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[February Releases] are on the horizon...

Discussion in 'News' started by Solar, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, I've never seen any motorcycle on the table aside from Mavericks and Desperadoes, so I can't say for Asuka (maybe Neko...)
    I mentioned Saito as an option more for the Druze sectorial than for JSA, but, the change should go to both depending on the stuff (I assume the Druze trust Saito more than JSA trusts him, thus that difference of SO).

    About several characters getting an upgrade, there is the chance we will see so during several challenges, one at a time, and I mentioned the ones I see less on the table. Matter of fact, Andromeda would need a total revamp, but they released her miniature a few months ago, so now she's stuck with Guardian, and I doubt they will change a character who has no history at all. the Greeks can use more revamps because of the amount of heroes they have, after all XD.
    • Thamiris the Aiodos, however, is a character that I've seen on the table only once outside of a campaign using the Paradiso System (and I was the one using him in all those instances!), so he certainly can use a revamp, and is a stablished character who sees little use.
    • Penthesilea has some extras she cannot really use. Like all S4 profiles (55mm base) she needs tables with enough lanes to let her reach the enemy, but at the same time her weapons are built mostly for close fights. If we "cut the fat" we can change some things she has, and even reduce her cost a little so she is easier to fit in a list: as she is right now, she wants to melee only HI, since enemy TAGs ignore her I-Khol... and she cannot carry Achilles, which is her main reason (so I suggest maybe dropping her to Mimetism, but raising her PHIS to 15 at least while on the bike, so she can Medevac Achilles), and changing the I-Khol L2 for Natural Born Warrior (and Ikhol N1 or martial arts N1) gives her better options to face enemy tags or similar, plus she would only really gain Stealth (which, granted, is kinda impressive while riding a bike).
    • Nesaie Alke: I would remove her completely, and repurpose the model to a Thorakitai SubOfficer, with AVA 2, same costs, profile and loadout, adding a Combi or Multi Rifle loadout (both as Lt and not Lt option), and be done with it. As she is now, she takes too much SWC to be worth it unless you are playing Greeks at 150 or 200 points.
    Aside from those three, the only other candidates I can think about to be branded as "traitors" are Diomedes, Atalanta and Thrasímedes, but they are candidates because of fluff reasons: Atalanta "goes dark" often to act as Aleph's assassin (why not use a Dasyu, I cannot understand), Diomedes is always throwing himself into suicidal missions (and who knows what happens during or after), and finally Thrasímedes is "dissappearing" every now and then to meet his lover, the Alguacil Specops Lupe Balboa.

    For fluff reasons, Saladin and Sun Tze are also candidates, mind you, thanks to that text we got in the EC Vs Tohaa Dire Foes (I think it was there, they "memory wipe" a Deva functionary and act as independent agents). On the Nomads, Zoe is also a primer candidate (because of her failing body, the CA can offer her something); on PanO the prime candidate would be Bipandra, unless they hold her until the Specops Revamp (but I think that revamp was for the non-character Specops, now I'm not sure), and De Fersen has some numbers (his name in the first released list helps...). I can't think of more, frankly (I usually play Aleph and CA, I'm finishing my Nomads buildup, and have Haqquislam next in line).
  2. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Thamyris is pretty good. He's 24pts for a hacker you can use to buff a REM, he's got NWI and WIP 14 with BTS 3 so he's actually a pretty solid hacker to go after with other hackers too, and he has an Assault Pistol for shooting mans who try to come into your turf. Plus he has a Pitcher! For the cost he's really good. I'd use him on a regular basis if I actually played ALEPH any more.

    On the topic of characters going over to CA, I don't think it's a great idea. Bit and Kiss was different because everyone else got them for five minutes, we all knew they'd stick with one faction in the end, CA has a lack of characters and was crying out for a CA KHD and therefore it made the most sense for them to go to CA, absolutely. But for characters people have and use on a regular basis, that kind of change would be a shame as people would lose the use of characters they already had. Maybe cube copies that are evil could be cool though! NEGA-KUSINAGI and such.

    Also yes yes I know that it happened with Ko Dali, but that was like three million years ago, and I'd like to remind you that people were not hugely keen on that either.
    T. Rex Pushups likes this.
  3. multor

    multor Member

    Dec 27, 2017
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    As an SP-only player, I´d like to comment into these speculations as well. I only started with Infinity less than a year ago and I decided for SP due to the interesting characters, the fluff and the unique combo of ancient greece and cyberSciFi. Retiring a character for while to bring him back later with a twist is a very exciting idea. I really like this idea!
    Nessaie Alke - I like her in play, but I do not like building a list with her (SWC costs). She comes with the advantage of being a potential lieutenant which gives your real lieutenant a (thin) layer of protection or gives you a lieutenant noone would believe you chose considering the alternatives.
    Thamyris - The only pitcher in SP. I´d really miss him and his Assault pistol. If he came back with a White Hacking Device Option, I´d be happy, but everything else wouldn´t be worth the hiatus.
    Andromeda - Tbh, I dont really know what to make of her. She doesn´t fit into my style of playing SP, so I wouldn´t miss her. With an alternative loadout I might actually find a way to actually field this awesome miniature.
    Machaon - The Doctor Officer Myrmidon. Very hard not to field him and I can´t think of exciting alternative loadouts I´d like to see.
    Eudoros - The only Number 2 in SP and an awesome Myrmidon with a unique loadout in this category. A crippling loss to play without him for a while and no exciting options for an alternative loadout.
    Ajax - the bulky S5 CC-monster Myrmidon with his dual-wielded CRs is difficult for me to play. I could live with him being suspended, but what are the options he´d come back with? Here I´d be curious.
    Patroclus - often considered to be Achilles´ sidekick, but he´s by far better in a tough Myrmidon link. The only Holoprojector L3 in SP can really cause havoc. He´s awesome, even though he´s very expensive.
    Phoenix - The only Rocket Launcher in Myrmidons. Great in link Team and hard to not field him with Myrmidons. As with the other Myrmidon characters I wouldn´t know which alternative loadout I´d like to see.
    Achilles - The ultimate ramboing piece. I think it´s unlikely to see him banned for a while. This would draw too much attention to him and neglecting the other SP chracters who deserve more attention. b4ckdoor is a great opportunity to spotlight (pun accepted) someone else. He already has alternative loadouts, so I think him unlikely to be the one affected by this event.
    Hector - The only Strategos & the only Plasma Rifle in SP and very linkable. As with Achilles he already has two loadouts, so there´s no need for CB to give him a touch-up.
    Acmon - Underrated and somewhat neglected. I´d love to see some focus on Dactyls, so I´d be thrilled to see him in an alternate loadout. Maybe even a lieutenant option? I´d love that!
    Diomedes - Combat-Jump in a lieutenant loadout? I don´t get that. So adressing this might be worth a temporary suspension. While the chance to drop him onto the table when needed is truely awesome, his Ekdromoi colleagues could fill in for a while. We might see an FT:Enomotarchos (Ekdromoi)... extremely tempting!!
    Scylla & Drakios: The NCOs are very different from each other, but strategically they´re both filling their niche (KHD/RedFury), have two different loadouts and REM options each. They both don´t need more options and cannot be replaced during the embargo. For these reasons I wouldn´t like to see them affected.
    Atalanta - The ultimate sniper, the only Multi Sniper in SP and very playable. I´d really miss her. The exciting options for her (maybe a Plasma sniper, Smart Multi Sniper, or even a more cosly option with her own smoke grenades) are tempting, but not really necessary. This would make her even more of an auto-pick. CB, please don´t. ;-)
    Teucer - The only Feuerbach/K1 Sniper in SP is an acceptable offense piece to clear the way for Infantry. He´s the second best sniper in SP, but more costly than Atalanta. For these reasons I´d like him to be adressed by CB. This might be great opportunity to give him some options. Some weapon options (as suggested with Atalanta), CoC, MSV3 (there is none in SP, yet). He´d be my first choice in SP characters.
    Last, but not least: Penthesilea: Her Bootleg Miniature made me choose SP as my faction. I love this girl, her pose and this bike! When I learned the game I realized that she´s very difficult to field and play with this enormous base, but she´s a killer in CC. Some nice options for her: AD, Infiltation, Multiterrain

    So, if I were CB I´d suspend these characters (in decending order): Teucer, Penny, Andromeda, Acmon, Ajax, Diomedes, the rest...

    But most of all: Let´s fight for SP! Let´s retrieve those files and prevent the suspension. Thanks CB fo this excitement!!
  4. Mc_Clane

    Mc_Clane Zhànzhēng bùzhǎng

    Aug 25, 2017
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    super-dissapointed with the seminar just a few advances
    #304 Mc_Clane, Jan 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
  5. Mc_Clane

    Mc_Clane Zhànzhēng bùzhǎng

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Not even a tease like a phrase on top of a black background for the years releases

    Not even some hints on the campaign...
    #305 Mc_Clane, Jan 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
  6. Mc_Clane

    Mc_Clane Zhànzhēng bùzhǎng

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Just a 20 day advance and Zoe&Piwell

    Now I'm going for some rest :unamused::weary:
    #306 Mc_Clane, Jan 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
  7. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    wrong post, McLane
    Mc_Clane likes this.
  8. Mc_Clane

    Mc_Clane Zhànzhēng bùzhǎng

    Aug 25, 2017
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  9. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Bear in mind they have to save the juciestj stuff for Adepticon and Gencon!
    Balewolf and chaos11 like this.
  10. chaos11

    chaos11 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yeah, I wasn’t expecting a massive amount here - Adepticon is only March, right?
    Balewolf likes this.
  11. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Sweet Sweet Zoe and no real comments about her? you disappoint me people.
  12. chaos11

    chaos11 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Most of the discussion is in the March thread.
  13. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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  14. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Dunno where you read about that, never been spoken. What has been mentioned is that the names contained in the B4ckd00r file will be stained with a relationship with the CA. That might be, for some characters, a kidnapping and supplanting, keeping the original alive for information pumping (the Speculo don't have Sepsitors!). For others, just baseless accusations.

    I will take Teucer 90% of the time over Atalanta, because that NWI means he can do ARO and survive. She... having a high stat means nothing when you roll under what your enemy does. Andromeda won't lose the Guardian because her hand is part of the beast's head, which is one of the worst parts.
    As for the rest, you don't adress any kind of background, so...
  15. DukeofEarl

    DukeofEarl Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Not to hijack the thread, but Patroclus does not have "Fireteam: Enotomarchos" and can not link with Myrmidons. Same as with Achilles. You can only link the two of them together when using the Duo profile for each.
    xagroth and Abrilete like this.
  16. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Tinfoil time: and that's also because Haqq is doing good in this one, right behind Combined who are exempt from the entire thing too :P
  17. alchahest

    alchahest Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2018
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    while banning / coming back better, can we give the Raicho full auto L2, and make the fataility lvl1 change permanent for tags?
    Belgrim likes this.
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