I don't know. I assumed it's in the same style as the other books, and the rulebook has a rudimentary profiles page. I haven't opened the Uprising book yet, so I haven't check the closest equivalent for it, however.
It does not have stats in there. The new rules are exactly like discussed earlier. Its basically a huge pile of flufftext based around paradiso. Sadly there are no images of the Hulang either. :-(
The only other change to something preexisting up to this point is Sucker Punk. It goes up from damage 16 to 17.
I totally agree. It's one of the things that's irked me for the longest time. I think they were trying to show the speed Shaolin monks are known for by giving them an extra order only they could use. I'm hoping that they will change it out for that new rules that could give them an extra irregular order!
Ehh... that would be a downgrade for vanilla since that impetuous order is used to protect Kuang Shi. Not to mention you'd kill their points discount and jack them way up in cost. Do not want.
I'm only saying for Shaolin. Not Kuang Shi. For them, impetuous makes sense. I'm willing to pay a little more for Shaolin to be able to take cover and not have them running out into the middle of fire! I'm thinking like Irregular Irregular! while I love Regular Impetuous like Jaguars and some others. Irregular does make sense for Shaolin. They are not a normal part of the military. They are add hoc troops to aid in emergencies and such. But in order to show their speed and skill, giving them two Irregular orders could show they are NOT berzerking maniacs and show their speed.
I think what Triumph is saying is that having impetuous Shaolin let's them put down smoke or force enemies to dodge before the kuang shi move, potentially saving the order for another round.
ah got it. I never used them together before. One thing that makes me NOT wang Hulang to be HI is because I can just see my friends Mutts walking up to no only issolate them but to immobilized them. It's bad enough with Daofei and Zhencha. At least they can't be targeted in camo at first. I'd be ok with them being MI 1W+NWI just for that. Also not hack-able.
I use them alot, it would be a massive downgrade, trust me. The whole point of monks and Kuang Shi is they cost basically nothing and go up the table and cause a mess and trade up in cost and make your opponent waste orders dicking around with them.
Well, if you're playing ISS the Kuang Shi are the only game in town for "expendable nutcase with a gun." The feeling I'm absolutely getting from IA is Open Warfare though, and that's great. :D It honestly feels weird among the forces of Infinity; the only other army I've seen that can encompass that feel of "Neither subtle nor covert, not a scalpel but the grand mailed fist of the nation" is the MAF.
Subtlety is overrated. Grab as many HI as you can shove into your list and go in there with only 8 regular orders ( And as many Irregulars as you desire. )! ( Unironically a list I'd gladly run TBGCUIH. )