The implication was that we've had some absurd rhetoric here, and I think it's good to be able to look back on a sore spot in time and be able to make light of it and not let it be what defines us. If players actually believe MAF players they deserved to lose bit over poor attitude I would assume they're completely wrong and in the tiny minority.
Honestly, it's not exactly much in the past. It's been, what, nine months since Uprising? That's not particularly long, in the grand scheme of things if it were left alone, and it certainly wasn't left alone. If we hadn't had a huge community rift (which wasn't entirely due to the players who were initially upset) and hadn't had Captain Troll come around and poke fun at people who had legitimate grievances (and then again during the run up to IA about the Daofei and Tigers) it could have been a different story. If you want to be able to make light of it: let it die out first. It's going that way, but making comments like you did doesn't actually help the situation just yet. Let the embers burn out, then you can laugh at it. I, for one, am still pissed about it and I likely won't be giving CB much leeway for a good long time considering how I feel it was mishandled - let alone any money for a damn long time, if ever again; but that doesn't mean I'm not going to laugh at it, in some ways, eventually. But you can't force that.
Because it's still a sore subject for plenty of people in this particular forum, and presumably @atomicfryingpan isn't trying to kick off a bunch of angry posts and salt? If he is, then he's trolling; if he isn't, and is trying to give a shit about other players, then being vaguely considerate is better. I pretty much only post to try and inflame people so...
Yeah. I got the memo. And I understand the policy. And the problem is just that I forgot the one time. And I've already taken care of it so it's not even really a problem anymore.
9 months is a long time in my opinion. With how fast information travels now a days 9 months is like ancient history. Also I can't control if people will be pissed, people who choose to be pissed will be pissed and that's just the way it is. There is no final say in who gets to determine what the proper amount of time this before we can look back and laugh at something.
Honestly with all the discussion, previews etc I was almost bored with 3rd Offensive before it came out, though when I read it I really liked it. That's what the 24hr news cycle will do to you, VIRD and IA and such were almost old news when the profiles were released!
Essentially it boils down to a couple of things: - Do you want to get people riled up? (If yes, then just trolling) - Do you care if they get riled up? (If yes, maybe consider slowing your roll, because that wound is still open) - Do you find it annoying that people get upset? (If yes, why? Because you don't have to engage them). It's not to say that you can't have fun with things, but it's like joking around with a friend who's just lost a close family member: they'll probably joke around later, but if you do it early they'll likely get angry, and justifiably so. Obviously, this isn't the same as that example, but considering the context of the game it's pretty close: we just lost about a third of our faction, half of our identity and got a bucket of bad fluff dumped on us. 3O might go some way to easing the unit part (barely: so many similar units!) and the fluff is... fine? Uprising is still an open wound for many. Not helped but the salt that keeps on repeatedly getting poured on by CB themselves and other community members. If you want a happier Yu Jing community you can either wait for it to heal or you can try to help in other ways, but actively upsetting people (for no good reason) is just being an asshole.
I neither want nor care if people get upset. Others getting upset is not up to me and ultimately isn't based on what I or anyone says. Getting upset is the choice of the individual. Everyone is allowed to get upset, there is no rule against it. They can even list their grievances here on this forum. When doing so you may or may not have that opinion challenged and you may come to the defense of said opinion if one wishes. At the end of the day the responsibility is not on me because I am not the decision maker for anyone else.
More as a side note there are actually a few Wildcards that are a 1 of for the faction. So those are also limited in a different but similar way.
I think the Important thing to remember is, this is a thread about Wildcard members. Not a go at each other. Again. Just keep these things in mind when you post. So, Wildcard, works like others. Good to go!