What does everyone do for scenarios that require CC-Anti-material? The only real option I see is Fiday with DA CC. The only other options I see are D-charges and a Kasym Beg. When ever I see this scenario in a tournament I am always tempted to switch factions just to get access to Saito Togan (NA2-Druze) for infiltrating EXP CC. While Kasym is cheap I don't usually play Kum, and having 1 Imp model is fairly suicidal. Right now I'm looking at HB with 2 Fidays w/ DA CC, to make sure I can kill the AC2 in Looting and sabotage.
We don't allow spec ops in our tournaments. I've been reviewing a couple things and I see the Asawira have a DA CC profile, which in a Haris with Assault give you a good option to cover distance and get 3B with a DA weapon for 1 order.
It's true! Daylami with Panzerfaust are extremely cheap and can be brought in multiples if you have enough SWC. You can also do a Muyib Core in HB as they are flush with D-Charges and can get them up field pretty reliably.
Less useful in missions that restrict you to CC Attacks though. Tarik is incredibly mobile, has a good PH, DA CCW, and MA1. Krakots are similar depending on your roll for Metachem.
Krakots (with Berserk and potentially boosted PH) Tarik is OK with PH14, especially if you have other troopers in base contact to get the Burst bonus. As you say, the Asawira with PH17 from MA2 is good. The Fiday isn't great due to low PH and lower CC than the others, but is Order-efficient. If you do want to use bikers, Zuleyka also has a DA CCW, and Dogged with smoke to help get there. But Kasym is flat-out one of the best options - just remember that he's normal Impetuous not Extreme Impetuous so you can cancel his Impetuous Order for free. Muyibs with D-Charges is OK as a backup but I wouldn't use it as your main approach, they're only going to be CC14. Close Combat Anti-materiel!
Kasym is fantastic! I'm a big fan of redundancy though, so I usually run an Asawira Haris + Muyib Core + Leila + Fiday. This allows me to swing as many times as possible, but is fairly single-minded in approach.
KASYM. I don't understand people who play Haqqislam and don't use him - his one of my favourites. Pair him with Tarik and you have a nice heavy-hitting duo of best friends ;) Kasym is the heir of Izzat, so... PozdRawiam / Greetings
That comic seems like a very strange misrepresentation of both the characters, the fluff and the characters being referenced.
Because that comic is almost as old as the game. It's one of Bostria's comic strips from the beginnings of N1 as well as a parody. Keep in mind neither Tarik nor Izzat had been sculpted yet (not there were any design concepts known for them) as they were only a pair of brand new profiles featured in the N1 rulebook.
I go with Kasym Beg, Zulyeka, and 2-3 other Kum riders, with Mutt support. SO MUCH SMOKE! Kasym does work!
Looting and Sabotaging is such a great mission for Haqq, with 4 Ghazis pulling great zone control. Tarik is my backup AC killer, with double berserking Krakots and Kasym/Zuleyka taking the lion's shares of orders for the first couple of rounds. DA CCW Fiday is more a backup than anything, since his PH and thus damage isn't that great.
To me the best option when we, sons of the desert, have to destroy some structure in CC with Anti Material CCWeapons is Kasyn Beg, after him comes the Fiday DA. We can use too Zuleyca with DA or Tarik. Other options are the Asawira DA or any of the profiles with D-Charges, of this I preffer the Muyib Spitfire or the basic Muyib, with CC17 they should be capables of place the D-Charge in CC against the element before run out of them. Maybe haquiss haven't the best options like others factions, but it has no lack of options. :)
I'm probably asking what everyone has discussed already, but D-charge placement rules allow you to plant them onto pieces of scenery. Doesn't it bypass a requirement to use CC to Attack since you don't have to attack at all in this scenario?