Here, I've wrote a haiku to the glory of Eclipse. Ahem.. Be a real man and Leave your Smoke Grenades at home Eclipse is true love.
The sounds of twisting, knotted Tohaa-player panties are music to my ears (and will be until the brokenmon are gone or a tool to counter them is finally added to the game), but I still encourage you to de-twist your undergarments, persons of Tohaaliness. You're about to get a ton of awesome stuff. Perhaps you should whine about not getting things -after- you actually know what's coming out in a year when you have been promised plenty of releases.
Eh? Did I miss an important announcement? There were no promises of any releases for Tohaa yet. AFAIR Bostria only mentioned that we artichokes will be in the spotlight, but most attention this year is probably directed towards Shasvastii rebirth (which I am more than happy about).
I mean all the units you've listed there are excellent and worth taking even if they were eclipse though. I dont think its just a matter of "oh this unit is good with MSV." Its that smoke is excellent and MSV gets taken over sensors in part because it plays nice with smoke. I'd personally like to see some units start showing up with White Noise grenades as a way to discourage MSV and encourage Sensor. PS: I'd argue almost every faction gets a great cheap smoke dude: Yu Jing - Shaolin Ariadna - 45th Galwegians, Irmandinhos & Desperados Haqq - Mutts, Yuan Yuan & Kum Nomads - Die Morlocks & Jaquars Combined - Daturazi Aleph - Myrmidons NA2 - Yojimbo, Yuan Yuan, Desperados, Irmandinhos & Jaguars. That really only leaves Tohaa and Pan O out of the party and a few sectorials but the lack of MSV is the bigger limiting factor on sectorials.
Sure, they are excellent on their own and that's why I proposed to give at least some of them Eclipse instead of Smoke. It's just most of the time during my plays I see them providing Smoke for that boring MSV2 trick and then acting as order monkeys.
Tohaa ended up getting both kinds of Smoke. It isn't incredibly cheap, but the Kerail isn't exactly a bad unit either. A short range g:sync unit that carries its own smoke, has a 2-Wound handler, and doesn't cost 50 points is great. The presence of the Sukeul also means smoke + shoot is a lot less necessary for a tactical edge than it is for many factions. Sukeu's a dominant gunfighter. Makes more sense to ask for mechanics that are completely new.
Thats interesting I'd say I personally only see Smoke + MSV2 once in every 3 or so games. Usually alot of our players put a priority on trying to clear out trouble units like that though. Hmm I mean I think we have lots of nice things :) -Clipsos -Igao -Gao Tarsos -Ectros -Makaul -Rasail -Kaauri -Kotail -Sakiel -Sukeul -Gao Rael
Guess PanO is still the king of bland then. At least I hope Tohaa have a good year to make up for the long drought of no releases.
You forgot the best Baggage in the game: Chaksa Auxiliar. It's Regular, it has a very good ARO weapon, it can go Prone, it can Dodge quite well, and on top of that it has Sensor. Oh, and the SHRL version can be a Datatracker for missions with Designated Target!
Good point! The Kumotail and Servant bots are pretty neato too. And so are most of our units actually the more I think on it. The only really bland units being the Kameel, Gorgos, Kaeltar? Depending on your point of view? Well that got me thinking. What are the stand out/interesting troops in PanO? Is there anything Tohaa is really jealous of? -Bulleteers -Helots -Zulu Cobra -Akalis -Black Friar -Knights of the Sepulcher -Tech Bee -Joan -Magister Knights -Cutter -Tikbalang -Crocmen These seem like the stand outs to me. I've bolded units I think we have a comparable to.
I think the Kerail is a bit expensive compared to other smoke throwers, but that is really only if you bring it for the sole purpose of MSV2 smoke shooting. The Kerail is an amazing shock troop for getting to nearly any target. I think they tend to fall into a similar category of smoke thrower as Yojimbo, but Tohaa have much better long range gun fighters than JSA, so it is easier to clear a path for the Kerail.
Apropos of nothing this has reminded me how badly I want nimbus plus grenades in Combined Army. It'd be fair and balanced, Combined doesn't have any direct template weapons that imposing a -6 to dodge against would be pants-messingly terrifying.
True. Ikadron with 6-2 and its own Burst 2 flamethrowers comes to mind. As well as Daturazi, whose Mimetism and Martial Arts give you a strong potential F2F option too.
There has been no announcement. I think he may be operating off of private knowledge which he cannot disclose without possibly compromising the identity his informants.