Hi there, I am new to A! but not to Infinity. So I was delighted when I unwrapped A! at Christmas this year. Unfortunately the plastic models in the box are well below the standard I expect for CB. The game itself looks fun through, and with some careful painting I think I can recover the look of the models somewhat. So my question is this: Are all the models in the expansions plastic 'game pieces' or do they come as true CB quality metal castings? This more than anything will determine whether the game has any longevity for me.
Speaking from my own experience, I think the plastic in the newer expansions keeps improving but perhaps this is coming from the wrong person, as I like the game purely for the game mechanics.
Thanks Zewrath, good to know that things are improving. At my games Mantic's DreadBall as proved to be very popular. While it is a reasonable game, what makes it so popular is that you can have between 2 and 6 players in a game. Are there any plans to expand the game beyond 2 teams facing off and move to 3+ in the arena at the same time?
A Collectors edition CoreSet released last year has the eight Core characters in metal and yet another set of eight plastic characters for around $100. Alternate “skins” of Maximus, Parvati, Hexxer and Gata in metal were released each quarter in 2018 and a controversial sculp of Lunah is expected soon for your metal modeling pleasure.
Individuals have said the game plays well as three player and some have done their one mods for four. Nothing official as yet has been discussed.
I have now undercoated the 8 core models in white and washed them down with black ink. They are actually a lot better than I initially gave them credit for.
I say the 'skins', not really sure about them to be honest. If I was wanting to skin my team I would want a cohesive scheme on all the members... all Victoriana, or all Wild West for example. I did get the limited edition with a set of foiled cards so I have an extra set, that could be merged with an add-on third team for a 3 way game.
I have no problem with conversion work, the only issue is you need the cards, so you still have to buy the add-on packs for that.