BS17 2 Wound Feuers and HMG are the opposite of bad my friend. ESPECIALLY in LI or durable Datatrackers.
Nah it's the players. I'm quite happy with the update for my YJ. Just look at the stuff they got. 20 something for a LT2 in Camo with a BSG to hand over 2 free Orders to a Mowang Spitfire (lol @Daiyokai) is hands down amazeballs. The CC guy can use his Mono CCW, eat a Mine and live as well as shoot dual SMGs - as well as push buttons. Down right glorious addition to the State Empire. Nope Orcs themself are about the worst Profiles in Varuna. Lucky for them you only need to bring 1 and can offset their cost in a Fusilier Fireteam spiked with Kamau. If you want to make a point for a full Orc Fireteam I'd suggest you go try impress someone else witht that oppinion. Patsy at least makes for a less awful HI Specialist, Orcs themselves had none of their traits addressed that made them bad since the eve of time.
The only person talking about full ORC fireteams is you though. Paying for a single ORC and supporting him with cheaper troops is really good.
Yeah, I'm a fan of most of the changes and additions. HIs, especially basic ones, can get a lot of mileage from Stealth. OMG, I'm paying a 1 friggin' point for Stealth and Terrain rule, the end is nigh! Patsy bringing NCO into any fireteam is a huge thing, too. ORC Core won't be happening much, no. But ORCs in mixed links will work great. edit: example of perfectly valid Fusilier fireteam: ORC (Varuna Div.) (Multiterrain: Aquatic/Jungle, Stealth) Feuerbach / Pistol, Knife. (2 | 43) PATSY GARNETT Submachine Gun, Nimbus Plus Grenades, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 37) KAMAU HMG / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 28) KAMAU (Lieutenant) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 20) FUSILIER (Forward Observer, Deployable Repeater) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 12) 3 SWC | 140 Points
The YJ players always seem disappointed whenever they get HI that isn't THE BEST AROUND. Personally, my disappointment stems not from the costs of these things or whatever--it's that as feared the (Varuna) tag seems to be 'the fix' to make Orcs a hell of a lot more viable. That is extremely disappointing to me. Rather than fix issues with the unit at its core, they just tack on Sectorial specifics.
I'm all with @Stiopa here. You guys need curiosity. If everyone was like some of you, we would still be using horses, wouldn't have planes or helicopters. There is a world between theory and practice.
My list for next weekend just lost a specialist and went from perfect 300pt feel to 299pt "what i am doing with my life?!" feel
Lets be honest Stealth is tenfold more important and usefull on HI than on LI. And hopefully we will see more and more "terrain" missions (screw you Hollow Men ;p)
Everything is good but from gameplay and design view Varuna feels too much like ASA in ~SPEHSSS~ WAHTER.
Is it intentional that the Montesa Paramedic is missing from Varuna? Paging @ijw thanks EDIT: Somehow it’s showing up now. Disregard please.
I disagree. the absence of Aleph support is felt. ASA, for me, has a very strong mid-board presence with various hunter killers and minelayers. Varuna has one expensive infiltrator, the croc man. Zulus are a really great unit but play more of a support role compared to something like the Naga. I agree there isn't a huge difference between your core/Harris options, they play very similarly. The TAGs are also a huge difference. the inclusion of the Cutter alone totally changes the way you make/play a particular list.