Don't think so? I may have been complaining about it is too fragile for Aleph flavour, which is kinda true. And she is a bit fragile for the total price if you take Spitfire + 2 bots. Doesn't make her bad, strictly, just too expensive in my opinion. I still would've preferred Heavy Flamethrowers on the bots, while Arjuna gets Blitzen. That would be far better for the game in my opinion. Or fix E/M by making it put Isolated on everything, 1-turn IMM-1 on heavy stuff and 1-turn Stunned on light stuff. That way it hurts all aspects of the game.
I haven't run it yet, but I feel like with Invincible Army being a thing now, and the buffs to Military Orders, the Kiranbots will make the Arjuna worth its weight in gold. I personally think the Shock Marksman Rifle and Spitfire profiles have the most merit, particularly the Spitfire because I find I usually run light on SWC in OSS/Vanilla. It's a specialist; it's deploys an extra 4-inches up the board; it packs E/M templates to cover corners and stop HI/TAGs; it has decent gunfighter stats and skills. I'm in love with this profile. Even if it's not the most optimal for any given role, it's unique and interesting and I'm intrigued by it.
In your reactive turn EM stops pretty much anything without Veteran dead in the water as they can't spend any more orders from their pool on it. It's a fantastic defensive tool, especially on a disposable bot. It will usually leave the isolated trooper over extended and easy to pick off.
So... You are saying that you want Drakios? :) It is pretty much the same you are asking for the Arjuna. It is true, Arjuna could be a bad ass against armies with lots of HI, but this don't negate he is very fragile for that range points in Aleph.
ok that is a twist ... feels a bit like an exploit though? why are people talking about forward deployment? what am i not getting. cheers
In ITS10, medium infantry get a free forward deployment L1, or if they already have it, it is increased.
aaaah all right, we dont really play with "current" its seasons here, thats why i didnt know, thanks a lot!
I think it would be three rolls in that situation... 2 BTS or be Isolated (plus IMM-2 if applicable), THEN roll ARM for the Shock damage Marksmanship would apply...
I have an impression we were talking strictly about E/M+Shock ammo. Then it should be 2 rolls: one against half BTS or Isolated/Immobilized if applicable, another against ARM or wound/kill if applicable. If the bot was making a roll for that attack (Intuitive attack), then crit makes Isolation/Immobilization automatic while ARM roll must still be made.
Why? Shock and EM have each one their behaviour about crits and there is nothing in the rules that says that crits with non-combined ammos behave like this. There is a precision about how behave EM CCW but that's all. It's just like Zhayedan with Breaker rifle and MM2.
Not to mention OSS itself, (isolating Posthumans is a wonderful feeling), as well as Onyx, and Tanguska with Hollow Men. Isolation is also fantastic in itself for reducing a combat pools effectiveness.
Do you think we will see a model soon? Besides Arjuna, we are only missing resculpts: Dasyus, Nagas, MK1-3 and Sophotect.