Hmm Tomcat crossed with a Bashi/Assassin. Not the worst design. Would have loved a Aleph Multi instead, but he probably comes with the shotgun anyways, so whatever! :)
No I meant Tomcat, since it's the AD unit and the thing on the back is a bit similar, plus the shoulder pads are as big as on the Wildcats. Also hammer/cargo pants give them a similar silhouette.
Somehow I always imagined him with some sticks. Not sure why tho. Maybe because of a conversion somebody posted here. :/
Isn't in Uprising's StarCo chaoter something mentioned about his escrima skills? Since escrima is fought with sticks you might got it from there. Had to google that Moonshine dude of whom Raoul is based of... I'm quite happy that he's not too close to that guy. Anyways, a Brawler Box would've made be happier.
With Raoul, try engaging in a shotgun firefight against Kuang Shi and such out of 8", and if they're in a link and clustered together, throw down a Drop Bear first too. Raoul will still get B2 hitting on BS -3 for cover, so 9s, and the Pistol in ARO is also getting B2 at -3 on 8s, but Raoul's landing template hits on other guys, as well as the Drop Bear going off, plus he's highly unlikely to die to that kind of ARO. The Drop Bear is also shock, putting paid to Dogged as well.
Agree. Shotguns are tactically constricted tools that gobble orders like tic tacs. I prefer to see them on cheap, infiltrating or fury-based troops. Not elite inserters. At this moment I prefer an ordinary Hellcat Spitefire for AD strategies.
Really hope it comes with both AD3 and FTO options in the blister. Not that anyone will ever use the FTO version. Just good to have the option.
I'm just gonna use my BS Yuan and pretend the official one doesn't exist. Unless it's an absolutely amazing mini or something.
Meh, it's a l2p issue really. Like the Jaguar, Volunteers, Mutts, and a myriad of similar unit type in the game, the Kuang Shi is often deployed as flanking protection, specifically to counter AD troopes especially, as those kind of units will almost always trade favourably against those unit types. You're using a unit that gets nearly hardcountered against your chosen target and complain about why he doesn't perform well. Furthermore, as a piece of good advice, if you spot an ISS list with 8 Kuang Shi's, it's almost always a very greedy list build on a house of cards. With a dedicated unit, preferably one with Shock weaponry, Kuang Shi's are incredibly easy to kill and killing multiple Kuang Shi's will chew away his orders at an alarming rate, draining the order "battery" of his proper attack pieces. This is the best tactic against ISS players that use over 4+ Kuang Shi's and once you learn to exploit this, you'll find it to be an Achilles heel on many ISS lists.
Mostly agreed, but only if the KS are grouped or otherwise accessible for multiple kills with few orders spent on your part (which Raoul could actually be great for). If you're not taking them out at an average of one per order spent on it, it can be an order sink for -you- as much as the opponent, if you yourself have a fairly limited number of orders. Especially if the KS are in a dedicated "degrade and annoy" order group while the utility units are in their own order group. If that is the case, it might not be worth grinding them down unless you're sure they will be used offensively on his next Active: killing whatever unit they are powering to rampage (Su Jian for example) might be the better use of orders. I say this as a former ISS player who used that configuration exactly, mainly to distract opponents with both the waving red bull-flag and the annoyance at how hard it is to either ignore or deal with it.