@Make PanO Great Again :P @barakiel Sat Zone vs TF requires another look. TF indeed ignores ALL MODs, including those for Burst, not just BS ones. But there is the issue with Saturation Zone working different than other Burst MODs as it doesn't modify weapon Burst but each individual BS Attack (after splitting B, MMS LX...). Right now I'd lean towards full Burst TF through Sat Zone being possible, but I'm not sure (and since it's quite potent with ZCs we should clear that one up).
like i wrote, msv 1 and 2 linked ARO are becoming more common and to get this in the bad range your enemy has to let you walk into the 60cm and then cover with the completely wrong weapon..... i just assume there is going to be a +3 from range so not to underestimate my opponent...... +3 from the link..... net -12 mod can happen, i just dont think that counting on it hapening regular is a smart move
Saturation should affect Triangulated IMO but even if it doesn't, it's a great little combo with Nimbus Plus, massively impedes the ARO down. Even BS 16 linked MSV guys are going to be on 10s at best if you're in cover and good range for them! And with Camo on the ZC, great way to get them into position. Chuck a Nimbus Plus on the Camo Marker and Triangulated Fire stuff off the board.
Yes, the -1 Burst still applies to triangulated fire. I'm not so sure if two dices on 8 are really desirable. They still dodge on -3PH, so it's usually 1 dice on 7-8's and they are out of sight.
Except in the case we're talking about its 3 dice on 10s, vs an opponent who's dodging on -9, or shooting back on -12. Updated to ignore cover on both the to hit roll and the armour bonus.
Yes you can, Suprise shot is a mod for whatever BS attack you declare. We've done this a few times now. But Palanka has ruled on this before with regards to speculative fire.
Yeah and you can surprise shot with Marksmanship LX as well, just to bring that back into it. (not that anyone in PanO has it i dont think?)
Tuecer has it in ASA, or at least the MkmnX Its hillarious to hit 23 to hit with that thing, very very dangerous
Then that's pretty good! Worth the 2-3 order setup. It's a win/win scenario vs TR bots. Yeah, at that point is better to just dodge instead of shooting (not by far)
@Ixidro That and I do think the set-up is good against MSV2 sniper in links (not so much with the sniper in a 5-man link, but it is something to think about).
Even if it takes an entire order, it might make Tuecer usable in ASA. I doubt it but at least its an improvement.
lol he went straight to the top of my painting list. That shot is an autohit that adds 3 to the result of whatever you roll
In his good range there's very little that can cause him to drop below effective BS20, only really Nimbus+ or Nimbus stacked with SuppFire/Full Auto 2 off the top of my head.
Good morning Varuna (and Military Order) players, I know you're waiting a message from me saying "army live in 5 minutes!", but unfortunately, this will not be today. As someone metioned in other thread, shit happens, and we wanted to release the update earlier this week...but it was not possible. So I'm here to inform you that the update will take place tomorrow, Thursday the 29th, and could be in any hour between 09:00AM and 03:00PM CET. I'm really sorry for those of you that are so eager waiting for the update to enjoy your new profiles, but please understand that a big update like this implies a lot of things. Thank you for your patience and have a nice day :)