The core of the list, the fireteam is quite same. Fulisers/regs + baghs/kamau + orc, they both have montesa, echo bravo is a better akalis, both have harris of engineer + bagh/kamau. There are not a lot of differences in all infiltrators crocs trade wip and dogged for to and repeater. Their gameplay mission is the same. Yeah, tags are different.
I feel as though the inclusion of something like Helots, having a more affordable/focused drop troop (seriously, I almost never took the Akalis but I really like the Echo Bravo), and only having one Heavy Infantry option is enough to change lists. The hacker game alone is quite different between the two. I agree that our Core and Harris play the same. these soups are made of the same broth but it's what we add that makes all the difference.
ASA has also completely different Camo game, with Nagas and Dart working in a different way than Crocs+ZC+Helots.
Worth mentioning too that some similarities in design between Acon and VIRD shouldn't be surprising. Presumably these were designed at the same time... Passed through the same playtesters... And have the same knowledge of what's coming up in the future. Some design similarities shouldn't be surprising. And I think that's a good thing. Everyone wants old Sectorials to be updated and viable, just like new releases. As @Stiopa rightly says though, I see big differences. Even just the fundamental difference between Acon's easy AP mine game and VIRD's use of Jammer, Neurocinetic, linked MSV2... Those are very different mechanics for interacting with your opponent.
Umm, just checked...Varuna special Engineer is 17 points with stealth, mimetism, and Aquatic terrain...SAA one is 18 with mimetism and multiterrain. So the Varuna one is cheaper with stealth? Didn't think Multiterrain would be that points expensive. Am I missing something?
Stealth is basically free (like Kinematica 1) since it's a nested skill inside others that cost as low as 1 point (MA1). All single terrain skills look to be free, as soon as you get a choice or multiterrain, it costs 1 point.
These changes are great, they are a tad similar to ASA but the Tikbalang, Mine game and Dart are still good enough to offer some compelling differences. ORC cores are still way too expensive but throwing in Patsy + Fuerbach/HMG in a core is exceptional in testing so far. Stealth on HI is also huge, no more having to worry about walking through repeater zones. Speaking of Patsy, good lord is she good. Everything I've ever wanted in a PanO character. The toughest list building decision right now is were to put her. Between a Squalo duo, Kamua Haris or Mixed Core they are all great options.
Teslarod, I mean this in the most friendly way possible, but your nuts. Are you seriously saying those meh IA profiles are better than what we get in MO? LOL. And for juggle terrain and stealth I will gladly pay one point more for my Orcs.
You don't even need a single Fusilier. This is a valid Fusilier link team: Varuna Immediate Reaction Division ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 5 ORC (Varuna Div.) (Multiterrain: Aquatic/Jungle, Stealth) HMG / Pistol, Knife. (2 | 45) ORC (Varuna Div.) (Multiterrain: Aquatic/Jungle, Stealth) MULTI Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 41) PATSY GARNETT Submachine Gun, Nimbus Plus Grenades, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 37) KAMAU Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 22) KAMAU Heavy Rocket Launcher, Submachine Gun / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 23) 3.5 SWC | 168 Points Open in Infinity Army
Sure, though I wasn't trying to make a Fusilier-free Fusi team, just to make something playable ;) That DepRep can come in handy given our hackers, especially a hidden KHD.
Oh and I forgot to add that the extra 1 point for Orc is entirely optional. If you don't think its worth it then you can still take the normal cost Orcs instead. ;) So you've got nothing to complain about. Well, except that the Orc Feuerbach is SWC 2, how is the starter not overcost SWC wise?
Anyone figured out what's the point of Patsy? 37pts of SMG seems a lot to me, and apart from that, she seems like a bunch of stuff thrown on top of each other. Also what does the Haris and Duo on her mean? There's no "counts as an ORC", so she can form a Haris or Duo with other Patsy's, sadly she's a character so AVA1. Wildcard is fine, but that means she can join any fireteams, it doesn't mean others can join her one man haris or duo. So wtf.
She's a cheap Specialist NCO that's good at close quarters, and can be in any Fireteam. As a wildcard she can be part of any Fireteam. So as long as the unit is listed in the Sectorial chart as being able to form a Duo or Haris, she can be the trooper that has the Skill. For example: Duo of Patsy and an Orc HMG. Haris of Patsy, Orc HMG and Orc Boarding Shotgun + TinBot. Haris of Patsy, Orc Hacker and Orc BSG + TinBot. Haris of Patsy, Kamau HRL and Kamau Paramedic.
Nimbus+ is pretty amazing, that plus NCO and FO makes Patsy worth taking. Exactly, it means you don't have to spend 0.5 SWC to form Duo or Haris links. All hail Patsy! This is the first time since the Joan N3 rework that Pano has gotten an amazing named character. Shes even a wip 13 Orc. Incredible. lol
What's exactly cheap in 37pts? Ok, this is totally not clear from the rules, at least it's not for me. I suppose this also means things like Fireteam Core of Order Sergeants without any order sergeants but all the wildcards is valid?
Yup, As I said before, this is a valid VIRD Fuisilier link team: 2x Orcs 1x Patsy 2x Kamau. Enjoy the insanity. :P