So.......don't use the actual Morat models for all of these units that I already own, use Bit & Kiss instead because.......?
Not everyone owns every model. I know many local Morat players for example don't have pretas/gakis. Making Bit and Kiss a nice fill in for the Oznat partners. If you do own the whole line then use the models you prefer. I certainly recognize its less than ideal for some players. But for many players they have the opportunity to use the models in other roles. Few people own everything in the line for a given sectorial in my experience. Sorry?
I wouldn't say one post on the matter is harping. My previous post and this one is simply me responding to your thoughts on the subject. Approved and proved ways to ameliorate that loss? I assume you mean as a proxy or play other sectorials? I disagree that my choice not to use their product for something other than it was intended means part of the problem lies with me. Nor does it make me obstinate. I buy models to paint and accurately represent the characters and profiles on the tabletop. I'm fairly certain that is what CB expects from some of their customers. Conversions and proxies are choices I make for myself to improve existing models, or stand in for those without a miniature. Bit & Kiss is neither of those. I also choose whether or not to play different sectorials. By buying B&K I don't think the responsibility is on me to play and use them in other sectorials if they are discontinued within the one i do play, MAF. I accept things will be lost and gained. Change is inevitable. But this is usually in regards to the power level or profile of the miniature. Which means I can still use my purchase for the purpose it was sold to me for. In the case of edition changes there is typically plenty of notice it's coming. People can also play older editions as well. Out of curiosity, is Bit&Kiss in any established edition for me to do the same?
I don’t believe it’s been stated 100%, but from the various seminars this year it seems to be in the 95% range, if not higher.
I was surprised when Bit & Kiss were removed as well. It does make sense since Morats don't like working with different species. But still CB could have perhaps given another Morat character or loadout to a current unit to replace her. Some people might see this as wishful thinking or wishlisting but I'm too of the variety that likes to make characters out of my forces. So when something that I've worked on suddenly gets reconed out (Pariahs in 40k's Necrons) I do feel a bit bummed out when it does happen. I'm building a Morat force as well & now bittersweetly happy that I never got around to purchasing B&K before this update dropped.
I'm not sure about older editions. Since CB is going digital with their Army Builder changes made their effect the game as a whole. Unless you added B&K into a Morat list separately. One good thing is that B&K can at least be played in Vanilla & Onyx Contact Force but if you don't want to play those sectorials then that point is mute. One interesting thing to point out is that the Shasvastii also had Bit & Kiss as an option in their lists until the update as well. It seems that the decision to remove B&K from both sectorials is from a lore standpoint since both Morats & Shasvastii are speciesist due to different reasons. Though Shas are more willing to work with outside parties if it is necessary for their survival.
@Razi I would go a proxy route as well or at least try that route first. See what you are able to do and what solutions you like concering this dilemma.
Then sell it, and recoup some of your expenses. You bought the model, you used it and got some value, and now it sounds like it doesn't have value for you any more. I'll see your "I paid $20 for Bitt and Kiss and can't use it anymore", and direct you to the players who have purchased: Ko Dali The entire Exrah sub-faction Japanese models for a primarily Chinese Yu Jing force I don't even know what's going on with MRRF, did that faction get killed or just told "No updates"? This is the unfortunate downside of CB deciding to do frequent "dynamic" updates. You're going to occasionally get improved profiles, or added profiles (and things like remote pilots) but you're also occasionally going to lose models.
Is there going to be any real Shasvastii talk in here or 4 more pages of people saying the same thing over and over about a single model?
I'm sure once CB drops some more hints that conversation will pick up. Was there anything new concerning Shasvastii that CB has stated?
As of right now, there's not actually anything substantive to talk about. Check back in a few months when there's actually new information.
That was my logical guess. CB is keeping mum which in turn limits how much Shasvastii we can talk about due to no new info.
As of right now, all we know is that updated Cadmus will have Decoy, since they’re one of the example cases.
That's me. Never complained. When Ko Dali changed side, i started CA. Then i sold my Exrah, i found them ugly and out of place. And i LOVE my Japanese.
I think this is the part where someone jumps in and angrily calls you a fanboy. How dare you have the temerity to be happy when someone else is sad, you monster. (Comic sans etc etc.)
So I was reading the new book and it talks about a Specluo killer being supported in the field by a Specluo agents. I wonder if they will be camo or impersonation.