I notice there is not a lot of talk about games that have been played with the new Sectorial and since OSS was my first love I thought I'd come back and play them some more. In the last two days I've played 4 games in all (3 Tournament games, 1 regular gaming night). So I am sharing some of my experiences and general thoughts about the models I'm playing and the lists I'm running. Game 1 – Tournament Round 1 Size: 300pts Mission: Engineering Deck Modifier: Limited Insertion List: Asura Spitfire, Arjuna, Dakini Link. Opponent: Hassassins 3 Fidays, 3 Lasiq, 2 Ayyars, 1 Barid I went first, we had dense buildings in the midfield with 1 fiday on my left flank and 2 on my right. I pushed up past the impersonators and went suppressive to try and force them to react to me on the right. To the left I revealed one using the Shakura and promptly mowed it down. The Arjuna pushed up and picked off a key Lasiq which opened up the board greatly. By the end of turn two my opponent was in major trouble with all the impersonators cleared and the lasiqs pushed off the board. I seized control of the central room and the final ayyar push fell short of the main objective. 7-0 For me. ~170 to 90pts remaining. Notes: My opponent was on the new side and I don’t think he was ready for someone to just walk past his Fidays and ignore them. Add in that Hassassins aren’t ideal for Limited Insertion and I think I got away easy with this game. Game 2 – Tournament Round 2 Mission: Unmasking List: Asura Hacker, Dakini Link, Zaiyin Opponent: Morats 4 Yaogat Core, Kornak Harris, Rodoks and 1 Daturazi I was going second in this game. I felt like neither deployment zone ultimately had a great set of cover. I do think I ended up deploying poorly and perhaps picking the wrong table side. I rebuked each of his pushes and each turn I pushed effectively into his territory but would end shy of an objective and feel as though I needed to retreat to keep my forces safe. Ultimately I didn’t play aggressively enough and he played very well. At the end of two I got lucky in that he was about 9 pts over going into retreat and ending the game for me with 0pts. 3-6 in his favour. ~250 to 50pts left (in my favour). Notes: This was a tough game. I enjoyed it quite abit. I think ultimately my biggest mistake wasn’t playing more aggressively mid turn 2. I may have lost the Asura but I would have given myself more crucial orders dedicated to IDing and clear the Civilians I needed to. At the end of the game I was about 2 orders away from swinging the game back to a tie or slightly in my favour. Either way my Opponent played it smart. Game 3 – Tournament Round 3 Mission: Frostbyte List: Asura Spitfire, Arjuna, Dakini Link. Opponent: Tunguska Securitate Szalamandra, Problems My first turn again, I capitalized on an aggressive deployment for the Grenzer and mary. The Asura then dug in and fought off the Sally and Perseus (with her pistol ). Kiran did their noble duty and died a horrible death to sally in an attempt to E/M it into place, though it was ineffective. When his TAG finally pushed up into the Dakini HMGs, I got a double crit to finish it off (Whew!) At this point he had little left and the game became mop up. 10-0 For me. ~220 to 0 pts. Notes: I got lucky in some places and less lucky in others. I think the style of the board opened up some more opportunity for me. My opponent was also reluctant to set up ARO pieces which gave me some free reign to get aggressive when I needed to. A key part of my game plan was to run a Yadu as a Datatracker to control the exclusion zone once the Asura was done murderizing things. It worked really well in my opinion. Tournament thoughts: MVPs: Asura Spitfire, Arjuna, Dakini <3 LVP: Mk1, Mk2. Nothing in my lists felt like a real weak link. I wish I had just a little more room to take another model instead of the third Proxy personally. Game 4 – Monday Night Gaming Size: 300pts Mission: Transmission Matrix Modifier: None List: Asura Spitfire, Arjuna, Dakini Link. Opponent: Hassassins (Yes the same opponent as round 1!) 4 Lasiqs, 4 Daylami, 3 Fiday, 2 Mutts, Sadness I ended up with first turn again. I was tentative about the mission given that I hadn’t actually repacked my bag or prepped a new list since the tournament. My opponent was playing 2 mostly full order groups and it got messy mid game for me. After our earlier game we had had a discussion about what went wrong for him in that game. I discussed the idea that he might want to play the Fiday’s back more defensively in the midfield if hes not going first. Ultimately this caused me a whole lot of grief this game, a few extra inches back and into slightly better positions and suddenly my life was a real pain. Overall Notes: He had failed 3 of 4 inferior infiltration rolls and ultimately the Panzerfausts sitting along the back table edge were what caused me the most trouble. Long ARO corridors made fighting them more difficult especially with well deployed Fiday’s clogging up the midfield. We misplayed the scoring on the game and I ended up having trouble digging the Lasiq’s out this game. 3? to 8? His Victory. 52 to 140pts his favour. Game Night Thoughts: The Asura continued to do the heavy lifting but ultimately fell shy of fighting off 2 Long Range Daylami while also dancing through the midfield to try and get to her objective. The Arjuna was effective where he got into fights but I also made a serious error while using him that ended up costing me. I discovered the daylami using one of the bots instead of the Fiday to be able to e/marat both to speed up my midfield clearing. MVP: Asura LVP: Arjuna
Solid unit, because I was running the Asura a lot of my orders tended to end up there. However when I needed something longer range or to ARO the Dakini were quite effective. I'm actually surprised at how good the HMGs were AROing from cover. Total Kills for the first 4 games: 3 Lasiq, 1 Ayyar, 1 Fiday, 1 Mutt, 1 Daylami, 1 TR Bot, 1 Suryat, 1 Yaogat, 1 Daturazi, 1 Sally, 1 Securitate. ~300pts? Over 4 games. 6-4 Also meant they never felt far from the action.
Thx for sharing your experience. In your Asura list: Have you had trouble that your units got isolated? Have you used your paramedic dakini? If so: I think maybe downgrate those to normal dakini, pic MK 1 engineer and a Lamed. So Link buffing via Asura and Lamed and having an engineer.
I have yet to get a unit isolated. In general in my experience Jammers and hackers you can play around if you're careful. I did get lucky with one Blackout attempt in game 2. Where I was just a hint over 8" from a hacker I had forgot about. I have used the dakini as a specialist a few times now. I tried to medikit a model once in the second game but missed the shot and ultimately didn't have orders to try again. I'm not against your suggested changes. I just was trying to fit within a single order group for Limited Insertion. If I was expanding to 2 Order groups I think my list would look like this: 2 Groups Icey Cold ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GROUP 1 10 ASURA Lieutenant L2 Spitfire, Nanopulser / Pistol, AP CCW. (2 | 72) YADU (Fireteam: Haris) MULTI Rifle, E/Marat, Drop Bears (Throwing Weapon) / Heavy Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 37) SHUKRA (Chain of Command) Boarding Shotgun, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 25) DANAVAS Hacker (Hacking Device Plus. UPGRADE: Maestro) Combi Rifle + Pitcher / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 25) DAKINI Tacbot HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 21) DAKINI Tacbot HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 21) DAKINI Tacbot Combi Rifle / Electric Pulse. (0 | 13) DAKINI Tacbot Combi Rifle / Electric Pulse. (0 | 13) CSU (Specialist Operative) Rifle + Light Shotgun, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 12) DEVA (Sensor) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 24) GROUP 2 4 PROXY Mk.1 Engineer Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) PROXY Mk.5 (Forward Observer) 2 Submachine Guns, Nanopulser, E/M Grenades / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) LAMEDH Rebot Flash Pulse, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 8) NETROD . (0 | 4) NETROD . (0 | 4) 5 SWC | 299 Points Open in Infinity Army I'm trying to decide on the list I'll be running next week any units or similar people would like to see?
Simple mistake, wasn't paying attention when I was building that list. Might as well pull the Haris on that one and drop in a Dakini Paramedic.
So November has been busy but I got the chance to grind out a for fun game on the weekend. And I figured i'd include it here. Game 4 – Sunday Funday Mission: Black Friday (Custom Mission) List: Yadu, Dakini, and Arjuna Oh My Opponent: Q Dron, Oznat, Shrouded, Unidrons So to start with this was just a for fun custom mission we threw together a few days before the game. I've played my opponent probably well over 100 times in the course of 9-10 years of learning infinity together. So we wanted to play something a little different just to enjoy ourselves. The mission itself had an attacker and defender. There was a Civilian in the center of the board with deployments in opposing table corners. Both players want to synchronize with the civilian and get it back to their deployment zone. The attacker has secondaries to push into the defender's half and blow up buildings. The Defender secondary is to grab 3 Dog Tags off dead enemies. Deployment zones were a little more cramped then we had anticipated but it wasn't too bad. On my left was the Arjuna and Zayin. To the right was the Dakinis, Yadu and Dasyu. On my left he had set up shrouded to screen and to the right he had the Rodok on a roof and the QDron just ahead of that. In my first turn the Dakini pushed up and due in part to a misunderstanding and in part to poor placement on my part I walked square into a pretty vicious Noctifier missile. In all I lost 3/5 Dakinis include 1 Para and 1 HMG (with Marksmanship on it). Still the Paramedic managed to get the civilian and start falling back. He pushed up aggressively with the Oznat and a point blank sniper round saved me from major trouble. The Dasyu then dug in and fought the Q Dron pretty effectively for the rest of his turn before finally getting Marksmanshipped. In my turn I managed to move up to try and defend my fallen Dakini Dog Tags and fell back further with the Civilian. The Arjuna tried to get aggressive but ended up having trouble getting in a fight with one of the shrouded. Ultimately both us felt it was best to stand in LOS and not waste orders. The Yadu put in WORK standing in suppression up against the QDron I think I passed about 7 Armour saves to come out of it unscathed. In the end he managed to aggressively into the Arjuna and Kiran to grab 2 tags and risked the third with his final order to come out just ahead of me. Game Night Thoughts: The game ended up closer than I think it had any right to be after my early mistake. I think I have become reliant on the Asura as a crutch to manhandle fights that I shouldn't need it to. I think I'm going to take a break from the Asura for a few games. Otherwise the match up felt solid. This was the day I managed to pick up Beyond so I am looking forward to rolling with the Rudaras for a while.
I talked about him in another thread somewhere I think but will go over my thoughts again here :) The arjuna is not a brawler/gunfighter that will dominate the board for you. Nor is it a magical support piece that will solve any major problems that come your way. What it does bring is a whole heck of a lot of utility. Points in its favour: 6-2 is faster than you think, being able to gain good movement while shooting or gaining 2" on a final order to try and nab an objective is really good. BS12, Mimetism and a good gun make him a stable gun fighter. He is roughly equivalent to the lasiq when gun fighting and most people like the lasiq. The Kiran bots bring cheap bodies to run through mine fields, extra attempts to discover and a Direct Template weapon you can use to target camo markers of opportunity. Having an E/M template is nothing to sneeze at. A back up to deal with HI Links, TAGs and the like is always nice to have. The Arjuna is unfortunately on the expensive side in a faction with lots of expensive toys. I like the arjuna for applying pressure to problematic units. Its not the type of model that will win me a game outright but I can use it to wedge open a firelane a crack and use the space its buying to put myself into a winning position. In general if I'm taking an arjuna I will start with 2 Kiran bots and then drop 1-2 as required to buy other priority upgrades. The Kiran bots end up working out similarly to Doctor/Engi bost in my mind.
@TheRedZealot Thank you for posting these thoughts and game summaries. It helps give forum members some insight to how certain armies or units work.
Thanks glad people can get some use out of it. I find it helpful to write out my thoughts on the games just because it lets me put things down and rethink what happened what may have been done differently. I have a game scheduled for Monday and I might be able to get one in on Saturday... I'm looking at the following list for fun. Any one want me to tweak some unit or another so they can see what I think of something? Tachikoma Online ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GROUP 1 5 APSARA (G: Jumper Level Z) Submachine Gun / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 22) PROXY Mk.1 Hacker (Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 14) PROXY Mk.5 (Forward Observer) 2 Submachine Guns, Nanopulser, E/M Grenades / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) LAMEDH Rebot Flash Pulse, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 8) NETROD . (0 | 4) NETROD . (0 | 4) GROUP 2 10 SHAKTI Hacker (Killer Hacking Device. UPGRADE: Sucker Punch) Mk12, E/Marat / Heavy Pistol, Knife. (0 | 40) SHUKRA Lieutenant (Strategos L1) MULTI Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 27) ZAYIN Rebot HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26) RUDRA Red Fury, Mine Dispenser / Electric Pulse. (1 | 40) DALETH Rebot Combi Rifle, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 17) DAKINI Tacbot HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 21) DAKINI Tacbot Combi Rifle + Light Grenade Launcher / Electric Pulse. (1 | 17) Rebot SAMEKH FTO Missile Launcher / Electric Pulse. (1.5 | 22) DAKINI Tacbot Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Electric Pulse. (0 | 15) DAKINI Tacbot Combi Rifle / Electric Pulse. (0 | 13) 6 SWC | 300 Points Open in Infinity Army
Your Apsara needs to be in the same CG as Link Team it is going to support. This Special Skill allows the user to place an ACTIVE PROXY LZ Marker next to a Fireteam that is in the same Combat Group and contains Remotes (REM). Swap it and the Shukra. It will give your Posthumans an extra order to spend too. The links probably don't need that as much. Or you could do the Zayin. Daleth would let you Coord sniffers too
Whoopsy can you tell I generally have a low opinion of the Apsara? ;) I'm inclined to swap the Zaiyin and the Apsara. I'd like the Daleth in the main group to power sequential sensor sweeps. Where as the Lamedh in the side group allows a rapid sniffer deployment as needed. That leaves the Shukra where I'd prefer the strategos order in the main group or the Zaiyin which is mostly a defensive piece...
That's probably what I would do too. It would feel like a bit of a waste only being able to use 3 units in a Coord.
so it took me an extra week, the gaming space has been pretty busy over the holidays BUT I got in a game with the list above. Game 4 – Super Long Monday Mission: Supremacy List: Tachikoma Online Opponent: Druze, Brawlers and a Scared Face So we were playing on a board without Infinity designed terrain and that really played into the overall experience. I won the initiative roll and opted to go first, figuring that my Dakini Link and Support pieces like the Ruderas would provide enough long range firepower to shut down my enemy. On my Opponent's left was a major tower which I expected some sort of sniping/ARO piece. The Dakini got set down on my left, along with the extra Samekh since I would need Shakti to play babysitter to the Xenotech. The Mk 5 deployed ahead of the link and in the first zone. To my right the Rudras, Shakti and Xenotech settled with the Zayin holding down some longer middle lanes and playing zoning around the Shukra and MK 1. My opponent placed his brawler link ontop of the building to my left, with the Druze core in close support on the ground. To my Right his Camo marker, Scarface and the Bounty hunters threatened to push up. My first turn was less than stellar in part due to my own forgetting that the Apsara gave Number 2 to the link. Which ended up me repeatedly reforming and re controlling as various attack pieces failed to take down the Brawler. On the right Shakti carried the Xenotech up and dropped the multi scanner. The Lamedh and Rudras moved into position to cover the approach onto Shakti and the Rudras even lobbed a mine to cover her back. With most of my SWC Pieces in the Link down I dropped marksmanship on the Zayin and eased it into position to cover the remnants of the Dakini link. His turn was slow, with a single EM grenade lobbed at the Dakini (I passed all 3 BTS rolls I was called on to make) and the Zayin going down. On the right the Rudras and Shakti in Suppression ended up pushing off Scarface without any damage. On my turn the Rudras waddled up with Marksmanship and promptly double crited scarface to finish him off. On the left I managed to knock the Heavy rocket down for a second time with my last HMG and picked off the Druze HMG. He picked Mr. Rockets back up and pushed again. But the Dakini managed to win out with a nice Crit and finally took out the Brawler. Without the BS bonus for 5 man he decided to start pushing on to my right flank to try and dislodge Shakti. My final turn Rudras chugged along clearing out Cordeila, 2 of the Druze and then dieing. Leaving Shakti to dig in on her on but otherwise crippling the link. On his turn Gromoz pushed up taking over my left quadrant from me. Whilst Scarface pushed in to mess with Shakti. Shakti was an absolute beast and ended up passing 4 armour saves without issue. We ended with a slight miscalculation of points (I was fairly certain Scarface would count for his points and in doing so he beat me out on Shakti's corner which put us in a 4-4 tie. Upon rereading the Piloting rules this morning I think I'm wrong about that. But the game would have ended up the same 4-4 tie.) Game Night Thoughts: I'm loath to use this game for much major analysis I made a number of major rules mistakes and was tired after a long day at the office so I didn't focus on some of the lines of fire I should have checked. This is the first time I have felt like I couldn't count on my Dakini but I still managed to crit something like 8 times and definitely helped ease the game in my favour. I can comfortably say the following: If the Apsara did not have Number 2 it would be pretty irritating to use. However with Number 2 its probably pretty reasonable over all. The Rudras was good over all. Very pleasantly surprised by it. Shakti felt fine but nothing overly interesting. I dont see her being a bad unit but I think there are other things I would prioritize in my lists. Giving her a second hacking device might have made her more appealing?
For me so far the Number 2 from the Aspara is the main benefit. I've been toying around with bringing link redundancy units for reforming though so that is less of a factor in that case and supportware options are winning out of late instead.
Dont you have to have the Aspara in the same combat group to use the Jumper ability and grant No 2 to the link (on top of the other buffs)?
You are correct. In talking with DukeOfEarl we realized this and I swapped the Zaiyin and the Apsara in my lists well prior to my game. However I forgot to update when I posted here so the issue stands. I also reread the Jumper Z rule and still missed half of it. So you can tell how good with the rules I am! Any requests from anyone for my next game?
Not sure if you are a member of the FB Aleph group, but there is an attempt to duplicate the Bromad Academy over there. https://medium.com/@Aleph_ProjectWa...b5kWQJ6r_UGg5PA3Mex2rWACnKjI83g8qJhaT1TwQ9jA4