I just realised the sculptor sculpted the pants grooves as strips on the Kuang Shi, a mistake that plagued the first Yu Jing trouser sculpts despite efforts from the design team to correct it, and had disappeared for a long.
@the huanglong I mean, it's a seam, right? I ran into this same problem with the Freelance Stringer...wtf are the 'lines' supposed to be? if it's a seam, then it should just be a dagger-shaped crevice in the fabric. If it's supposed to be a stripe then the artists are drawing it poorly. EDIT: Also just realized they're missing the cut/seam in the armor plates on their chest. But I suppose that could have been changed in the process.
So far a very light month for me. Knights look good except for the excessive rocks. Garuda is meh, but I love the new Aleph BSG. Bit & Kiss look alright, but I was never into CA/Onyx; I think Bit's monotone color scheme is not doing her mini much justice. Kuang Shi look alright, but the running poses will look dumb if you ever have 4 out. Though the LSG looks pretty cool, it's lame that she doesn't have a alt Chain Rifle arm, and it's absolutely dumb to have the visor up. Nothing stands out for me, and I was looking forward to the Hospital Knights too :\ Irmandhinos look promising, and it's about time too
I'll definitely be getting the new Garuda! Could anyone explain who the heck are Bit & Kiss and why are they so popular?
As part of the previous ITS season "lore", PanO had one of their "character" TAG operators killed (Toni Macayana, who operated a Stingray class Tikbalang). A "conspiracy nutter" group, calling themselves "ALIVE" had apparently stumbled upon the "truth" about the issue - Bit & Kiss were part of that group. You could take them as "merc" units (from what I gather during that season - I didn't play in any ITS events in the last couple of years, so paid only cursory attention to it). It's in the "lore" for that season download. There were no miniatures, so it was also a way to exercise some creativity with proxies/conversions. As part of the ITS winner's prize for last season, they got to choose which faction the ALIVE group would become a permanent part of (and Kiss & bit; her remote) were chosen to become a permanent part of the combined army from that point. As part of this, they (army) also get miniatures for them. As to why they are so popular ... Can't answer that, as I have no idea myself.
Former rogue hacker & her bot Sepsitorized by CA and the first unit with EI Killer Hacking Device. With multiple good options of extending the hacking range. All for a very reasonably price.
Because they are stupidity optimized unit and the only killer hacker in one of the armies they appear in (Onyx). Also probably the best repeater coverage provider in the game.
For me, the concept art for them pushes them back to a "not going to happen" area, with the rest of the combined army. "stupidly optimised profiles" means little if I don't like the models, anyway. That's on top of the rabidly nutso conspiracy theory vibe the "ALIVE" nugget engendered. I don't need a 22nd century alex-jones-tinfoil-hatter in my games.
Okay, you're right, I was being dumb. Even better, that explains it fully. Well, some people are in for the gameplay, so...
It's very strange. They've taken a barely updated dossier that uses the ancient Yu Jing pants, but then the sculptor has re-used the standard Yu Jing light infantry leg with shin and calf armour, then added strips to it where previous models had grooves. I'd rather believe it's deliberate than ignorance of how the Yu Jing designs have been sculpted for the past handful of years.
Only knights, B&K and Garuda for me, but I really like all the releases. And Irmandinho is the star of this month.