of more or less 9-10 interested players / part-time G.M. just Three (I'm one of them due to fortuitious circumstances, but at one is a 100% Total Backer of ALL stuff promised by Modiphius !!) bothered to acquire the Basic Manual. . . So we plan to print and distribute free copies of the Start Demo to anyone of the interested Players; luckily many of them are consummate Wargame Minis players of Infinity so they will easily concentrate on just the Streamlind Rulesets to have ported their preferred miniature into a well-balanced Infinity R.P.G. Character. . . Of particular concern is one of the available pre-made Charater in the Free Pdf. is a Dogface that, much like Mc Murrough, is perpetually locked into Dogwarrior Form. . . I plan to port and explain (and balance on the other available Characters) the full Dogface / Dogwarrior "Werewolf Transformation" rules also explained as I believe Modiphius has also released a "Full Dogface P.C." sheet somewhere in the Net, so I BELIEVE I will NOT infringe any kind of Copyright, but I will thoroughly check. . . . . . . . Obviously two prospective players are yet mudding the issue; one wants to play a Morat Krakot Renegade who defected from the Human Sphere and one w ants to play a Tohaa "Bio Heavy Armour Specialist" (essentially a Tohaa Version of a Pan-Oceanian Orc Infantryman). . . Fortunately in the free Pdf. there are stats for Basic Soldiers of both Tohaa and Morat stats so I could start to work on well-balanced Player Characters, but far more difficult would be justify HOW those Alien Xenowarriors had arrived on Planet Dawn working as Mercs for Ariadnans in Counterstrikes against Teseum Smugglers. . . . . !!!
Not a hard justification. The major powers are all on Dawn in one form or another. That means Merc companies would be there for corporations or even selling themselves to Ariadna. Your two mercs just so happen to be aliens and they probably joined up with a company that didn't care. As long as they take orders and can hold a rifle they're all good.
We'll see, while Tohaa are technically allies of the Human Sphere (and the Art of the R.P.G. Manual shows a lot of "Adventurers" of that Race gallivanting around with other typical P.C. types) the Krakots Mercs are just barely accepted in Paradiso as a "Necessary Evil" and they stay on the "No Man's Zone" trading their fighting skills for Booze, Combat Drugs and Ammo. . . . .!! I, and the other prospective G.M.s, are awaiting for a good justification from the Player that is better than "Space Oni Apes are Cool and I want to play a Barbarian Ork-like Character !!". . . . . . . . Anyway the shape of the Game should be based around a sort of Helicarrier of the Ariadnan Fleet (refurbished and improved by Imported Tech from Nomads and Haqqislamite sources) that house some Quick Responses Vtols able to lift some Customized T.A.G.s (along with similar Heavy Duty Wargear) to attack smuggling lanes of Teseum Contraband Cartels. . . We are thinking about the "Main Villain" of the Game to be probably the "Criminal I.A." Svengali needing much Teseum for building its Custom Lhosts and financing Corrupted Irmandhinos and other "Dawn Rabble Rousers" to help capture the precious Neomaterial. . . To complicate the matters the various "Lesser Powers" of Ariadna will vie for Mining Privileges with the main Matr Government and the Hyperpowers would like to profit from the chaos too to pilfer some Unworked Ore. . . We think we will create a viable, well-balanced "N.P.C. Officers Cadre" core crew for the Ship, that will be made with Character Creation rules, but that will keep a backseat versus Player Characters, unless there is the need of "Tactical Backup" or a replacement for a wounded Character to be on the action. . . We are all quite maniacs of the works of Masamune Shirow, but weirdly enough, at the moment, the consensus will be for a Game based on Combat Exoskeleton "Land Mates" and Mercenary Pilots, will be far more aligned to the "Police Political Intrigues" of Ghost-In-The-Shell rather than the Sci-Fi Warfare of Appleseed. . . . .
If he want to play a barbarian ork charakter he could play an Ariadna russ or scot. :) Personly i would find Tohaa or Morat charakters a bit to exotic for a normal Infinity campaign and only suited for experienced players. Its just something hard to justify and alot of work for the GM.
Very right @DrunkCorsair. . . While the Player wanting to have a Tohaa is an expert of the specific Army and also a Veteran Gamer of all manner of R.P.G. that one wanting a Krakot Renegade is younger, far less experienced and just wants to play an "Ultimate Rebel"; essentially wants the Krakot because is a sort of totally wreck against any structured order and the best sum of its Roleplaying Ideas insofar is "Renegade Klingon Convict". . . . . !!! We are trying to port Him towards a less disruptive kind of Character but that still retains the desired "Playable Brutality" such as a ferocious, savage Caledonian Wulver (with a Teseum-edged Waraxe !!) or a truly monstruous Chimera Merc from Bakunin. . . He claims to be wanting to play more an honourable "Noble Savage" Tribal Orc from Warcraft, rather than a "Zpace Ork" from Warhammer 40.000 (where stupid obnoxiousness is a must !!!) but still this is all on trial, as I and the other prospective G.M. are quite fed-up with Campaigns failed due to an unplayable Character. . . . . . . . I realized that perhaps in the description on the above posts I have perhaps misguided someone; I described the "Mobile Operation Base" of the Players Characters as an "Helicarrier". . . But I did not want to means a "Flying Aircarrier" much like Marvel Shield kind of "Capitol Ship" (quite cool, but maybe out-of reach for Ariadnans that still have not an owned Orbital Station !!) but rather a more realistic kind of "Ship Carrying Helicopters and Vtols". . . The most daring, radical Idea that another G.M. proposed is that being Ariadna what it is, is difficult to have them building more than Patrol Cruiser classes (as they have not to contend with other Sea Powers on the Planet Dawn !!) but as that Mercs Venture is something quite advanced (shared ownership by Ariadnan Government along with Nomads / Haqqislamite merchantile charter enterprises) the idea is to have TWO ships (no larger than a contemporary "Arleigh Burke" class guided missile destroyers) heavily modifed and retrofitted by Hi-Tech Savants from Mercs Outfits beyond the planet Dawn. . . The two ships hulls will be radically linked by an overarching "Carrier Launch Bridge" created with ultralight Neomaterials (of which Heavily Alloyed Teseum would be a main component, due to the location) and become essentially a "Bimaran Aircarrier" able to launch and recover flying vehicles good to quickly deploy a payload of Guijia-sized T.A.G.s and recover them. . . When some Concept Ideas will be worked enough I will try to post them to clearly explain the Idea. . .
@stevenart74 Well you have a problem in my eyes. If you let your veteran play a Tohaa charakter and your newbie not his Krakot there will be tension, envy and other stuff that will make problems between both players and the GM. Maybe sit down with them both and ask them to alter their charakters to humans for this campaign so all can get into the universe and gather experience together. Your Tohaa charakter could be altered to a wanna be Tohaa, something like the elf and orc posers from Shadowrun (humans that alter their appearance to look like elfs and orcs). Maybe with some experimantal Tech from some Nomand labs. And your less experienced player could do something like a Yuan Yuan or Kum biker as a base for the rebel. That would be my idea to handle that situation.
so I head that the section for Ariadna said that dogfaces breed true with each other can anybody conform that?
Honestly I think is just a measure of the attitude of the Gamer; I and the other prospective G.M. had carefully planned Campaigns of many well-balanced R.P.G. of whatsoever descriptor, burned away because some Players wrecked them quickly with childish behaviour. . . Some of Us have preciously few free-time to waste (due to serious R.W. issues about Work, Family, Partners, Health and so on !!) and so when Hours, Days, even Weeks of preparation are thrown in the garbage can this is very stinging for Us all. . . If a Player wants to play a specific kind of Character that will somehow fit nicely in the Setting, even tangentially such as the FIRST Morat to place foot on Planet Dawn, then it will not HIS responsibility to present a compelling case and Behave in Roleplaying in a manner that is entertaining for anyone involved and sitting at the table. . . The Tohaa would not be very different by any other Heavy Armour "Powersuit Military Specialist" that would have better synergy with one of the Symbiotic Bioarmour yet available on the Basic Manual (and, at odd with current fluff, just be available to daring experimenting "Human Spherers" !!). . . At the same time if the "Morat Wannabe" will convince the G.M. pool that is not another attempt at playing "Chaotic-Stupid Barbarian of D&D" but a grumpy, cantankerous Ex-Convict that will not be so different from a Indentured Wulver / Bakunin Chimera Ex-Gladiator, then We will allow it without too much hassle (seriously, is NOT that He will have access to Top-Notch "Voodootech" as its clearl typical "Archetype Trappings" will be a Claymore Mine strapped to the Chest and some choice cocktails of Combat Drugs). . . We tried to model the Game Setting (shared between 3-4 prospective G.M. and a pool of Players that could easily drop-in / drop-off or even jump from a Group to another) in a consistant manner. . . Even if we believe that selecting from Ariadnan Natives, Haqqislamite Caravnserary Guards and Nomads Mercs will allow any kind of possible widespread wild Character Concept (possible with the almost Infinite possibilities of the Basic Manual !!) then could also allow some other weird choices, if justified by a solid Background and good Roleplaying possibilities. . . Wanna play a Pan-Oceanian Military Order Knight. . .?? Sure, is just a disgraced "Rogue Black Knight" that severed all ties with the Hyperpower Military Command AND the Papal See (cool idea could be an Ex-Templar that tries to reforge its damaged I.A.-Sword with refined Teseum as pay for service). . .!! Wanna play a top-notch Elite Combat Lhost. . .?? O.K. but You are NOT working anymore for "Big Brother" A.L.E.P.H. !! Either You are a Nomad-built "Custom Work" (especially useful as the Campaign "Boss Villain" is the Criminal I.A. Svengali !!), some sort of "Rogue-On-The-Run" like Avicenna or even a retro-engineered "Salvaged Battle Wreckage" that Ariadnan High Command is bedrudgingly accepting after the stellar performances of William Wallace. . . !! Wanna play a Doube / Triple Agent of the Hyperpowers that fake to play along with the other P.C. just tu run-away with all the Confiscated Teseum at the best moment, justifying backstabbing with "This Is What My Player Will Do !!!" ??? Then, very sorry, this is NOT the Game for You. . . . . . !!!
@R-z. . . I can confirm from multiple sources (the R.P.G. Manual and various Wargame Books) that is indeed true. . . The cycle is ALWAYS: Pregnant Human Woman bitten by Antipode (and spared an otherwise messy death) is ALWAYS resulting with the Baby developing Dogface Attributes with the possibility of transforming into a Dogwarrior after hitting puberty. . . A Dogface Male is always able to sire children, as a Dogface Female to carry pregnancies to term. . . Is just the matter of the partner "Race" to affect the outcome; another Dogface will means an healthy "Baby Dogface" that will grow to maturity on its own, perpetuating the slowly growing "Secondary Human Race". . . If the other partner is a Normal Baseline Human then the resulting child is a Wulver; that is technically a "Sterile Mule" not because they have not functioning reproductive organs, but rather they have "Scrambled One-Of-A-Kind D.N.A." that is ALWAYS different from a Specimen to the other (much like the offsprings of Lions and Tigers are functionally "Gene Flukes" on their own). . . While fully fletched Dogfaces / Dogwarriors are perfectly playable with the Rules of the Basic Manual the Wulvers are not present as "Race / Character Template" there is a N.P.C. at Pag. 461 of the Manual that could be nicely Reverse-Engineered to give an interested Player a well-balanced, fully functional "Basic Stats" Ideas. . . Or it could also be easier to go with creating something with the Rules of the Bio-Engineered Chimera Biosculpts like many Pit-Fighter of Bakunin; the Wulvers are noted to have bestial appearance (pointed furry ears, knitted eyebrows, pronounced pointed canines and nails, even if not fully-useful Fangs / Talons, enhanced Strength and Endurance, prone to Frenzy and a very combative attitude). . . So essentially they could be a "Take" on Space Orcs / Space Hobgoblins / Space Gnolls, while their Dogwarrior Parent is a Space Lycanthrope Werewolf. . .
At the moment there is a lot of uproar in My L.G.S. (many of our paltry Infinity Gamer pool is of people fielding Ariadnan Armies) about the fact that next Campaign will be set in the soil of Planet Dawn. . . Wherever Combined Army Forces happily ignoring Human Sphere blockades, a new "War For Teseum" or whatever other different stuff, totally and radically different, some are busy prepared and other await further news. . . I and the other potential G.M. of our "Anti Teseum-Smuggling Mercs" Campaign have conferred and decided to postpone the "Game Years" far behind the current Universe Timeline; we decided to start the Game many months before the Events of "Flamya Island" on Paradiso have started to reach a Critical Mass. . . In that manner we will be able to use (and abuse !!) the yet written Material about first Flamya, and then Wotan's Gate, as a sort of rough canvas into which generally frame the Adventures of the Player Character and have abundant time to plan accordingly should the new, upcoming Campaign reduce Dawn in a blazing, nuclearized wasteland !!! Imagine some R.P.G. Campaign of Warhammer 40.000 set in the Planet Cadia, just before Games Workshop decided to merrily blast the "Frontline World" into smithereens. . . . . !!! While a desperate vehicle run towards the LAST Functioning Spaceport, to take the LAST Shuttle departing for Orbit, while all around the Planet is wrecked witrh Tectonic Plates exploding (imagine, for a Movie Reference, the escape from the Yellowstone Caldera of John Cusack's family in the disaster movie "2012" !!) could be indeed very cool, it would have been a Cool "End Of The Campaign" event, rather than the First Game Evening. . . !! Anyway we'll see as I believe that in the Roleplaying Context the Wargame Universe Timetable will ALWAYS diverge radically. . . In that manner, should this Multi-G.M. Campaign of Infinity R.P.G. go for a while, it will be yet written some sort of "Basic Movie Script" into which improvising Gamers would write their own Drama, going for "Plot Points" of 1°) happily hunting "Theseum Tieves" on the sealanes of Dawn; 2°) moved to Flamya as a very successful Mercs Outfit for reinforcing a Joint Ariadna-Nomads-Haqqislam Operation; 3°) Go Back to Aradna as Svengali is discovered to be the "Hidden Mastermind Villain" of the Teseum Smuggling Ring"; 4°) Re-Located to Wotan's Gate as Elite Soldiers of Fortune; 5°) Go back to Dawn and face the disruptive consequences of the Wotan Plot, along with preparing for whatsoever shehanigans Corvus Belli is concocting for the Ariadnan Warzone. . .!! . . . . . I'm wondering if I'm somehow "Hijacking" too much this "Generic R.P.G." thread and if it will be wiser to open another dedicated Discussion Thread, either there or in the "Fanfiction" Subforum. . . . . ???
Just wanted to add that Forumite @Iver started a petition in the Feedback Subforum to have Moderators / C.B. Staff to open up a dedicated Subforum to collect, and collate, all the various Threads about the official Infinitythegame R.P.G. !!!!!
Nailed down a list of the "Ship Officer's Corp" made with a composite of Native Ariadnanercs / Nomads Interplanetary Police Enforcers / Haqqislamite Anti-Pirate Veterans; even if they are to be considered "Support N.P.C." will be done exactly as Starting Player Characters (albeit with some Personalization / Custom Perks) as to not overshadow Player-Made kind of "Teseum Heroes" and with the option to be used as "Substitutive Emergency P.C." should a given Player have its own heavil injured / incapacitated during a pitched battle. . . For the ones on My part of the Campaign Game Ideas I think that I'll re-use / recycle some failed Characters from Fan-Art Ideas / Fan-Fiction Stuff that, sadly, never were finalized. . . For the moment, Work-In-Progress. . . . . !!!
By the way, as a sort of "Shared Forum-driven Source Material" if ANYONE wants to suggest, or discuss, some kind of Character (Playable ones or Unplayable, yet amusing, N.P.C. ones) that could somehow fit on this "Privateer Crew" feel free to add their two cents. . . While I and the other G.M. will concentrate primarily on believable, well-rounded Ariadnan Natives and the kind of Professional Nomads and Haqqislamite that will exist on an Anti-Teseum Smuggling "Mercenary Border Patrol" there is also the possibility of have "Expats" from all corners of the Human Sphere (and even beyond, as if the Krakot Jailbreaker was not enough, another Player is seriously considering a Shaasvastii Speculo Infiltrator Specialist that is member of a Radical Cults of Shas that chafes under the E.I.'s Yoke and believes that is the staggering diversity of the Humans to offer all manners of additional interesting Genetic / Social upgrades to the "Continuum" survival !!). . . So feel free to suggest all manner of weirdness; just the only more interesting, but wildly implausible ones (such as "Really I'm Yujing Emperor working undercover and want to Help Ariadna's Survival by flawlessly fold them into the State-Empire. . .!!") or clearly Double Agents ripe for betrayal (such as "Sleeping Manchurian Candidate Lhosts of Svengali" !!!) will be tweaked heavily before being inserted in the roster. . . . . !!!
Wonder if CB can't due to contacts as Chris just announced they're doing a new community website for all their lines, including Infinity, that will be forum + means for distributing fan made content so I wouldn't be surprised of the maker of the RPG didn't want there to be a official community elsewhere as well. I know I wouldn't especially if I was paying for the rights.
Could be as @Monkeysloth suggest. . . But while Modiphius now OWNS totally some of their top-line projects (such as their "Chtulhu in World War Two", Mutant Chronicles Conan the Barbarian and other big names of Roleplaying Background) as a means of revive old abandoned stuff by nowaday extinct Game Companies with their own I.P., the Universe of Infinity is alive, well and kicking. . . Or maybe is just that at the moment C.B. could not spare neither creative energy nor the manpower to have to check if everything is good for that "Side Project" and without eventual "Volunteer Forum Moderators" could not lend no one to revise things. . . It seems that Aristeia is absorbing a lot of the energies of C.B. Staff that are not directly involved with the baseline Miniature Wargame, and so maybe they are content to leave things as they are. . . At least the methods now employed by Fans such as We are is good for them. . . Even if, for an example, I feel just a little jarring to have to post the contents of Graphic Stuff about My Fan-Made Project in the Fan-Art, the "Text Background" in the Fan-Fiction, while I play the awesome P.B.P. Game of @Solodice in this very Off-Topic (English) Subforum !! Perhaps it will be good to ask this very question in @Modiphius Forums, to check if they have a common idea with Corvus Belli. . .
Weird and wacky idea: LAI gone sentient, normally inhabiting a Tinbot but able to jump to other REMs. Clearly it’s hiding itself as a Pi-well esque AI helping out a Nomad engineer (who doesn’t know the truth about their helpful companion, and thinks the ‘mind of its own’ is simply bad code). Ie. reverse the PC/Geist relationship. The Softwares is the PC and the ‘host’ is like a Geist.