I find the Arjuna profile quite “interesting”, versatile with some decent survival and maneuverability but at the same time quite niche and somehow fragile. I cannot find a comfortable place to use the Arjuna on my lists. In addition, I find the each load out quite different (plus deciding if taking one, two or no Krinabots) Do you, fellow aspects, like the unit, for what, with what or plainly do not think about playing it? Maybe for a specific role, mission or enemy faction/sectorial? The most “comfortable” place I have placed her is on the following list (at least on paper) but still, I have not tested it on a game. AR Test ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 10 ARJUNA Shock Marksman Rifle, D-Charges / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0 | 29) KIRANBOT E/Marat, Cybermines / Electric Pulse. (4) DAKINI Tacbot HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 21) DAKINI Tacbot MULTI Sniper Rifle / Electric Pulse. (1.5 | 21) DEVA (Assault Hacking Device UPGRADE: Lightning) Boarding Shotgun, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 28) DEVA Lieutenant (Sensor) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 24) DAKINI Tacbot Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Electric Pulse. (0 | 15) SOPHOTECT Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 31) YUDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3) YUDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3) ZAYIN Rebot HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26) PROXY Mk.1 Hacker (Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 14) PROXY Mk.2 MULTI Sniper Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 24) PROXY Mk.5 (Forward Observer) 2 Submachine Guns, Nanopulser, E/M Grenades / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) RUDRA K1 Marksman Rifle, Mine Dispenser / Electric Pulse. (0 | 42) 6 SWC | 299 Points Open in Infinity Army
It's my next unit to start playing with. I like the list though. Doesn't depend on the Arjuna in any way. Should be a great objective holder/area controller. while others do damage.
Thanks! That was idea to be decent solo piece to be around objectives. After you had tested it on the ground, I would love to hear your experience :)
I have used the Arjuna a fair bit recently. I think its one of our best units to be honest. The Arjuna itself excels with the Shock Marksman rifle. But I could see either of the other profiles working. Generally I prefer to take 2 bots but will cut them as necessarily to prioritize other key upgrades/units in a list. They're a bit like Doctor bots in that way. The Arjuna doesn't fill any specific niche in my lists I prefer to have it as a flexible utility piece. Excellent Speed, Gun and Mimetism make it good in the active turn for picking on annoying units. While the Kiran give it useful utility for dealing with HI/Expensive models, Camo Markers and Mines. I wouldn't rely on the Arjuna to carry an army on its back but it excels at cracking a few annoying models to open up the board.
I played with Arjuna recently - latest try was in a weird tournament so in a way my experience is a bit skewed, but I also played her in previous games. Arjuna itself is fine, useful but not superpowered. I used the cheapest profile, but I think all 3 profiles have good uses. Kiranbots on the other hand are simply filthy strong against expensive units, especially HIs and TAGs. The fire-and-forget E/Marats with such range are absolutely crushing. Therefore, I think I won't be playing her anymore. Neither lore nor profiles (without bots) inspire me - they're perfectly playable but big yawn. On the other hand, with bots she becomes terror for the price you pay. However, it is the type of terror I don't want to play because I like seeing HIs and TAGs on the table.
I used it in tournament last month. I took the spitfire version (taking a shukra instea of myrmidon off as CoC liberate somme SWC for me). I'm a very big fan of both Scylla and Drakios and the Ajurana feels simar to that. Spirfire + FD lvl 1 + 15 MOV make it able to be in its good range in only one move, forcing ARO piece to choose between shooting the bot to prevent a rambo or shooting the ajurna to save their asses. I used it as a rambo piece and feel it has a lot of potential there, not as destructive as drakios/scylla with their flamethrower but with on easier job going through the midfield with better modifier and better BS weapon. Kiranbot are also very good, I didn't faced fireteam with them but I think they are very efficient against them, isolating every one. Also, they plug a hole in our weapon. Aleph is very light weapon oriented and we sometime can struggle against high ARM in cover (TAG...). Kiranbot is a good answer to that.
Oh you mean the kiranbot tax/bloat mini? For what it's worth she's great, and I fully expect to see double arjuna and quad kiranbots + posthumans whenever I face OSS, because why wouldn't you bring that many? It's almost like having access to ghazis!
'cause there are no Arjuna box... and if they use the same model of Devabot, I hope they sell a double blister instead of a box, since I have the Deva's and Drakios & Scylla's devabots to put to use XD
It seems that you can give a Kiranbot Marksmanship to force a Shock save as well as an E/M save, which is pretty tasty, pity the bots don't have FD1 though. The Arjuna definitely fits in to the "good, but not spectacular" category, a BS12 mimetic fast specialist with D-Charges is never something to turn your nose up at, especially when two of the options have a +3 range out to 24".
I "tasted" the Arjuna profile (marksmanship) in the last weekend with very good results, to my surprise. If the profile didn't shine much more was thanks to my not too much brillant play. Yes, I'am still learning the use of SSO. I had the Arjuna in a single group with an Asura Spitfire LtL2 and 2 Netrods. And the rest was in the other group. My Idea was to use the Asura with his own Lt orders plus the Netdrots and Arjuna, but none of this happends. I used much more the arujna in my first turn and second, and later after the Asura's dead, I moved the arjuna inside the group 2 and do more work. It was the most competent miniature in the list and the entire game. It was congelation against TAK and we draw. The list was, if some of you are curious: Granada1 ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GRUPO 1 10 Tacbot DAKINI Ametralladora / Pulso Eléctrico. (1 | 21) Tacbot DAKINI F. de Francotirador MULTI / Pulso Eléctrico. (1.5 | 21) Tacbot DAKINI Fusil Combi / Pulso Eléctrico. (0 | 13) Tacbot DAKINI F. de Francotirador MULTI / Pulso Eléctrico. (1.5 | 21) Agente CSU (Operativo Especialista) Fusil + Escopeta Lig. Nanopulser / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0 | 12) APSARA (G: Jumper Nivel Z) Subfusil / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0 | 22) CHANDRA Spec-Ops (12 XP) (VOL:14, PB:3, Médico, Dispositivo de Hacker, Holoproyector N1) Fusil Combi, Nanopulser / Pistola, Cuchillo, Pistola Aturdidora. (0 | 14) PROXY Mk.1 Ingeniero Fusil Combi, Nanopulser, Cargas-D / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0 | 10) PROXY Mk.5 (Observ. de Artillería) 2 Subfusiles, Nanopulser, Granadas E/M / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0 | 10) SHUKRA (Cadena de Mando) Escopeta de Abordaje, Nanopulser / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0 | 25) Agente CSU Escopeta de Abordaje, Nanopulser / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0 | 11) YUDBOT Pulso Eléctrico. (0 | 3) GRUPO 2 4 NETROD . (0 | 4) NETROD . (0 | 4) ASURA Teniente N2 Spitfire, Nanopulser / Pistola, Arma CC AP. (2 | 72) ARJUNA Fusil de Precisión Shock, Cargas-D / Pistola Breaker, Cuchillo. (0 | 37) x2 KIRANBOT E/Marat, Ciberminas / Pulso Eléctrico. (8) 6 CAP | 300 Puntos Abrir en Infinity Army
Doesn't shock only enter in effect when you cause a wound? E/M desn't cause wounds so how could the shock "save" work?
Shock works against ARM, EM works against BTS, so you make two rolls. You make a Shock roll vs ARM (which causes both a wound and any additional shock effects if failed) and an EM roll vs BTS (which causes EM effects if failed) http://infinitythewiki.com/en/Types_of_Special_Ammunition if the Special Ammunition affects different Attributes— then their effects are not combined, but applied separately, forcing the target to make a separate Roll for each affected Attribute. For example, in the case of AP+E/M, the target must make a halved ARM Roll (due to AP Special Ammunition) and, additionally, a halved BTS Roll (due to E/M Special Ammunition).
We got a question to Hellois using the spanish backchannel (Telegram...), and it's confirmed that yeah, Kiranbot + Assisted Fire = the template deals damage. So 1 order per turn to turn 1 bot into a shock+E/M chain rifle, forcing an ARM 13 roll and an BTS 13 roll... Plus the cybermines means... reset and possibly die (isolated anyway) or dodge and become Isolated and possibly IMM XD Non HI have to roll twice too, since Isolated applies to all. HI and TAGs and Remotes ALSO get IMM-2 on top of Isolated!
I've been using old school dakini cause they look sleek compared to the new buff ones and they are running around like a 6-2 unit should.
Werent you the one who said that Arjuna is bad because she's fragile ? As a "new MO" player: with hard shift of MO towards LI I'm dead scared by Arjuna. With limited ARO capacity those double Kiranbots (especially with nearby BSG template) are damn scary. Especially scary when they first deploy Cybermines "just for lulz". Srsly a option of "single failure" weapons on a unit which can lay 3 templates at once is crazy stupid good. Arjuna will be a num. 1 target to kill for MO and IA. (oh and Shock on E/M big template is just hilarious sudo plasma xD)