Just commenting to claim I was here and to acknowledge Maksimas' top tier shitposting. Fingers crossed IA turns out awesome for you lot, my repeater web needs more HI flies
Sir and/or madam, I am honored. INB4 someone insane enough to use a Hac Tao as their dedicated anti-hacker defense rolls up. ( And I know someone stupid enough to do that. I see them everyday when I go to brush my teeth. ) Or we'll do what @Benkei said.
Ah crap, no 75 yet. Well, dark chocolate with pepper is also nice. And as Lt I will use command units or Zhanshi mostly it looks like.
WAIT I HAVE A RATHER ingenious idea... I shall use... An SWC discount Lieutenant... and take an Exec Order Yet Actually It's Not The Exec Order Profile Hac Tao... And I'll spend the Lt order. And march up the Hac Tao out of HD. Into a rather blatantly ''Come kill me spot''. And have the enemy try killing it thinking it's the Lieutenant, when in reality... it's not, and then baffle the enemy next turn saying ''You know, not all Hac Taos are Exec Order Hac Taos''... granted, it'd actually probably come out as ''I KNEW that you knew that the Hac Tao has Exec Order so I KNEW that you'd know to attack the Hac Tao to kill my Lieutenant yet you DIDN'T know that I knew you would do that and actually took the non-Exec Order profile!'' I need to go get some water.
Not yet sir, not yet... as you see... I can't snipe. I have yet to master the MULTI-Sniper as Sun Tze has. You sir, are a man educated in fine cuisine.
Speaking of cuisine – there is a topic in Haqqislam branch regarding "Haqqislamite"/"Bourak" cuisine. Has anybody started the same for "Yu Jing"?
Best I can offer on the topic is some vague form of spicy noodles I've learned to make from my dad. And shashliks. I have some understanding on marinating shashliks.
Eh, генацвале, shashliks are not South-Asian, it's Central- and Middle-Asian :) Though I like them too om-nom-nom :D