Hi! In the 3rd offensive profil file (https://assets.infinitythegame.net/.../en/v1.0/profile-third-offensive-infinity.pdf) The machinist NCA version is noted as linkable with Bolt, but it do not appears in the wiki. Which version is correct?
I think we're still talking at cross-purposes - it's an FAQ that covers a 'gap' in the rules that no longer exists. It is, literally, pointless. As you said yourself, 'This seems to be identical to what the FAQ said'.
http://infinitythewiki.com/en/List_of_Fireteams#Neoterran_Capitaline_Army Neoterra-specific Machinists note added.
For sure. I'm not trying to argue that it needs to be there. I was simply musing that there didn't seem to be a need to remove it, either. As a matter of fact, removing it and saying that it was "outdated" led me first to believe that something had changed (hence my original post). Again... the problem seems to be mostly that CB tends to use "FAQ" as a stand-in for "errata" (and I would include covering a gap in the rules as squarely in the errata category). The more important piece that I think got lost in this conversation is that this page does not have the updated FAQ box that all the other pages have on this subject.
In the first FAQ point on http://infinitythewiki.com/en/Line_of_Fire_(LoF) the graphic isn't visible.
Fixed, and the same for Morats. The Booty and Metachemistry timing FAQ has been corrected, adding in the missing second sentence.
In OperationS, the CSU has "special" listed in the middle column but then does not have any special fireteams on the right. The main Yadu entry duplicates Shakti's special fireteam note. This isn't necessarily an error, but it's inconsistent with every other similar character in other sectorials.
In this, there is a wild set of square brackets [[]] http://infinitythewiki.com/en/Fireteam_Cancellation
The list of Fireteams has been updated to add CSU Duos to Neoterra and Imperial Service. The Hacking Programs Chart has been updated to fix an incorrect range for Exorcism.
Thanks. Can I also ask if Bounty Hunters were looked at this time for ISS as well? They've had the same existing problem that CSUs have had, AVA2 with Duo on the profile but no fireteam option listed in the wiki.
I think it's because they need the Duo Skill in order to form the Ashcroft Team, which they are being given specific permission to do so, in all other cases it's not permitted.
Searching for "Optional" redirects to http://infinitythewiki.com/en/Traits when it should redirect to http://infinitythewiki.com/en/Special_Skills#Special_Skills_and_Equipment:_Labels
http://infinitythewiki.com/en/List_of_Fireteams#Imperial_Service Authorized Bounty Hunters can now form Fireteams: Duo in Imperial Service.