Well, it's so so … (content wise) Zuyong missile launcher Zuyong combi Zuyong BSG Liuxing hacker Daoying sniper Hai Dao combi So Liuxing hacker can pretend to be a normal BSG Liuxing I guess. Daoying sniper while OK, the BS is the one that made most sense. And Hai Dao combi... can be used as engineer. Other than that it was so difficult to include a Hai Dao sniper or BSG?
Ugh, two pointless Zuyong loadouts -.-;; A second HMG and two Combi would've made more sense considering how the sectorial is constructed - plus the old one doesn't want to fit on its base... (I actually had to do a double-take. Didn't think Zuyong had BSG option)
Honestly, they just opted for representing the rest of available Zuyong options, it's clear. Given the starter I would expect upcoming blisters for Liuxing rifle MULTI and Daoying hacker. And a 3 Hai Dao box with redfury, KHD and MULTI sniper. Colour me surprised there's no ShangJi in the stater, btw.
This is kind of good for me. I'm hoping at some point Daoying hacker, Haidao sniper, and Zhencha will be blisters. Then I can possibly afford them over time.
Hmm... Let's see... this starter I would've considered buying two of. Zuyong Combi Zuyong HMG Zhencha SMG Daoying BSG Haidao BSG Liu Xing BSG
As I suspected, the starter set is basically our Zuyong SWC box, as the Varuna starter is the Kamau SWC box. That being said, on the topic of the remainder stuff: Hai Dao Combi: I already have a bad habit of calling Combi Rifles ''mag-fed shotguns'' on many occasions, so KHD is still perfectly accessible, but the profile that interested me the most, the Engineer ( Since I like to run HI, wherein getting hacked and/or E/M thrown at you is a greater concern than being shot most of the time, as MOST HI can tank a bullet. ), has a Combi rifle, so yay. Daoying Sniper: Hey, it's at the very least a good sniper lieutenant ( The student seems to have outperformed the teacher, eh? ). Liu Xing BSG/Hacker: It's either an AD HI with a BSG. Or it's an AD HI with a BSG and an AHD. Honestly, with how little repeater coverage I see locally, both profiles are perfectly fine for me, so ech. Woulda preferred the MULTI, but BSG is nice too.
Boarding Shotgun Zuyong is a bit meh. I don't see a reason to ever field one. I'll probably convert mine to a regular combi.
A BSG Zuyong has turned out as a useful enough CQB unit enough times for me to not be upset about getting it ( You one shot a broken link of Fusiliers enough times and back-shot enough PanO Duo teams enough times and that 26 point bugger don't seem too bad. GRANTED for 5 points more there is a BSG FO in the Wu Ming, but... 5 points is also a Kuang Shi/Shaolin, so view it as you may. ). The Zuyong ML is the oddest profile here to me, honestly.
Well, for 10 points more you get a BSG that starts up field and in marker state. For 1 points more you get one that's also a KHD. Both of these don't have unconscious states, of course, but the kicker is that in context of vanilla you also got Kanren and Guilang not to mention that the Liu Xing is also +5ish points and has sufficiently identical stats and a means to get there that the Zuyong doesn't.
In ISS I was pretty much forced to take the BSG in the Wu Ming link due to being the FO or Tinbot option. In a link it's not bad at all.
Oh yeah. Wu Ming links often devolve into 3+ shotties, but for Zuyong the shottie doesn't come with the fancy gear. The FO has a Combi, the Tinbot has a Combi, and the TacAware have Combi or HMG. It'd have been much more appropriate if the FO had a shottie.
I like the starter contents. It won't appeal to min-maxers who are already eyeing up how many tacaware models they can cram into 1 link. But between using the existing multi as a combi, a 2nd combi, a bsg, the hmg and a missile launcher thats some good bones to build the link from. Buy a 2nd hmg blister and you're set. Hopefully the bright side is we get a set of two Zhencha with smg and shottie. Maybe it's all the art work but I think the shottie will look nice as a model, but we all want an actual SMG model, so win win.
Hopefully the at least one of the 3 is holding his gun in a one handed grip with a pistol or something for an easy swap.
Side note, January Major Lunah releasing with an elven skin. Does mean the cruddy plastic though so YMMV
If depends on the model, but if you can add the long magazine to represent the gun being automatic you should be good.