Not much of a delay as we only really had an interval of "It'll release sometime beyond the 25th and the 30th", at least that's what's been parroted around the forums. So it's not technically a delay until AFTER November 30th...
Let us hope Koni comes to the rescue again and might clarify a bit. Or anybody else, really, but seeing as Koni gave us the info related to Mowangs, Hulangs and a smidge of Hai Daos... I'd suspect if we'd hear a clarification from anyone, if at all, it'd prolly be from them.
The update window is probably being left as just that, a window, because they're not sure when the work on army will be done. Which considering how badly army spaghettis itself with bugs everytime we update, doesn't lead me to have great confidence that it'll update in the early half of the release window.
While this update is, unfortunately, affecting my concentration at work, I'm still not expecting an update until Friday (simple: by Murphy's Law this will make it really damned hard for me to make a list for the tournament on Saturday if someone drops out as I'm busy all Friday and need to get up really early on Saturday if I am to repack my bag for gaming instead of painting/assistant TO)
Cheer up, m8. Could be worse. We could have it pushed back to the end of December. Murphy's Law does hold truer and truer I've noticed as I've gotten older though. Gotta embrace the suck.