At this time we'll have even more problems by listing the ability for some units, and not listing it for the others. Out of curiosity - what stops CB from moving note about this? Unless there's something we don't know it shouldn't take more than a few hours and a single person.
You really dont want to hear IT stories "why you cannot do that? That's simple thing, you just have to ...." . Code is magic, and joke about a mage and "demon/lemon" is really true.
A ha ha ha. Due to the way data is structured in Army, there are several thousand unit entries, and none of them have the full Fireteam info. You're talking about restructuring the DB schema, redesigning and recoding the web, mobile and desktop UIs, with a DB where the data is entered semi-manually and is not always consistent. Some coding work I'm doing at the moment may help in the long run, but it's not guaranteed, and is not short-term. EDIT - sorry, I think I misread, did you mean 'remove' not 'move'? Yes that would be much faster.
Wrong. You estimate basing on the stuff you have done and how close/similar is new task to what you have already did in the past. What you did is typical "menager thinks it's a easy job for technical deparment" ;P
I know, that's what I'm talking about. My point is twofold: 1) Having part of fireteam notes in the Army and part only in Wiki leads to chaos, and 2) Having none in the Army is inconvenient. And this is not disputed. I understand that moving them would be a lot of work, but I'm arguing that until it's possible to do it they should stay as they were, listed with skills.
Oh nobody is questioning that's a problem, and that would be a good improvement. All I'm refering to "it's a easy thing, move this text next to other one etc." ;D
Well it's quite common and understandable thing for "ordinary people". But it's a nightmare if done by managers.
I've started actually doing Dilbert bingo (mark every strip which had happened in work). I've stopped. I'm pesimistic and bitter enough.
For what it's worth, all Fireteam Skill pages on the wiki (so what you go to when you click on the Skill in Army) now have a link to the list of Fireteams.
True that. I hope we'll get some confirmation on the OS linkability soon. edit: I've came across a discussion about Wildcards on Mayacast fb page, and a thought struck me; instead of removing fireteam notes from the Army because it's not a skill, wouldn't it be easier to actually make Fireteam a skill and be done with it? It'd also allow to make Wildcard cleaner. Example: Wildcard L1 - only one/link (like in IA). Wildcard L2 - two/link. Wildcard LX - no limit.
Question Am I now hallucinating Or is Army acting up But The only Fireteam options for Teutons and Magisters I can see on Infinity army Is a Teuton Haris. And Magisters counting as Teutons for it. Is this a mistake or is it intentional? Since, ya know... it kinda looks weird?
I have the book in hand and it lists Core for both. But neither version of Army has it. So which is it?
It is always the book. Army doesn't necessarily have to list fireteams as they aren't skills, it was just a quality of life thing. What it says in the book is gospel, so cores all round! Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
Good 'ole ''Wiki says one thing, book says another, and the Army decides to say something completely different.''
Yeah, that's exactly what I've been talking about with @ijw. Having only some of the fireteams in the Army leads to bigger confusion than having all of them there.