You do you, but I don't see why this would make me want to get two of them. Oh, and when I bring Panggos (which is far from always) in links it's for points constraints or Repeater, or both. Zuyong is still twice as expensive and one Repeater short to be a direct comparison ;)
Anyway, back to the OP from Shirley, I don’t think you can do too bad with at least getting remotes. You are going to probably use one of each as some time or another. It’s unknown if they are going to be doing the smaller ones but you are safe with getting the Rui Shi, Lu Duan, and probably Pangguling.
I'm not sure IA really works at 150-200pts. At least not as The HI Sectorial. As far as 'dud models' go, the Shang Ji really don't have a good spot in the army list, barring the HRL (and even that is rather situational!). Plus, the one Shang Ji model is old and very small compared to the current generation. So those are safe to skip. Sadly, despite the awesome model, the Guijia is very hard to fit into Invincible Army lists (@ObviousGray has been having some luck with Guijia and a Zanshi fireteam, but that's not really an IA list to me. Looks more like White Banner). And that's a real shame, because the model is really awesome. As for my 'typical IA army list', it looks something like this: Invincible Army ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 10 DĀOYĪNG Lieutenant L2 Hacker (Hacking Device) Boarding Shotgun / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 29) TAI SHENG Mk12, Chain-colt, Stun Grenades / Heavy Pistol, Knife. (0 | 45) ZÚYŎNG (Fireteam: Haris, Tactical Awareness) Combi Rifle + 1 TinBot B (Deflector L2) / 2 Breaker Pistols, Knife. (0.5 | 34) ZÚYŎNG (Fireteam: Duo, Tactical Awareness) HMG / 2 Breaker Pistols, Knife. (1.5 | 38) HǍIDÀO Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Boarding Shotgun / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0 | 26) SHÀNG JÍ Heavy Rocket Launcher, Light Shotgun / Pistol, Shock CCW. (2 | 39) HǍIDÀO Engineer Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0 | 28) YÁOZĂO Electric Pulse. (0 | 3) WÈIBĪNG Yaókòng Combi Rifle, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 16) ZHĒNCHÁ (Forward Observer) Submachine Gun, D.E.P., Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 34) PANGGULING (Minesweeper, Repeater) Electric Pulse. (0 | 8) 4.5 SWC | 300 Points Open in Infinity Army Note that between the LT2, NCO, and Tactical Awareness rules, that's 14 orders that could be spent on the Core team. At a bare minimum, that's 2 orders that can only be spent on the Core team, and 2 more that are most easily spent on the Core team.
Hello all, thank you for the responses. Also thank you @Section9 , for taking the time to show me a sample list. How does tactical awareness work in this case? I know what NCO does - Patsy in Varuna has it. Edit: Looked up LT2. I get it now. The amount of responses surprised me greatly, but I... kind of got lost halfway. There seems to be some disagreement about the Pangolin remote and the BSG Zuyong...? Personally I'll just paint the BSG Zuyong and have it there - but I guess the discussion isn't about that. So far from what I can see: IA Starter: Seems to lack certain "core" profiles. What is it with CB and not putting HMG in starters? Why? One box. Hac-Tao: Looks cool, and are useful. I will be getting either the pair or the single, if I can find them. Solo Haidao, Daoying: Useful single units. One of each. Remotes: There seem to be a ton of remotes. I see that the Pangolin has wildcard, but also read up on how they sometimes get stuck, or cannot move through terrain. Will get a Pangolin single if I can find it for cheap. I actually do like the little teeth/horn things the Pango has, so here's to hoping I find one. Support Pack: One box. Guijia: I was not intending to use a tag with IA, nor do I have one, so that did not really cross my mind. By the way... a question on the Zuyong HMG - do we only have the old sculpt? It is out of stock in quite a few places, and I was wondering if they'd be redone anytime soon. It's kinda like the Kamau HMG in Varuna - I eventually got fed up and used a Bagh-Mari HMG in its place. Square instead of rounded backpack, is a little fatter, but for the most part it looks like a Kamau... Did I miss anyone? Thanks again. PS: I can't seem to find the Son-Bae and Chaiyi models. Does the Yaokong box come with extra parts or...? Also, would a Lu-Duan be useful at all?
Tactical Awareness gives you an order that you can spend on that model. Or, if that model is in a fireteam, gives the fireteam an order as long as the model with Tactical Awareness is the Team Leader. Current understanding is that you can declare the model with Tactical Awareness as the team leader to spend the TA order: "I'm spending the HMG's TacAware order in the fireteam, so HMG is the team leader." So, what this means is that LT2 gives you two LT orders that Tai Sheng can spend if she is the Team Leader (because she has NCO), and then the HMG and the Combi+Tinbot B troopers each have one TA order they can spend if they are the team leader. And the Zuyong HMG is unlikely to be resculped, even though it's a little different than the others.
Wait... Tai Sheng is a woman? That's amazing. Really wanting to play this sectorial now, so i can use my angry chinese gundam lady. I'll stay on the lookout for Zuyong... prospects look dim though. They all seem out of stock or extinct. Can one declare a new fireteam leader for free each time when the team is activated by an order?
That's my bad I missed that part. Not sure why you'd really ever want to buy two of the starter box though. @Koni said Tai Sheng was a woman on one of the spanish podcasts.
Huh, coulda sworn it was confirmed somewhere, but the entry in Third Offensive is completely first person. Well anyways, I hope Tai Sheng is female - it'd be nice to have a female character in YJ, and one rocking power armor to boot. edit: Ah, confirmed in spanish podcast, cool. The Yaokong box comes with parts to make any of the base remotes (so Chaiyi, Son-Bae, Weibing and Husong). Gotta pick which two you wanna build. I imagine you could magnetize them if you're handy. Personally I like the Lu Duan a lot, but the Rui Shi is generally a safer pick. The Lu Duan has more utility - it can clear mines with holoprojector and has got a template weapon, but the Rui Shi is just so efficient with MSV2 and an extra burst. In any case, they come packaged together.
@Triumph Thank you for the explanation. I will most likely get a box and make the Son-Bae and Weibing, pick up a box of Yaoxie if I find them, and an EVO Pangolin. I'm not sure why they called it Panggulin given that it's not called that in chinese at all... I guess it just sounded like Pangolin. I was primarily asking about the LuDuan because I found a loose one on ebay for cheap, but... it has no base, and its partner is missing, so. Remotes are hard.
Here's hoping that she is not tiny and packing a mark 12 that can fit inside most combi rifles. PS: Mk12 profile for the model please
Buy two boxes of Yaokongs. For IA it's quite possible you'll run 2 Chaiyi, a Husong, and a Son Bae in a list. I pretty much recommend raiding a warhammer player's spare bits box for parts to make weapons with. The Yaokongs are fairly outdated sculpts and by switching to plastic guns it's alot easier to magnetise them which gives you alot more options to play with.
Yes, the Yaokong REM box comes with enough bits to make all 4 models. The Husong has a sensor box and a gatling gun, the Weibing has a big can-gun and a different sensor box, the Son-bae has no gun and a boxy missile launcher in place of the sensor boxes, while the Chaiyi has nothing. Not hard to magnetize, really, though there aren't actually enough fins in the pack to make all the different options. In all honesty, you will probably want 2-3 boxes of Yaokongs, eventually. I ended up with 10 Yaokongs, but that's because I took one guy's Infinity collection off of him when he got out of the game, so I have full AVA of all the REMs(!). The Rui Shi and Lu Duan are both very useful murderbots. For me personally, I don't like the models, so I bought their Nomad counterparts (the Tsyklon and Lunokhod), just painted them like my Yaokongs.
I want two Daoying snipers, two Haidao and two Zuyong Combis. Ideally weapon swap the Haidao if at all possible.
Get it because you can use one as a "holo" if you get another. But seriously I really like the Lu Duan. 0 SWC, 20pts. for so much. Another reason to love them is that they are repeaters themselves. So you can buff them with a hacker anywhere on the table. Marksmanship Level 2 on a Mk12 Lu Duan is just fine! Remember too. It does have MSV1. People seem to forget that. Ya it can't see through smoke but it's great when you need to hit that camo guy. No camo, No cover, no Problem!
I wish the Lu Duan didn't have MSV1 :( So many times I've wanted to get it because HD+ from Mercs can so easily shut Rui Shi down.
It's also situational that I ever get to use the MSV1 on it. I can manufacture a use for MSV2 on the Rui Shi, but in most games where I've had Lu Duan the MSV1 has been dead weight.
Odd, in the rare instances I ever take one, Lu Duan has been a star performer for me. My main issue is it takes more brainpower than i have to spare to swing 3 55mm bases around corners and maintain an illusion that it could be any of the three. Also it chokes the heck out of your deployment zone.