I want to like them. It was one of my first rem purchases. But I struggle to recall a game it really shined and I eventually stopped bringing them. In Vanilla, Bakunin, or Corregidor I'd much rather take some combination of Jaguars, Morlocks, and Transductors. Tunguska has me rethinking the unit. I haven't dived in yet, still waiting on more models, but I think the Lunokhod shores up a lot the weaknesses I perceive there. Has anyone had success with them in Tunguska? Can they make the cut with all the other pricey units? Here's a Hollowmen list I was thinking of trying out: Hollowmen ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GROUP 1 10 HOLLOW MEN Hacker (Assault Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Chain-colt + 1 TinBot A (Deflector L1) / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 37) HOLLOW MEN Missile Launcher, Chain-colt / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (2 | 35) HOLLOW MEN Spitfire, Chain-colt / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (2 | 36) HOLLOW MEN MULTI Rifle + Pitcher, Chain-colt / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0 | 35) STEMPLER ZOND FTO (Super-Jump) Combi Rifle, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 18) CLOCKMAKER Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18) ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3) ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3) TRANSDUCTOR ZOND Flash Pulse, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 8) TRANSDUCTOR ZOND Flash Pulse, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 8) INTERVENTOR Hacker Lieutenant (Hacking Device Plus) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 25) REAKTION ZOND HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26) GROUP 2 2 HECKLER Combi Rifle, Jammer, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 23) LUNOKHOD Heavy Shotgun, Heavy Flamethrower, D-Charges, CrazyKoalas (2) / Electric Pulse. (0 | 25) 6 SWC | 300 Points Open in Infinity Army
I think the Lunokhod is a big deal in Tunguska. Other than the Puppetactica, nothing else on the roster trades for shit, and you have to be able to defend your DZ somehow, right? Like, in the list above, the Lunokhod is the only thing keeping an AD guy or someone like Shinobu from your Interventor.
I get a lot of mileage out of it in both Corregidor & vanilla. I'm just starting Tunguska with the starter, Hollow Men box & a Sally, plus whatever I've already got that works with them so you can bet I'll be splashing him in I'm not a fan of the Moran sculpts so it's my doorway to koalas in CJC but even if it didn't have them I'd still rate it. It's a great utility piece with climbing plus, repeater and nasty weapons configurations. I find it usually gives my opponents more than enough headaches to justify its points.
I feel like you should really switch one of the Transductors with the Lunokhod. You obviously plan to use it mostly defensively but the Lunokhod can use orders sooo much more effective even if it's just in a pinch.
That. And it's extremely survivable if deployed conservatively, so it's less likely to die and lose you an order.
Lunokhods definitely feel like as a defensive setup for Tunguska they'll do well. Not like you can't make use of that Releater either!
Luny can also carry both a HSG and a Heavy Flamethrower. Took three shots in your first move turning a corner? Matters little if you put a almost full fireteam at that choice of facing BS18 Heavy Shotgun in face to face OR having a fire template directly on top of them. Getting on that position makes it a couple of terrible choice - do I dodge and will face BS18 template, or do I shoot back and will have to face a D14 fire template? It is a excelent REM to exploit holes in the enemy defense.
Use it aggressively to completely hose your opponent’s order of activation! I will usually take 2. One will stay back to defend a flank from AD, and the other will aggressively move up the board, letting the koalas shield it from to ninjas and things of that nature. Use Climbing plus to circumvent AROs and the park it in an area like a rooftop near the enemy team. The enemy will have to activate sacrificial units or units outside their Area of influence to deal with it. This will waste their orders and make them activate things in an order they were not planning on. The mind game benifit of this is great. I’ve had opponents waste their entire first turn to kill my lunok, often trading 2 or 3 guys for it and the koalas.
"Lunokhods are a very Nomad piece of kit. They have the ability to shape what your opponent does without you spending any orders on them particularly when used in combination with hacking, but used unwisely they can be remarkably fragile." #AllNomadREMs Also, it's often not a terribly efficient expenditure of Orders, but you can reload Koalas. As Lunos have to deploy in your DZ, one play is to deploy a Salyut nearby, put your Koalas in Standby to protect your DZ, then move the Salyut up to reload the Koalas. Now you've got koalas in your DZ, koalas moving into position with an ARM 3 attack REM, and maybe even Koalas already in the midfield with a Moran.
Yea, ignoring the BS MOD from Cover AND the ARM boost from Cover is pretty sick. But you've gotta get comfy with how to move your Luno. They've got a big ass on them, a problem you don't have with Tsyklons. Tsyklons come with more 'oopsies' protections, but Lunos pack a bigger punch if you play them right.
Ah, so in the sense that if i slice the pie to only see your rear end (very easy to do with S4), you still get to shoot me.
I used one in Starco (cool man's Corregidor) in 4 games over the last month. Mostly it was useful as a defensive piece that would just sit behind an objective and provide a passive battery for repeater/koalas. The combination of the two was useful in protecting Uhahu from KHDs. By useful I mean it did so once, and another time Uhahu got zapped because I got sloppy and had the koalas too far back (live and learn...). Its big silhouette was a problem as it was verrrry easy to engage and that's not really a good thing for a defensive, short-ranged model. Basically it was just about impossible to hide. I did try attacking with it once as there was a link team nearby and unfortunately was unlucky but that's typical for a low burst shotgun attacker. Overall I think there was good and bad. I would probably rather take a bandit KHD in most games as it can provide similar utility in terms of shotgun attacker and can also function as a defensive piece by lurking in camo state. However, the remote has enough toolbox appeal I will probably give it another spin. I think the main thing to keep in mind is that despite it's big, armoured appearance it's very much a finesse model designed to mostly lurk and activate later in the game with just a couple of well placed orders. It doesn't rambo well or function without support. The spitfire Tysklon is perfectly happy to zip down a flank turn 1 then finish in suppressive fire mid-way down the board. If he gets killed, you pop in a tomcat engineer to patch him up. Despite looking the same, the Lunkohvod is much different. Something else worth mentioning is that I played against an Aleph player with a Rudra. I brought in Raoul beside it, went prone and used the big base of the Rudra for all sorts of interesting shotgun angles. It was actually a little terrifying. Something to keep in mind for the Lunkohvod. Be careful who you put beside it.
I am playing vanilla Haqq on Decapitation, and it feels like Lunokold becomes fair game for CJC. My lack of experience in Infinity makes me feel like proning an Alguacile behind a reserved Lunokold and denying his Fiday(s?) an opportunity to go for it.
I find it really really pairs well with smoke cover to march up the board, get enhanced reaction, set its koalas along the way, be a repeater, and generally become a disposable pain in the ass. Bonus points for dumping it in cover and seeing it occasionally shrug off shots :D
I like the way you're thinking, but if the Fiday decides to shoot the Lunokhud with a shotgun then your alguacile will get hit with a template attack. While it's unlikely that the Fiday would survive the immediate 2 koalas + Lunokhud aro, the Fiday would have a decent chance of killing both your troops at once.
The better option is to counter deploy the Friday and use the Lunokhods big arse to pin it into a corner. Ideally with a MB LT so a single Shotgun attack isn't a great option from a Fiday.
on the idea of the fiday or impersonators in general. does anyone know if it's legal to pin them with a pair of koalas (providing they are standing close to a wall) in the same way you could with mines and a minelayer?