I know everyone is hot for IA but It’s going to be a loooong time before I can play it. I have no choice but to do Vanilla as I slowly buy figs for IA. So for those of us that are doing Vanilla. Please discuss how to use these new troops with them. So far my main disappointment is the low AVA for some of the new troops. While I doesn’t need to be like AVA 4 or 5, at least 2 would have been nice. Especially for the Daoying. Here’s my opinion on only the Daoying. I need to look at the others so far. It has Lt. 2 but what is that going to be used on? It’s not a specialist so it’s not like I can use that order to hit a button. It’s not like it’s a fantastic killer either. It starts in the Deployment area with a BSG! So far the only the Hacker and MSR interest me.
So the Lt. 2 gives two Lt. orders. the NCO skill allows to for that figure to use those two Lt. orders?
Yup, exactly. And if they were in a Fireteam (eg, using TeamPro for a Vanilla Duo) then they can use them in it, as long as they are the Leader.
Well that's pretty helpful to Vanilla I think. But you need to have exactly those two troops that you may or may not want in Vanilla.
Eh, the Daoying can use them ok. Take the Hacker, spend one to put up Supportware, use the second to reCamo
And even if you don't take any NCO units with your Lt Lv2 Daoying... the Hacker profile can still use those two orders to switch on some Supportware and go back into a marker state for essentially free, so still a great deal. Plus, Zuyong HMG has tactical Awareness in Vanilla too. Also, can I just say the prospect of the LSG Panguilling interests me?
And after all the TR Bots are dead from your Lt ordering... you can still use them to put ddown a mine or two and recamo again.
TR bots can't hit you. You hit them with -12 and they can't do anything except dodge at -6, so basically just die.
That is assuming you shoot it from further than 32'' away and it lacks MMSLv2. The main issue here being shooting from further than 32'' away, since I can say from experience that's a very fickle range band to guestimate with the naked eye. Just half an inch too close can spell disaster.
Yeah, exactly that. It's not always easy to engineer that >32" range band, especially when targeting something so specific. The opponent, if they're decent, will be trying to give their TR Bot a good, 16-32" corridor for themselves. It's not as simple as, "Shoot from >32"."
It's possible to have a zuyong duo in vanilla with both Tai sheng and an HMG (tactical awareness/duo) Zuyong, but you need an evo hacker runnin team pro (and only team pro) to play it. Kinda expensive, but one of the few duo which might be worth running in vanilla considering the order efficiency.
I don't find it difficult, but on the other hand I used to nail Skink Priests in the open with Screaming Skull Catapults so YMMV.
That's essentially 3 extra orders for that Fireteam, and they're packing an HMG and a MK12 (or Breaker Combi/TinBot B). Definitely a reasonable option for Vanilla.