Minotaurs Out-Of-Character Thread

Discussion in 'RPG' started by stevenart74, May 13, 2018.

  1. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    "Endure all things." That sums up my view on life. Overcome everything through Jesus because we all need all the help we can get in this crooked world.
    Don't worry you already are.
    Considering my 88 year old Italian grandmother just got over surgery and radiation treatments I understand the position you are in.
    Glad to hear she is spry like my own Grandy. Still lets keep both our elderly in our prayers. That they live the rest of their years in health and not riddled in sickness.
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  2. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Writing from a Hospital Clinic nearer hometown and house. . .

    Exams are good, still checking VERY thoroughly ALL possible, potential issues with my Mom's healthcare status (Italy has some CRAPPY hospitals in some bad cities, but Generic State Insurances for covering Basic Needs are VERY GOOD generally speaking !!). . .

    Now back to planning the "Training Day" !!

    @inane.imp yet said that He does NOT care for whatsoever extra stuff, gear and so on; content to start with was YET on character's sheet. . .

    But what of X.P. for the Airport Battle ? Do You want to await ALSO for the "Mock Battle" outcome, to accrue MORE Experience???

    . . . . .

    @Beodren what about Your character? Do You like the "Dogface Stealth Poncho" idea, to be substituted with the "Mormaer Breastplate" when in Dogwarrior Battleform. . .??

    What are Your preferences about the Mission Parameters; lesser complications, straight assault like preferred by Tony OR a dual-nature Recon+Recover+Late Massacre, like seems to be preferred by Uja'Rak'Se'Ok . . . . .???

    . . . . .


    I believe You are for the "Mc Guffin" recovery, but could be misunderstanding. . .

    If positive about it then Your Morat could enter the Mission with JUST the Symbiosuit of "Cloned Muscle Tissue" that WITHOUT the encumbering weight and unbalancing mass of the Winged Jeptpack and Extra Armourplates will JUST enhance native, innate Dexterity, Agility and Reflex Quickness (so COINCIDENTALLY helping much in Stealth Incursions). . .

    And inside the Cargo Bay that is "Designated Primary Target" there will be the "Paratrooper Heavy AD Assaulter" Gear and the "Heavy Weapons" to be quickly worn before starting "Secondary Mission" (A.K.A. extermination of all still living opposition). . .

    . . . . .

    Don't know if a similar Mission is amusing enough for all Players; maybe I'm playing in these days a little too much "Assassin Creed: Odissey" where You HAVE to "Soften Up" the Fortifications Garrisons killing stealthily one after the other dangerous "Enemy Sentinels" (Patrolling Infantrymen with Torches or Archer Snipers above elevations) before retrieving whatsoever "Treasure Chest" is present and facing, in Melee, the few "Officers" present (that are IMMUNE to "Sudden Death" backstab assassination and so need to be faced in Melee, after some nice Poison / Flaming Arrows to wound them a little). . .!!

    Let Me know what ALL of You want and I will plan accordingly. . . . .!!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  3. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Stealth Ponchos are precisely what sold me on buying my army. I love how Scots Guards look in their long camo cloaks. As for Alistair slowly developing into Mormaer looking beast sounds wonderful.

    As for mission:
    I suggest running a strike led by a tag, assisted by pair of covert operatives. Big guns are blazing in the front, while infiltration team takes out key positions and heavy weapons.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  4. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Sounds good. I can see the Tohaa scientist that gives Uja his Symbioite using the mission as a testrun of sorts. The Paratropper gear sounds like a good reward as the primary target.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  5. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    @stevenart74 only ‘pressing’ need for Improvement is Geist upgrades. Betty seems to be getting the worst of my bad rolls. Realistically though this is an upgrade process not an experience thing. So I’m more than happy to wait.

    Tony’s best upgrade options are in the Pilot or Tech areas, neither of which I feel make sense for XP spends.
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  6. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @inane.imp I've been thinking of taking Uja down the Kurgat or battle engineer path for some time. How far along/up the Tech talent tree is Tony?
    stevenart74 likes this.
  7. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Results insofar I know are for:

    1°) @inane.imp with NO UPGRADES (so "Banking" Mercs Pay Account and Skill S.P. for a Future "Better Acquisition" ?) assaulting the"Main Gate" and distracting the "Bandits" of the Garrison, allowing better Infiltration % for. . .

    2°) @Beodren in Dogface Form and minimal equipement, covered by a "Stealth Poncho" (that could be also the "Kilt Toga" that the Highlander Greys wear; off-mission a "Tohaa Biotech Smartfabric" turn back to Clan's Colour, while on mission try to "Camo Blend" with Environment around. . .

    In the "Treasure Chest" Cargo Box there are the "Dogwarrior Sized Wargear", Molotok with different Ammo Drums, Giant Claymore, the Tactical Shield and Mormaer-Level Breastplate. . .

    3°) @Golem2God with JUST the Undersuit of Symbiomuscles and minimal equipement; stealthily and dexterously avoiding roving patrols; Hi Treasure Box will have the Gaotarsos-Rasyat "Hard Plates" along with Trenchammer Maul, Combi-Boarding Shotgun with Grenade Launcher and the "Selector Revolver" 30mm. Heavy Shotgun, maximized as a sort of "Sniper Grenade Launcher" rather than for Close Engagements. . .

    . . . . .

    To "Counterbalance" the "LACKING" of Tony Rodriguez "Upgrades" compared with the shiny new toys of the other two, I could as well allow A LOT of "Special Ammunitions" for the Grenade Launchers of the Gecko; if the "Backpack" is substituded by Belt-Feed Ammo Boxes for the L.M.G. (imagine the "Gatling Backpack" of the Predator Movie worn by Jesse Ventura, and by ENDLESS rip-offs later, or the "Devastator Astartes Space Marines" but TWICE x2 Twinned) this could help with some more Tactical Variations of Ammo (AT LEAST allowing "Cycling" between Basic Balanced F.M.J. / Anti-Armour A.P. / Low-Penetration - High-Tissue Rending "Dum Dum Manstoppers") . . .

    For the Grenade Launchers, while comparably "Tiny" they could be "Loaded" by both the Drone of Tony, or Tony himself without EVER exiting the Suit, with the "Big Servoarms" locked in places and the "Master Arms" free to range, while the suit is hidden from enemy sight. . .

    In that case I will allow even VERY LIMITED (A.K.A. "Munition Single Shots" to be loaded INDIVIDUALLY, NO BURSTS) of the infamous T2 (that is a "Perfect A.P.E.X." blend of Penetration and Splash-Rend) along with the "Experimental" T1 (Super-Armor Piercing, compressing into a tiny 40mm. Grenade the devastating "Antitank A.P.F.S.D." Warhead-Power of a Jetfighter Cannon) and the "Prototype" T3 ("Pseudo-Frag" that detonates over a large area irregular razor-shards of High% Teseum, byproducts of Blade Smithing; DEVASTATING versus Infantry that is not HEAVILY Armoured). . .

    It could be tempting to JUST load "E.M.P." Grenades; this would be PERFECT should a NORMAL Drone Humandroid Force be the garrison (such as a Svengali Main Outpost) but these H.I.V.E.M.I.N.D. are "Simulating" some Ariadnan Lowlifes (Desperado Thugs, Irmandhino Pirates and Cateran Bandits mainly) and so "Being Atek Primitives" will be HEAVILY shielded (not that a couple of E.M.P. lobbed carefully will not DISRUPT their "Walkie-Talkie Radio Network"). . .
    . . . . .

    Could You please ALL THREE send back a Character Sheet if You have made some "Ideal" Upgrades (like I think @Golem2God has done). . .??

    At the moment I'm away from My "Archives Computer". . .

    While Tony Rodriguez could spend (OR NOT) X.P. (that I will quantify VERY SOON) in WHATSOEVER Skills He want, for Uja'Rak'Se'Ok and Alistair SHOULD decide to "Invest" some points in FURTHER Stealth Talents (at least the Basic "Reroll Failed Dice" one). . .!!!
  8. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Competent but hardly a specialist.

    TN: 13, FOC:2 + Natural Engineer (a reroll).

    Compare this to his Extraplanetary:
    TN:16, FOC:2 + Meteor Head (a reroll) + Spacewalker (2 X Momentum spend on tests due to working in Zero-G)

    It's better to think of him as a Zero-G technician than an engineer. But he's a TAG pilot first:

    Pilot: TN:16 FOC:3 + Ace (a reroll) + Born to the Wheel (-1 difficulty in ground vehs) + Combat Pilot (-1 difficulty due to damage)+ his Palm Circuitry (+1 momentum)

    My next upgrade would probably be Push the Envelope (+1 free momentum on Pilot tests)* or Grease Monkey (+2 free momentum when repairing damage). But... Tony hasnt really done anything in either of these areas so far.

    @stevenart74 it really depends what you're looking at. I'd like to get Betty: Sharp Senses, New Perspectives and Natural Engineer (all talents). But they're something I'd normally have to buy and aren't 'XP' spends for Tony.
    #688 inane.imp, Nov 27, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  9. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    I'm thinking to allow "Custom Geists" like Betty of Tony some form of "Allowed X.P. Expenditure"; it makes sense for something that is ALMOST a "Personal I.A. Butler"; I could swear that this was the case for the "Muse Personal Secretary" of Eclipse Phase R.P.G. (from which I think the Infinity Game could take many cool inspirational concepts). . .


    Have You three Players decided if is better to have "Overlapping Fields" or "Hyperspecialize a Character in Narrow Fields"; because if is the latter it make NO SENSE to have Uja "Wasting" X.P. better spent elsewhere (such as "Field Triage" First Aid Talents). . .

    New Knossos Island is "Filled To The Brim" with helpful allied scientists, engineers and tinkerers that will be more than happy to help realize the just-imagined projects of the characters. . .

    . . . . .

    Very different instead is taking the "Sapper Demolisher" kind of Engineering Talents synergy with "Bomb / D-Charges" stuff; after all the Merc "Squad Alpha" is supposed to be an "Assault Force" specializing in BREAKING Things, rather than building them. . . . .!!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  10. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    We're also more "Fireteam Alpha" rather than "Squad Alpha" at the moment. :) So for combat ops we'll probably be leaning on NPCs to fill out the squad.

    In terms of roles: Tony fits in as the combat tank with out-of-combat technical support capabilities. I can grow him (and Betty) to cover basic hacking requirements as well (he's ok from a self protection POV at the moment, provided I spend the time in prep).

    Al (I think) is scout + CC monster with out-of-combat roles as leader and growth potential into a semi-face role(?).

    @Golem2God Uja is the one I've least been able to pigeon-hole into a particular role in my mind. With the planned augmentation he's potentially moving into a more firepower role?
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  11. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    That is what I'm going for. D-Charges with some knowledge on how to take apart machinery wether in combat or out basically pinpointing a weakness in a design.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  12. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Well yes. The Rasyat, Morat jump-troop, is a role that focuses on destroying the enemy or target. As stated in the Rasyat's lore:

    The Rasyatnat Diplomatic Division was created as a new regiment of the Morat Aggression Force. This regiment, despite its youth, would be considered an elite force. Only the most dangerous, tough, vicious and xenophobic Surats could be diplomats and join the Rasyatnat. Their job was deemed to be an incursion into the heart of enemy territories to know and test their weakness through sudden attacks. Since the creation of the Diplomatic Division, the training of its members insists on aggressiveness and generation of extreme violence during any action.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  13. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I think Uja's background of being a Daturazi, really the most brutal out of Morat society, would fit in well with this idea that the Rasyat carries. Rocket dashing & jumping into range, unloading then jumping back out. Guerrilla or hit and run tactics in other words. Besides that the Rasyats are nearly on par with Daturazi in CC. Plus his parents were part of the Morat guilds that serve to resupply the Aggression Forces. But he has forgot a bit of his training mostly do to hating the work and conditions that his family slaved under.

    Uja'rak: "Mother!" The young Morat called to his parent.
    La'li: "What is it my little Kurgat?" She stood by a furnace banging out metal into the familiar shape of her race's signature blade. The 6 year old Morat male spoke once more.
    Uja'rak: "Ali'ki is being mean to me." Just then a 20 year old Morat female walks into the furnace room.
    Ali'ki: "That is not true mother."
    Uja'rak: "Yes it is!"
    Roh'it: "Uja.." uttered the voice of their father. "Leave your sister be."
    Uja'rak: "But.."
    Roh'it: "No buts. Now come help me finish with the preparations on this weapon." Uja sulked & shuffled over to where his father was working. Ali'ki joined her mother as the two began working together.
    Roh'it: "Son, fetch me some water." Uja sighed. He was being placed on chore duty again. At least that is how he felt in his mind.

    Some Time Later:

    La'li: "Done." She wipes sweat from her brow. "It is a good feeling to finish a hard day of work and be happy with your art." Roh'it smiled at his wife.
    Roh'it: "And you look wonderful while crafting them my curvaous blade." La'li turned to view her mate covered in as much sweat as her.
    La'li: "You look lovely yourself dear."
    Ali'ki: "Uja?! What are you doing?" Her younger brother lifted his head from off the table he seemed to glue his visage to.
    Uja'rak: "I hate bladework." The Dat wined. He was too tired to be angry at his predicament after being near the heat for so long. "Why do you do this? It's terrible working over and near a massive fire."
    Ali'ki: "Because someone has to." The first born quipped. "If everyone just went off to war.." she spoke with distain. "Then no one would be supplying them for the upcoming campaigns. We have a responsibility to remain here and help continue this process."
    La'li: "Ali," The mother butted in. "We are honored to have a son & daughter serving in the Aggression Forces.."
    Ali'ki: "They left you to alone to suffer and slave over burning heat for the "good" of the Supremacy. The lure of full privileges as a Gesurat obviously was too enticing for them."
    Roh'it: "Ali'li, we have had this conversation before.."
    Ali'ki: "Now he is entertaining thoughts of running away to live a "better" life. As a solider no doubt!" Pointing to the youngest of her parents 4 offspring. Roh'it sighed at his daughter's rant.
    Roh'it: "Someday he will be a Murdat and then his life's choices will be in his own hands."
    La'li: "And whatever sort of honorable life he leads we will be privileged to call him our son. Just as we are privileged to call you daughter." Ali'ki said nothing. She simply knew it was a lost cause getting her parents to vocally agree with her. If it was not for her devotion to her mother & father then she likely would have left Morat society altogether. Finding a society amongst the stars where she could have better social standing that what her folks were living with now.

    Back in the Present:

    Uja rubbed his head. These memories weren't pleasant ones mostly because what his sister stated became true. Except the driving force behind the young Murdat's exodus was religious devotion to Cotoya, the Morat god of war & the hunt, instead. Another reason for regret was that he had forgotten what his parents taught him concerning their trade. Seeing the Minotaurs bladesmith was a reminder of the life and family he once had. A family that was now lost to him. Never to be recovered.

    Another Memory:

    La'li: "My little Kurgat, are you crying?"
    Uja'rak: "No.." The young Dat stated trying to hide the fact that he actually was.
    La'li: "You seem to be hurt.."
    Uja'rak: "I'm fine." He sputtered in defiance. "Just leave me alone."
    La'li: "It's alright my son. You're still a Dat."
    Roh'it: "While you have the right frame of mind to hide your tears.." His father's voice came out of nowhere surprising young Uja. He quickly turned his head towards the direction where he heard his father's voice. "As it is greatly frowned upon in our society. However, your mother is right. Dats are afforded alot of slack concerning these things. We all had to learn to keep our aggression & emotions under control. In time so shall you. So do not feel shame if you slip up in hiding your pain."
    La'li: "Your father is right. There is no need to hide from us. You still have time before you must put away Datish things." And with that she embraced him in a hug with her husband quickly following suit. Little remained shock for a couple of seconds before he let the tears he was desperately holding back flow down his bony cheeks.

    Aliki is the Greek form of the name Alice. Aliki is related to the Greek word for Scarlet. Alice is related to the French word Adelaide which in turn descended from the German word Adalheidis. Adalheidis comes from the German words adal (noble) & heid (kind, sort, type) therefore meaning noblesort or nobletype. Uja's older sister, the first born of the family, is exactly this in Morat standards. Other species..not so much considering there are some differences between Morat nobility &, for example, Humanity's view on honor.

    Lali is Georgian for Ruby & the word is of Sanskrit origin. Rohita is Sanskrit for red. Which is is a nice combination since both words come from Sanskrit origin and have "red" themed meanings. So in general, Uja's family shown here have names that refer to his race's skin color while sounding Morat-like.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  14. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    @inane.imp @stevenart74

    I think the term to describe Alistair would be pointman. infiltrating the site and engaging/removing AT emplacements and weapons so Tony can win firefight by grace of armor and superior firepower/Uja can get where he can do most damage.
    And hey, maybe over the time he will evolve into pesky HI with a markerstate!
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  15. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    That sounds interesting. How would you think on accomplishing that?
    stevenart74 likes this.
  16. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @inane.imp . . .

    I TOTALLY subscribe to Tony+Betty taking roles of "Fireteam Hackers", specializing in Virtual Datasphere "Sensor Sweeps", Scrambling Enemy Comms and Counter-Hacking (technically Alistair has ONLY the Com-Log + Geist that are VULNERABLE to Hacking, much like one R.W. Person could have JUST "Internet Accounts & Siri-Smartphone" hackable by a dedicated "2018 Netrunner"). . .

    Uja is even LESS easy to hack, as the Accounts in the Com-Log and Geist are "Written" in Morat Glyphs AND Cultural Terminology so one need AT LEAST a Hacker that is a Veteran of Paradiso to do some LESSER Scrambling and "Data Breach" (unless is JUST executing "Destructive Worming" or "White-Noises" that will go in effect, after penetrating the Firewalls, regardless of the Socio-Linguistics barriers; but retrieving some USEFUL PERSONAL INFOS is VERY DIFFICULT if You don't know to search the "Batok Kusit" Folders, the "Sumi Na Rat" Folders or the "Sakha'Re Kurgat" ones !!). . .

    Of His "Tohaa Guyver Biosuit" the ONLY hackable and "Virtual Vulnerable" functions will be the Paratrooper Helm (functional to plan ideal "Launch / Vector Trajectories", much like the ones employed in the newest Star Trek movies !!) and the commands of the "Winged Jetpack"; any OTHER PARTS of the Suit "Functioning" are ESSENTIALLY "Cloned Muscle Undersuit linked to Synapses and boltable on High% Teseum-Alloy Armourplates and so VERY DIFFICULT to hack UNLESS the Enemy is an "Hyperspecialized Sygmaa Terrorist" that MELD Offensive Pheroware Emissions with Aggressive Scramble-Hacking. . .!!

    The Gecko and what it contains are ANOTHER MATTER, especially as Tony is Cybernetically BRAIN-LINKED with the Suit (hence BETTER than Average Piloting and Response Time !!); executing Pre-Emptive Anti-Hacking Countermeasures could be very useful (maybe something simply as: "Mmmmhh. . .The intrusive Worm is Pingin from that Vertical Wall. . .Surely a Drone Repeater. . .then another one from than Smaller-Than-Humanoid service hatch. . .aaaand found the Hacker, hidden in Top Floor of that ruined Administrative Building !!! Let's plan a Blanketing "Carpet Bombing" of Electrotromag Pulse Grenades !!!!")

    @Golem2God . . .

    Still my heartily counseled idea is to take AT LEAST some "Basic Field Triage / First Aid" Talents that will allow You and Your "Umbra-Styled" Geist to execute some good "Medikit" Rolls should the need arise. . .!!!

    On the rest I think that YET EXTANT specializations in Athletics and Melee are PERFECTLY enhanced by the "Pseudo-Rasyat" Suit Functions; while maybe Uja'Rak'Se'Ok has NEVER worn beforehand a Rasyat Jumpsuit, has SURELY fought alongside them in His Combined Army Days (OFFICIAL Timeline is more or less 10 Years from "Ground Zero Day One" of the FIRST E.I. Attack on Paradiso with the Tohaa "Allies" arrival after 5 Years; Uja has AT LEAST 20+ Years of Active Service in the Daturazis against DIFFERENT foes, such as Tohaa "Loyalists", "Friendly Skirmishes" against Exrah & Shaasvastii, "Lethal Training" against OTHER Morat Regiments and "Bug Hunts" againts Lovercraftian Alien Horrors that will make the Gaki / Pretas resembles "The Smallest of Zerglings" from Starcraft). . .

    Will have a VERY GOOD understanding of Extrapolated Functioning of Rasyat Tech & Tactics that will have let easily Tohaa Minotaurs Biotech build a project made by St. George (the Templar Renegade that blends ORC Heavy Infantry tech with Crusader Brethrens Jumpsuits). . .

    @Beodren . . .

    Your projections are sound and good; I suggest some investings in Basic Extra Stealth and some more Leadership Stuff that will allow the THREE members Fireteam act s efficaciously as a TWICE / THRICE sized Assault "Squad". . .
    Golem2God likes this.
  17. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Agreed on that. Vorpella will learn some medical knowledge on how to mend or damage an organic target.
    That could be a path to take. I'll see what happens.

    @stevenart74 If any of us wanted to post details or escapes in the personal life of our characters that don't require our (the player group) interaction with each other, should we post them on this thread or have them remain in the main RPG thread?
    stevenart74 likes this.
  18. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Yep, consider that a Personalized Geist of the PLAYER CHARACTERS (and similar N.P.C. such as "Nemesis Level" Zone Enemy Commanders A.K.A. "Level Mini-Boss" with a SUFFICIENT Tech Background, so NO Antipode Savage Chieftains that sports Anti-Hacking Countermeasures. . . . .there is ONLY ONE KNOWN Antipode that is ABLE to connect with the Human-Sphere Dataweb. . .that is the "Combat Pet" of Alistair). . .

    . . . . .

    Now that I think about "Subordinate Pets" there is an important Rule that I fear I have to Homebrew. . .

    I°)= MAIN Player Characters could "Train & Study" more or less, in downtime between an Important Mission and another more or less THREE different "Skill Trees" that are the P.C. "Main Shtick". . .

    1°) Alistair has employed successfully in the Airport Battle the Melee / Close Combat Skills, Leadership Skills (uttering COMPREHENSIBLE Orders with a Werewolf Snout is NO EASY TASK !!!), Athletic Skills and OBVIOUSLY the Ranged Firearm Skills (as effectively shooted down Svengalis' Drones with 4-5 Drum Ammo Clips of the Molotok, each of more or less 50 Bullets of Heavy A.P. Cased Ammo). . .

    2°) Uja has employed successfully more Ranged than Close Combat (MAYBE first time that a Daturazi Warrior Monk has fired with a Yaogat Styled "Mk12 Heavy Snipergun" much like an Ariadna Version of a 12,7mm. Barrett Rifle!!) but also Athletics, Basic Tactics / Comms and some smattering of Hacking, by interpreting what His wife forwarded about the three "Stooges Wardrivers" of the Biker Gang had sensed beforehand about the "Invasive Sweep" of the Criminal A.I. Subordinates. . .

    3°) Tony has VERY successfully executed "Good Rolls" for Spacer-Related Skills, Anti-Hacking and Ranged Combat; some smattering of Effective Air-To-Ground Tactics too. . .

    . . . . .

    II°)= Players' Personalized Geists have "Downtime Study" for TWO Skill-Trees & their Related Talents. . .

    1°) Alistair's Geist (the grumpy "Virtual Highlandier Rifleman" whose Nickname now I don't remember) could have some BASIC Pharmacology / Medicine-Related Skill & Talents Tree as effectively had managed many times to let Alistair in Dogwarrior form stay cool-headed and collected; another one is something about "Helping The Lad" to Manage the Difficult Comms. . .

    2°) Vorpella could have helped Uja effect some Basic Triage when surveying some Unnamed Minotaur Mercs wounded in the Airport Battle. . .

    Other useful stuff could be related to "Generic Tohaa Stuff" as She sensed Uja being DEEPLY shocked by hearing the Makaul Duelist speak a PERFECT Morat Language and then "Mad Doktor With Three Arms" started piling "Crazy Biotech Ideas" on the hapless Gesurat. . .

    3°) Betty had been INSTRUMENTAL in helping Tony manage the difficult "Sensor Reading + Anti-Hacking Protocols" so that is a VERY obvious X.P. Developement; other Ideas is to have analyzed ALL the interesting Mecha-Tech around the Battlefield (Enemy and Allied alike) and so some Tech-related Skillsets could be useful too. . .

    Also Svengali's Drones had been subjected to ALL MANNERS of "Explosive Dissection", so some "Aiming Help" to make helping BETTER Ranged Combat Rolls against this "Specific Chosen Enemy Type", provided Armour, Chassis and Vehicle Frame remain consistants. . .

    . . . . .

    III°)= Players' Personal "Combat / Utility Pets" have FAR LESS "Autonomous Thinking" than Geists (Geists are "Limited Artificial Intelligences" that anyway are based on the "Neural Pattern Templates" of their Owners, and so act as more "Second Brain" than "S.I.R.I. Mark5" !!) and so is JUST ONE the "Skill & Talents Tree" that they could have performed. . .

    1°) Alistair "Cyborg Anitpode K9 Sub-Unit" (don't remember if the Caledonian Noble has given a Nickname; "Barghest" or "Baskerville" as for the Hellhound of Highlander Legends seems fitting !!!) is JUST adjusting as a "Beta-To-Dogwarrior-Alpha" but could still ruminate about OBVIOUSLY His "Singular Specialization" (the Praxis Mad Scientists that mutilated the ONCE whole Savage Antipode Chieftain had replaced parts of His Brain and Sensorial Apparatus with Silk-Based Biografts covered in High% Alloys of Teseum and Nessium armour-plating; usually Antipodes have ZERO "Datasphere Presence" being EFFECTIVELY "Invisible Ghosts" to Infowar Tactics, both Helpful and Negatives !!). . .

    Some Pre-Ordained "Program Package" allow the Cyber-Antipode to "Translate" some Basic Hacking into "Instincts Primal Urges" (Hide, Investigate Interesting Things, Stalk "Prey", Attack, Defence, Run Away) that execute some preprogrammed Routines; the same "Basic Rote Programs" could be instigated REMOTELY by Alistair through BOTH his "Half-Antipode Pheromones", Infrasonic Whistles (that ONLY Antipodes at 100%, Dogwarriors at 75% and SOME Wulvers at 50% could be able to Hear, WITHOUT specialized Cyber-Ears) and the "Drug Dispensor Control" wired into His Armoured Comlog Vambrace. . .

    Some Hacking Skills could be MANDATORY. . .

    Also Antipodes are "Natural 100% Organic" Advanced Sensors; usually there is the need of a SPECIALIZED Tri-Pack with a DEDICATED Antipode Handler to be able to act as let's say a Sensor3 Officer Infantry Lieutenant or Sniper of the Hyperpowers (such as Nisse Rangers and their Yujing Counterparts, the sneaky Guylang Scouts). . .

    The "Extra Microprocessors Cyberbrain M.C.P.U." of the Cyborg Antipode are able to EFFECTIVELY act as a WHOLE Unit; some Skills & Talents in "Awareness / Scouting" could be useful too. . .

    An Antipode, even a mutilated "Frankenstein Monster" like the one that see Alistair as "Pack Alpha", are NATURALLY stealthy; NO NEED to invest in FURTHER Stealth Enhancement (UNLESS Alistair would like to become effectively a "Forgotten Realms Lythari Ranger & Wolf Familiar" becoming the Infinity Version of one of Faerun MOST LETHAL "Forest Skirmishers" a Elf Lycanthrope & Pet. . . . .Technically "Werewolf Woodland-Ninja with Dire Wolf" !!!!!). . .

    2°) Uja's Pet, Knucker the Ruby-Scaled "Ariadnan Snakewolf" has not done overmuch than "Sniffing & Hissing" at the weird "Screaming Iron Boxes falling around, that Packmaster liked to strike with the Big Thunder-Stick". . .

    Snakewolves are LESSER smart than a "Sentient / Cognizant" Antipode Tri-Pack (smart as a Tribal Human Aboriginal) but MORE intelligent than a "Lonewolf Antipode" (that are JUST big, aggressive "Mega-Timberwolves" able to rear up on backlegs like Big Apes or Grizzly Bears; is DEBATABLE if "No Pack" Antipodes retain the Sentience to EFFECTIVELY employ Tools / Weapons WITHOUT the direct orders of their "K9 Human Handler" !!!); imagining Knucker as "Blue" (the friendly, smart Velociraptor that bonded with "Starlord" in the two last "Jurassic Park" Movies) could be ideal. . .

    Stealth, Close Combat & Awareness are "Natural Choices" for a Snakewolf (REMEMBER that these are TOTALLY "Homebrewed Monsters" created by the G.M. to act as "Natural Enemies" of Antipodes in the wilds of Planet Dawn !!!); ALSO these nasty reptilian critters (imagine a Spined Big Snake with spindly Quadraped Legs !!) have Venomous / Acidic "Spike-Quills" that they could LAUNCH in Close Range (Shotgun Spread of Effect Conical Area) with their Tail, Manticore-Style, so some kind of Ranged Aim Talents would be NOT Out-Of-Place. . . . .

    . . . . . .

    STILL I HAVE TO CALCULATE THE EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF X.P. TO DOLE TO PLAYERS; Unfortunately I'm distant physically from the Drives where I store the Pdf. Manuals AND the Physical "Printed-On-Paper" Basic Manual. . . . .!!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  19. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    I don't see WHY some snippets of Players Background, complete with N.P.C. written P.O.W. will not be good to have IN THE MAIN I.C. Thread. . .

    As I said beforehand, I'm SERIOUSLY considering open up a THIRD Thread JUST for Tactical Mission-Battle Infos (Maps, Foe Deployement; KNOWN Foe Stats; USEFUL Tactical Info-Background "Crossovers" and so on). . .

    Pre-Mission Briefing and Post-Mission Debriefing could be handled in the "Old" I.C. / O.O.C. Threads. . . . .!!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  20. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Just put them in the IC thread, it'll be fine.
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
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