Guess the fact that a Lunah conversation quickly drifted off to Raiden vs other stuff, or Marksmanship LX shows that not many people use her and have much to say about her.... I personally love to use her when I fight against my wives Caledonians as they are VERY lacking in the BTS department, and love to have NWI or Dogged.... but outside of that, I didn't really use her....Snipers just don't seem to work for me outside of that scenario with Yu Jing....but then maybe it's just my playstyle...
In vanilla Yu Jing i pick more Knauf than Lunah but basiclly beacuse they role is not exactly the same. I feel a lot more confident using Lunah as an ARO model beacuse of his marker state. Knauf dosen't have it and evan if he is good shoting he can be killed in just one order. After losing the camo marker i use both more or less equal. Both can ARO and both have skills to be strong on active turn ( mimetism+ visor + 13 against mimetism + X markmans) but Knauf is better in active and Lunah is better with ARO. The choose in my case is more influenced by the rest of the list than by the sniper porfile. It's a shame i get both on the same time and are always compiting. Pd: with Knauf i killed two spetnaz in aro and Lunah is my antiblackjack favourite tool.. Pd2: Lunah is fantastic in low tier
Major Lunah is amazing now! +3 to hit a TO unit in cover now with the new Marksmanship Lvl X change. And she CAN shoot through sat zone with it too now! Mind you Grunt in link team now hits on 23 in good range :(
The Grunt is giving up 2 burst though, and Lunah has a marker state to get into position before using an Entire Order to MMX
Didn't someone math it and find that the lone grunt benefits much more than the linked grunt does from the changes? I think thats a good change. I like Lunah so this makes me happy. I'd rather if she had been a yu jing character but whateves.
It's pretty simple maths, the linked Grunt loses 2 burst, whilst a lone Grunt only loses 1, but both get the same amount of benefit.
I wasn't aware that Marksmanship LX got changed to Entire Order Yup, I did. A lone Grunt benefits more than a linked Grunt, but a linked Grunt is still superior in performance. There's fewer situations where MMSLX is better for the linked Grunt, but they do exist - I just don't remember which atm.
But linked grunts will have the "problem". If the link is composed by more than one grunt the Usarf player will need to waste an order to make the other sniper grunts go prone or eat a free shot when one of them declare MMX ( now that this skill is complet order)