IMHO Kuangs + Monks are really good together. It's not only the interaction of "throwing smoke to cover the zombies", but the possibility of attacking with your chain rifles intuitively through said smoke cloud. Cheap way to deal with Camo spam in Vanilla. Maybe I'm just a extreme-impetuous lover (?)
I've stopped using Kuangs for personal reasons and so only thinking of Shaolin. BTW if they Hulang are Heavy Shaolin, it makes me a little scared they have a very low BS but won't get a template weapon.
My bets are on BS12 in line with the Zhencha. My gut ( Which may or may not also have servo-powered adjustments. ) tells me there's enough servos in that suit of servo-powered armor of theirs to at least let them aim straighter than a Zhanshi.
No, that's the white masks... Except, you know, Hac Tao, which is a third of all our white mask wearing units, so definitely a WB feature.
So... Tigers don't have white masks. Does that mean they'll never be in any of our sectorials now that they've been snubbed from IA? For that matter, a lot of Imperial Service stuff has white masks, so are they now confirmed as in White Banner? This new method of using studio paint schemes to determine sectorial inclusion is really doin' me 'ead in! The Ninja also has a white mask in the new art... but White Banner already has the Guilang! We can't have two infiltrating camo units in the same list. I guess that means the Guilang is out then. I mean, it totally didn't make any sense in White Banner anyways. Trained on Svalarheima? I'm sorry, but we don't use background to determine whether a unit is in a sectorial!
Duh, man, you are obviously stupid if you can't understand something that simple. Maybe we should hire someone to help you! Trained in Svalarheima is as subtle as "the Recon Section of the Invincible Army" to assume something will be in said Sectorial, stop being so dumb!! You need to learn some new words
Damn my dull mind! I simply can't play the ten-dimensional chess required to understand the fantastically rich background of Infinity. I am truly unworthy! *commits Sudoku*
Shaolin could arguably all be Irregular, Not Impetuous, Tactical Sense. That'd be cool. Expensive though.
I can't see it being that expensive considering it's an order only they can use. Which you already have with the Impetuous order. A Jaguar is Regular/Frenzy for 10pts with DA CCW. I'd pay that for Irregular with Tactical Sense. Over 10 they would need to start giving me good weapons! Right now the base shaolin ccw sucks compared to others that get DA, AP, or E/M. It's not like they have an HMG with BS14!
If that is the reference I think it is, I don't think that would be very balanced, what would the rules even be? Move ∞, autocrits in CC? Savepoints? Edit: Fire@Will, I see that we think alike
Tigers have their white faceplate shifted downwards to where the white "beard" of a tiger is. But you are correct, there's more white faceplats in ISS; all of the ISS starter has white faceplate features (with the CG being limited to a white crest) and the Pheasant is a contender for the whitest head gear of Yu Jing. To be fair, however, Bostria might've meant that white face decoration is a sign of the unit not being IA rather than a sign of the unit being WB. Still doesn't explain the Hac Tao, but hey!