@Koni : Thanks for the update, much appreciated! 40k conversation in spoilers: if people want to discuss that further, maybe we should start a conversation elsewhere? Spoiler *Imperium, thank you very much Imperial Plasma is not necessarily 'better' than other Plasma: you've mentioned the overheating, which is a significant issue for Tau and Eldar, both of whom are tiny compared to the Imperium. Imperial Plasma is also difficult to manufacture (ignoring Cawl, who is a bad Deus Ex Machina Mary Sue) which would be a significant downside if the Imperium weren't so simply massive. Also bear in mind that Tau Pulse weapons are actually Plasma based and give Tau line troops far better weapons without risk of dying - Tau Plasma is less about overcharging it to maximise damage, they tend to go for safety with volume of fire. Laser Lance is a short ranged gun, as well as a melee, well, lance. Eldar laser weapons are superior to Imperial, except at the low end: Lasguns are the best laser weapons in the universe but not because of their potency, range or accuracy - because of their reliability and ease of manufacture/maintenance, which is super important for a state the size of the Imperium. Melta weaponry: Imperial Meltas are probably about weakest. Eldar have basically the same with some better; Tau simply have better. The Imperium does get a great variety, and some are more powerful - that's what happens when you are in a post-Golden Age era with some relics hanging around. And really, the utterly staggering scale of the Imperium is enough to offset a lot of bottlenecks: while not every force would have access to plentiful Grav weapons, the Astartes that use them (Imperial Guard don't) would have access to enough to spam them ruleswise.
Well, this horse is extraordinarily dead, and here we are, still beating it. Now we just have to wait for CB to reanimate it tomorrow so we can start all over again!
A lot of it isn't actually post-mortem. It's much closer to an analysis and discussion thread, with a sprinkling of, "Post-mortem, urgh you're the worst!"...
Petition to make @Koni the new emperor of Yu-Jing, the Dragon, Son of Heaven, Master of Complete Abundance, Lone Prince, Lord of the Jade Throne, Celestial Emperor and Lord of the Middle Kingdom. Long may he reign!
I'm over the wait. I'll be surprised if the update gets here at all. Just going to keep myself occupied until Monday.
No, this is the post-mortem. By this weekend we should have the pre-mortem thread up and running. Can't have a title like that make sense, now can we?