Worst. Luck. Ever.

Discussion in 'Access Guide to the Human Sphere' started by roobot, Dec 27, 2018.

  1. roobot

    roobot Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    Apologies if this has been done before, but I thought it might be quite fun for people to share stories of their against the odds BAD LUCK situations that have occurred in games! I think my very worst was once spending my entire first turn in a tournament a few years ago failing a 14+ WIP roll to hack a terminal EIGHT TIMES in a row, and then six times the following turn. Yep, almost half my orders for the full game! I think I had a TO suprise shotting sniper get crit'ed by a moblot on a "1" during the same tournament! :-D
    TaHu and Abrilete like this.
  2. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Being put into LoL and retreat during turn 1 (other player had initiative) before it even got to my turn.
    Couldn't win a single f2f or pass an armour save (even when in cover).

    On the plus side, game ended at the end of my turn and it ended up a zero point game (since my opponent plan was apparently to grab objectives from turn 2 - which never happened). So while everyone else was busily playing for the next 90 minutes, I went off and had a beer.
    DaRedOne, oldGregg, xagroth and 3 others like this.
  3. Erbent

    Erbent Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    My worst luck was definetly with an anathematic hacker back in ITS8 playing Sieze Antennas, WIP+3 bonus to hackers, WIP 16 on anathematics, so capturing objective on 19's, and I spent abot 4 orders rolling 20's.
    theGricks, Abrilete and roobot like this.
  4. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    My Swiss Guard with Missile Launcher just looooves to roll 19 or 20 when making normal roll AROs.
    Zewrath and Abrilete like this.
  5. DarkBlack

    DarkBlack Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Been crit on a 1.
  6. Elric of Grans

    Elric of Grans Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    This was part bad luck, part bad play. My opponent deployed his entire force in the open, so I deployed with ARO pieces (in partial cover) angling on his models.

    Order one: He move-moves his Aquilla Guard. My Wildcat Heavy Rocket Launcher (in a five-man fireteam) fires. Crit and a hit, he fails his saves, dead.
    Order two: He move-moves his Deva. My Lunokhod Feuerbach fires. Crit, he enters NWI.
    Order three: He moves and fires with his Deva. My Lunokhod Feuerbach fires. Crit, dead.

    He left the room at this point and did not return.

    That has happened to me repeatedly. One player in particular has done this all bar one game I have played against him (I just barely won that game).
    theGricks likes this.
  7. RogueJello

    RogueJello Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I took have played against the new Tarik!
    theGricks, Robtor and meikyoushisui like this.
  8. TaHu

    TaHu Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I was giving an introductory game. My interventor needed to connect a console, don't remember if there was +3 for hackers but I spend my whole turn 6 orders trying to connect the console and failed.
  9. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Been on the other side of that one, though I guess it was crit on a 2. Several games where my Zanshi HMG was -9 from range, cover, camo to an Ariadnan sniper, HMG critted. I was only sorta-joking that I needed to convert that model to have a scope on the HMG!
  10. DarkBlack

    DarkBlack Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2018
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    That too, but this was BS13 with a -12 mod.
  11. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    My worst luck so far was needing 5 orders to kill a Gecko in CC with Shinobu Kitsune. I put it in a calculator and summed it up for 4 orders, it spat out a 99,5% success rate.

    In the same game, my TAG was crit immobilized on a 2 with a spec-fired EM grenade and was ultimately removed from the game with 2 HMG bursts, stripping 5 STR from the TAG.
  12. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Ewwww, damn.

    Did you burn those dice as an offering to Lady Luck after the game?
    theGricks likes this.
  13. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    My Joan ate 3 crits from SF Zero and then my magister ML ate double crit from SinEater. All in my single turn.

    Ive asked my friend for game restart.
    Abrilete likes this.
  14. 0rph3u5

    0rph3u5 TAG, you're it! :3

    Dec 26, 2017
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    I ran an avatar list against one of the newer players in my group, so it's arguable I deserve this (more like certain I deserve this). Avatar is posted up in the middle of the board and he has a mobile brigada HMG in a 4-man fireteam fire into my avatar.
    Avatar whiffs the roll on a 17 while he rolls a crit and 2 more hits.
    I'm ARM 12 in cover, so I just need to beat 3s.
    I roll double 2s.

    Against the same player, I also ran a double ML + neurocinetics Yan Huo to teach him how to handle strong ARO pieces (he had jaguars, bandits, intruders, etc. to handle it).
    The yan huo was overwatching his mobile brigada link team (they're on top of a building) so he can't just muscle his way through stuff like he tried to in earlier games.
    I take down a MB with a hsien HMG through smoke and he replies by bringing in a tom cat doctor to revive... walking up on top of the building... completely in line of sight to the yan huo who can blast him and 2 other MBs with missile blast templates...
    I ask him if he's sure about doing this because I can blast most of the link team and he's not contesting the roll with a f2f. He gives me the okay.
    2 dice on 17s.
    I roll an 18 and a 20.
    eciu, Sedral and RogueJello like this.
  15. Nemo No Name

    Nemo No Name Aleph Cultural Atache

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Playing in a narrative tournament, back in the old days of Tonis death. Last round, I'm the only one with 9 TP, my opponent is the only one with 6, so he needs a major victory or I win the tournament.

    Show of Force with each of us getting an extra TAG (Tikbalang vs Overdron Plasma). We both play Marut (quite different lists though), so we agree that whoever goes first gets Tikbalang. He wins the roll and chooses deployment zones (terrain was really bad for TAGs, most places they could see over terrain), I'm happy to go first.

    I place everything except Posthuman. My Marut is in partial cover, looking down a lane which can easily be closed with Smoke, okay, cool. He takes his Marut and places him right across from mine, in cover but where he cannot fall back to total cover. I'm looking at him, but fine, he wants to surrender the game (no CoC on his side), I'm cool with this.

    So I have 9 orders. I spent 1 throwing Smoke (to prevent Overdron from seeing me), and then I start shooting...
    4 AP rounds on 15s vs 1 EXP round on 15s.

    7 Orders later, my Marut has taken 2 wounds, his has taken 1 wound. I roll poorly, he rolls well. I roll well, he crits. I roll well, he takes 1 hit, saves. Last order I repaired 1 Wound on my Marut, but needless to say, I lost Marut, then CoC, and in the end the game, and the tournament.

    Here's odds calculation for the shootout:
    Active Player
    56.47% Maruts inflicts 1 or more wounds on Maruts (2 STR)
    21.65% Maruts inflicts 2 or more wounds on Maruts (1 STR)
    4.82% Maruts inflicts 3 or more wounds on Maruts (Unconscious)
    0.46% Maruts inflicts 4 or more wounds on Maruts (Unconscious 2)
    32.87% Neither player succeeds
    Reactive Player
    10.66% Maruts inflicts 1 or more wounds on Maruts (2 STR)
    2.87% Maruts inflicts 2 or more wounds on Maruts (1 STR)
    0.27% Maruts inflicts 3 or more wounds on Maruts (Unconscious)

    Note: I used "Custom weapon" to reduce damage to 14, so Fatality L1 brings it back to 15 because in those days TAGs didn't have Fatality.
  16. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I've recounted these before, but I haven't had as poor luck since.

    The odds are on my side. My side I said!
    Took 7 orders for an undamaged O-Yoroi in cover to die to a TR HMG at point blank with TR HMG receiving Heavy Flamethrower hits each order.

    Long streak of bad luck
    Lost my Haramaki ML to the Alguacile sniper first order, then lost my Overdron dual sniper (narrative campaign) to the same sniper over the course of 2 orders, spent orders on the Tokusetsu to shoot the Haramaki ML back to life only to lose it to the Alguacile sniper (my ML died on next Medikit hit), moved forward with the Domaru Spitfire and lost that one as well, ran out of ammo failing to kill the sniper with the remaining Haramaki's Blitzen. Out of options for crossing the table on turn 2, ran Saito over, jumped up behind the Alguacile fireteam, run up to an Alguacile combi, fail to crit it and get shot to death by the Alguacile hacker. Gave up, opponent walks their Gecko over to the central objective unopposed with the Tikbalang wondering what it's even doing there.
    Literally the only competent model on my team was the Tokusetsu doctor.
    #16 Mahtamori, Jan 2, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2019
    Modock and Abrilete like this.
  17. gamma ray

    gamma ray Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Playing a Limited Insertion tournament, I recieved 16 critical hits in turn one.
    theGricks, Sedral, Zewrath and 4 others like this.
  18. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Using Spirfire Tarik in cover, +3 range band vs fusilier out of cover (poor placement by opponent coupled with lousy terrain in his deployment zone). Top of turn 1. Tarik gets crit in the first f2f, but I figure it couldn’t happen again ... he got crit again.
    theGricks, Xeurian and Mahtamori like this.
  19. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    My worst luck was back in a pair of 2nd Edition games.

    The first was a game where I brought my vanilla Nomads versus a friend's vanilla Ariadna. Started normal enough, Hellcat dropped in and took down a Dog-Warrior before it could get close. This was the last successful thing I did that game. Every single FtF roll after that (and this isn't hyperbole, not even an ounce, literally every FtF roll) resulted in my opponent getting a critical hit and taking out one of my models. By the end of the game, the only model left standing was that one, confused Hellcat. Every other model in my army was claimed by an ARO crit any time it tried to do anything. Probably the most hilariously infuriating game of Infinity I've ever played. None of my plans mattered, none of my positioning mattered, nothing mattered. Even with 2nd Edition's first-strike smoke rules, I would just flub my roll, and eat a crit in response.

    The second game was basically the same with a minor difference. It was against vanilla Combined with me playing vanilla Yu Jing. Instead of my opponent rolling wall-to-wall crits and me just flubbing every inopportune roll, my opponent rolled reasonably well, but I never (and again... not hyperbole, actually never) rolled anything better than whatever my target number was plus one. Needed to hit on 13's? Then I would roll 14, 16, 18. Needed 9's? Then I would roll 10, 12, 16, 20. The only kill I got that game was with a template weapon (so no need for me to roll) and by the time the Charontid made it in and Sepsitored my Hac Tao I decided I probably wasn't winning that one. If anything, I'd say this was probably my unluckiest game, because it was only the luck of my rolls that stopped my success here, rather than my opponent just rolling abnormally well in concert with merely bad rolls.

    These two games seemingly saddled me with a dice curse that has lasted... well, I'll tell you when it stops. My group treats me like I have a communicable dice plague. Though at this point it mostly saves itself for causing me to merely flub various game-critical rolls that have everything riding in my favour.

    In general, I tend to prefer games with bell-curve distributions for their resolution mechanics because of this because it at least partially helps to correct for bad luck and the random wonkiness that can come from singular die resolution mechanics.
  20. InventorofSoup

    InventorofSoup Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2018
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    Worse luck I ever had was in my first tournament. First game I got a victory coming off my high horse I go against IS. Every FtF the guy Crits me and I am talking I had a spetnaz HMG surprise shot some random celestial guard, Sniper on active turn shooting long range against a rifle on reactive turn. Every single exchange the guy could only crit.
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