As I said before, in any time before the 30th. Sorry to not be so clear with this. We want to deliver the Army with no bugs, and we're focusing on that. Also is not only the Army but the new rules PDF updated that must be delivered at the same time. I know you want to know the exact date & hour but I'm afraid I cannot satisfy you. Anyway, I'll be here to keep you updated. Have a nice day.
No probs, totally understandable. Was just checking if there was a possibility, but if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. Thanks again for the updates :D
That and having the timeframe of "Within the week" is a perfectly acceptable and reasonable answer. :) Thank you Koni!
I'm sure no one will complain if you release the pdf before army... HEAR THAT GUYS, I SAID NO ONE COMPLAIN IF THE PDF GET DROPPED BEFORE ARMY.
Hey look, clear communication to help disarm a rumour from taking on life of its own! More of this please! Either way, I was already pretty sure "any time before the 30th" meant "the 30th", so no disappointment here. Take the time you need for a smooth, bug free release. It's all good, just keep communicating is all we ask.
Communication is a double edge. There might be all intent to release on 30th and something comes up and they miss the 30, which can lead to outrage and frustration as expectations are dashed.
Yes, we can be disappointed if the announced deadline is missed. Missing an announced deadline is by definition not meeting expectations. But most of us know shit happens. If someone is upfront about it, most are willing to cut some a reasonable amount of slack. Are you trying to argue for communications blackout?
No I'm pointing out that distilling good communication down to just giving a timeframe over simplifies how unforgiving customers are. Because no matter how often people lose their shit (it's seems lots of people don't understand that shit happens), companies are always criticised for not giving timeframes. So I can understand the hesitation by most these days to not do so.
So which is it then? Bostria says next week. You're saying by the 30th (Friday). I don't know who to trust!! @Koni
Bostria said next week in a video screened last weekend. So this week. The same thing that @Koni said. They aren't disagreeing.