The more I look at it the more I think that the echo bravo redfury is the most cost-effective unit in the game 25/1 CAP for 4B shock weapon with BS 13 and AD is too good to be true
Point of order! The basic HI of YJ is the Wu Ming, not the Shang Ji. The Shang Ji had better MOV and BTS when introduced.
Shang Ji still has better BTS and different weapons selection than the ORC, so it's not an apples-to-apples comparison.
True, Yu Jing is a bad example because what was once the direct comparison to the Orc no longer exists. But you get my point. :P The Zu Yong is a discounted HI and a bad comparison for the Orc or any other basic HI like the Mobile Brigada.
"basic HI" simply shouldn't exist in their current capacity. The only excuse to run those overcosted pointsinks is to offset their cost elsewhere or have them fulfill a special role to have a distinct reason to run them. We know that problem still exists with Knights, even though most of them are somewhat distinct, so the same problem is pretty much impossible to solve for the current iteration of Orcs without major changes. Alas they'll be fine as solo salvage in a Linetrooper LI Link.
Nah man, Vet Kazaks are all over the place. Too many traits, Hacking Immune, Mimetic, Vet L2, AP HMG, T2 Specialist HI they're not even trying to have a coherent theme anymore.
Oh Ariadna has a very direct theme: - all the cheapest/best skills - non-hackable xD (in contrary to Nomad's only using the first theme ;P)
I´m in a conundrum LI Firefight and Decapitation Do i take one because of the awesome AD rules in one or not because of the narow space to deploy in the other? If i do, do i take the reliable 4 dice of a RedFury or the Paramedic to have fun with templates? #FirstWorldProblems
I tend to find that Tomcats are evergreen even if there's an Exclusion Zone, so I'd say the Echo Bravos should be fine too. You can always shoot anyone looking at where they want to come on!
Why do you say "narrow space" to deploy? because of the 16 inch deployment? I wouldn't worry too much about that. I would take the Red Fury personally, it's so incredibly efficient for ripping apart back fielders, it's crazy. I find that I will only write the Paramedic into lists if a specialists are a must, the Red Fury is so much more deadly than a disposable 1 template and a combi/lsg.
The thing is...... i see them working so different that is difficult to decide RedFury: Can threaten much more without spending too much on move (remember Limited Insertion), easy to get good angles, can kill stuff in the midfield from the back. Paramedic: LI will have a lot of links so that shotgun looks mighty good, anything prone on top of a building will be +6 here and 0 with the red, the face of the opponent when you catch 3/4 guys under templates even when he deployed perfectly. Even with the speed and mimetism a Garuda doesn't make you think like this, why do every profile has to be this good??!! why CB ?!! WHYYYY???!!!!
One consideration about Paramedic vs Red Fury Echo Bravo is order efficiency. The Red Fury is great, but you're not likely to want to split burst with it, especially if you'r engaging enemies in the 0 band at close range. Assuming one order to arrive, 1-2 orders maneuvering before you can see targets, you may not be generating very efficient Damage per Order with it. The combi/lsg, on the other hand, is very good at threatening with every order you spend. The shotgun lets you effectively engage multiple targets with one order. Deploying the Parrot with a Short Skill as you maneuver also raises the Damage per Order significantly. I love the Red Fury, so I'm not being critical of it. But templates are very good, and the midfield or backline are very good places for flanking with a shotgun or Parrot.
I've been playing it a lot, and I really like it. The only downside is that 2 dice is not a sure thing if you find yourself just engaging single enemies. If the enemy is clustered up for your shotgun or LRL, life is great since every shot is likely to hurt something. But when you are only engaging single targets with Burst 2, I find all too often that one shot misses, the opponent saves against the other, fails guts to safety, and I would have been happier with Combi and a Parrot. It's a great loadout, but it's also really, really hoping the enemy is grouped up.