What prevents somebody from using the HVT as a human shield in ITS? (Other than a TAG in a sock) My understanding is that I can use the Casevac skill to sync up with the HVT. Once this is done I can advance up the board with the HVT in from of me. Any weapons that use direct templates (flame throwers, chain rifles, etc) can then be effectively nullified by moving the HVT across the LOF between the template wielder and my model. Weapons with impact templates (boarding shotguns, missile launchers) can be negated by putting the HVT in the blast area. This seems like an abuse use of the rules.
Totally legal, just not something you see often because it is very order-intensive to pull off. The majority of Impact Template weapons have a Hit mode specifically to counter scenarios like this, so its utility is more or less limited solely to Direct Templates, and works only in the Active Turn. I think you will find the tactic not worthwhile in the vast majority of circumstances.
How order intense do you think this is? This could be as cheap as a short skill, to do the syncing, while advancing up the board. Granted it's always possible to fail the roll, etc, but it's not super intense. Since you place the HVT, it's pretty simple to plan for this in advance. Depends on the weapon, for example LSG have no such variant. Also it works pretty well if you put your model is partially exposed around a corner, and put the HVT in front. You can shoot through the HVT, and use it to block a lot of the angle to your piece. You can also prevent people dropping mines, and then moving around the corner and shooting in the active turn. I disagree on it's utility. Rather I think that you can plan for it, and deploy your HVT accordingly. I think most people don't understand Casevac, or that it can be used on the HVT in all missions. Further a LOT of ARO pieces use chain rifles, mines, or flamethrowers. You've now removed a majority of the base defense capabilities.
Welcome to 2019, I hope you had a good sleep in your cryostasis pod. Also, we got these things called Xenotecs that start the game synched to oone of your troops so you don't have to go grab the stinky civilian. But hey, at least they no longer generate AROs as per the last FaQ.
The only thing preventing that behaviour is a person or community holding the viewpoint that such a games interaction is an unintended and 'gamey' abuse of the rules mechanics, and from there an appeal to gamesmanship and personality. What you describe is technically permissible by the rules but that doesn't mean it leads to a fun gaming experience. I for one would have no problem spending the entire rest of the time spent across the table from you calling you out on being what I consider an abusive gamer and then taking steps to ensure we didn't play with each other for a considerable time. Of course, that's my opinion and you're entitled to your own on the matter.
Does anyone remember? Wasn`t there a rule in N2, which prevented the use of civilians as human shields?
Oh good, then you know the answer to how to deal with this. Oh wait, no answers in this post, that would require effort. I was hoping for something a bit more official, like no syncing with the HVT/DVT which would fix a lot of problems, IMHO. Agreed, you seem to think I'm somehow advocating this, guess you missed my suggestion that people who do this should have a TAG put into a sock, and then used to beat them within an inch of their lives.
@clever handle you can't do that in ITS unless you want to forfeit the round (ehich is exceedingly poor sportsmanship because of how Infinity's scoring system works.). And different people have different definitions of "gamey." @RogueJello let's be careful about that kind of rhetoric since the community has had problems with one player physically assaulting another in the past.
I had no idea that a random post on the internet was enough to cause somebody to actually assault somebody in real life. Maybe because I have never seen a fist fight in a game store, so I didn't realize it all came back to a single post making joking suggestions of violence. Truly the butterfly has strong wings, and it had nothing to do with the person in question having other issues. /s
You're ignoring the fact that a synced model cant be part of a link team, you're willing marching something that lets your opponent score objective points towards them, and its relatively useless on the reactive turn while also wasting your own orders to essentially just be immune to mines on the active turn. Pleas don't act like this is some type of broken mechanic or balance issue. this is so far from gaming the system or betraying the spirit of the game.
It's not just mines, please read the entire thread before making statements that have already been refuted. Also you're making a big assumption that I'm going to take the HVT towards my opponent. It's just as legal to take the DVT into a corner of my deployment zone, and say come get me.
I do that all the time in Decapitation if I go first. Cap the enemy DT, run yours to safety, call it a day. Strong 1st turn.
Is this a mountain or a molehill? Most direct templates can be angled in several creative ways to hit a model. So the HVT movement needs to be quite broad - not always achieveable. Impact templates have direct mode, while slightly less good against low arm models, not exactly nerfed as said low arm models are only 1W and most impact templates cause multiple saves. It does help against mines. But refer to Mikes point on moving the HVT towards the enemy. The xenotech is a bit dumb and hopefully goes extinct at the end of this season.
oh. my. god. the template mode of a few weapons too?! so you're implying you would spend more orders to advance up the board and then go back? all just to sync with your HVT? If you're plan is so bullet proof, why don't more top players employ this tactic every game? why isn't every tournament decided by who can sync with their own HVT first?
Like others said before, it is possible, but the advantages aren't so really good that makes every players try this play. Yes, you can avoid mines and template weapons, but in the case of mines, depends really really on where you need to go. If you want to avoid that mine maybe you need to expend one extra order to move away to no suffer one wound, which one probabily you could avoid declaring "dodge" or "roll the armour salvation". And If you can do move+move, and don't want to left the Civilian behind, you loosee movement. If we haven't a Xenotech scenario, them you need to think where your "main weapon", and for sure last miniature, go before to place it on the board, and place the HVT close to him. Too much thinking. With Xenotech you can use it sometimes. But isn't the "megarule" which grants you win the game. Best regards!
Yeah. I would prefer for them to introduce in the next ITS something like a possibility to spend CT to cancel crit effect or to re-roll BTS/ARM save (like fate points in WFRP) for example. Not so many tokens to abuse it, but sometimes really helpful.