So... we can really just blame the Combined Army every single time? ''State Empire.'' ''Yes O-12.'' ''Raiding PanO outsposts?'' ''No O-12.'' ''Misleading propaganda again?'' ''The Combined Army did it.'' ( Sorry, once I get into a shitposting mood, it's genuinely hard to stop. Someone throw a MadTrap at me so I could calm down a bit- )
If your side wins: obviously some kind of [insert enemy faction] false flag to cover up something bad that they did. If your side loses: obviously some kind of false flag to cover up something bad that they did!
I am always onboard for good reading material. It's just frustrating how impractical combat power armor is in a real-life setting vs. drones.
Ceramometallic thing 4 or even 5 meters high and 3 meters wide is not so large indeed taking into account you hardly deploy more than two of them. More like, no need. There will be holes in it, but absolutely the same as if the missile launcher or HMG was held by some MI or LI guy.
In our current day and age? Yeah, very much so. Wouldn't surprise me if powered armor became a very sought after piece of military hardware someday though.
Likely in the same sort of vein as the greatsword is among weaponry enthusiasts. 100% solidified awesome in appearance and decent in functionality, but expensive, impractical and not as accurate as an automated turret that doesn't miss or a golfball sized drone that flies onto the back of your head/neck and explodes. I seriously both fear and hate modern weapons development.
Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus! / Dog did it!
Well, yes. But that just means each PA suit (because you need environmental protections for a person on almost every planet but the one they were born on anyway, which are heavy enough to require an exoskeleton to carry the weight) is the control node for a half-dozen drones ranging in size from arachnophobia to dog to falcon to small airplane. So your fireteam of 4 living bodies brings 24 friends to the party.