According to new wording: " This Special Skill is only usable in the Active Turn. » The user must be using a BS Weapon with a B value of 2 or more on its profile. " You can use that skill in coordinate order - isn't it? I'll go further -> can I mix it now with other long skill bs attacks in coordinate? Or with usual short attacks? Thank you!
It's a named skill so yes you can coordinate it but everyone will have to do the marksmanship level X skill. So it will be only for USAriadna/Ariadna
As an Entire Order Skill, the Burst bonus won't apply, due to: The +1 B bonus is not applicable when the attack is an Entire Order Skill (Intuitive Attack, Speculative Fire...).
No,it's a BS Attack you can Co-ord any BS Attack with any other BS Attack (see the FAQ). Edit: Q: Are Skills with the BS Attack label considered to be BS Attacks or other Skills when declaring a Coordinated Order? For example, could a Coordinated Order be made where one of the members declares Surprise Shot, another Forward Observer and a third troop shoot with a rifle? A: They are considered to be BS Attacks, so can be combined in a Coordinated Order. Edit 2: yes this includes Short Skills. Basically doing so converts the Short Skills into an Entire Order skill (IE you can't Co-ord a MMLX and BS Attack + Move, but you can Co-ord a MMLX and BS Attack + (second short skill is lost))
From my understanding, all the models have to have the same skill: MMLX, Antipersonnel mines, etc. Those who don't have that skill will just idle.
Not per the FAQ, as @inane.imp pointed out. It says that anything with the BS attack label is valid to coordinate together.
Ah, I see, is the question that since it now says a burst of 2 on its profile and drops all wording about modifiers you no longer need to worry about having the coordinated order drop the burst?
Are Skills with the BS Attack label considered to be BS Attacks or other Skills when declaring a Coordinated Order? For example, could a Coordinated Order be made where one of the members declares Surprise Shot, another Forward Observer and a third troop shoot with a rifle? They are considered to be This must be what @inane.imp was quoting? I didn't realize that. Hm. But that contradicts the coordinated order mine thing because they were all different mines and hence different kills even though they are considered an attack.
Mines are all distinct skills with nothing in the rules text tying them together. Various skills, however, have the BS Attack label, which has the rules text "The use of this Special Skill or piece of Equipment is a form of BS Attack."
I'm not saying it's a great design decision, but that's the logic behind the different rulings. I would much rather there had been a generic "Deploy" skill that all deployables used.
Regardless of the answer to your question there's a MMLX profile with a B3 Weapon (Proxy Mk 5) that could co-ord. Personally I think that you can't Co-ord MMLX while using B2 weapons (but I don't have access to rules to confirm the new language)*. But that's an issue with B2 weapons not with co-ordinating MMLX with BS Attacks. * The reason I think this is because co-ord Grunt Snipers is absurd and can't be intended. But I could well be wrong *looks meaningfully at the state of Hacking*
Nope. That was my oops nevermind moment above. in the old rule MMLX was an automatic skill that works when you declared a BS Attack. so I was going to argue you can coordinate with other type of BS Attacks. In the new rules, MMLX is an Entire Order skill; furthermore your claim about BS Attack label falls flat when you look up the new rule and notice it only have the "attack" and "optional" label but not the "BS Attack" label.
MMLX (skills v1.6 p.9) does not have the BS Attack label. Zhukov is right that it falls under the Antipersonnel Mines scenario and cannot coordinate with other skills.