Minotaurs Out-Of-Character Thread

Discussion in 'RPG' started by stevenart74, May 13, 2018.

  1. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @stevenart74 And yet despite all of that we seem to be the some of the most normal people to inhabit the island. I think we are alright by my standards. Looking forward to the bonding we shall experience together both on and off the battlefield.
  2. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Golem2God ; @inane.imp ; @Beodren . . .

    It seems that @Danger Rose has dropped CONSIDERABLY the activity on the Forum. . .

    And previously He said that there were some "Nondescript Problems" around His general well-being (maybe I misunderstood ??). . .

    I DO NOT think that He dropped altogheter without warning but that MAYBE there are some R.W. Issue that need to be sorely addressed before He can rejoin us. . .

    I think that I will prepare a "Stealth Exoframe Pilot" package the more WELL BALANCED possible, put His character on "Autopilot" (maybe with action suggested by the "Active" Team Mates during the Raid) and VERY SOON we will proceed with the "Training Op". . .

    In that manner AS SOON AS He would rejoin there will not be lost time. . .

    Let Me know what do You all think. . .
    Golem2God likes this.
  3. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @stevenart74 I say we should keep going. Whatever course of action you feel is best to take, feel free to do it.
    #663 Golem2God, Nov 20, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2018
  4. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Hi @Danger Rose hope you are ok. How has your forum break been?
  5. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm terribly, terribly sorry. Thinks have been too hectic on my side. I'm going to have to drop out.

    It pains me, but despite all my efforts I barely have time to read, and rarely to answer back.
    Golem2God likes this.
  6. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Are you waiting on a anything from me for us to continue? If so let me know and I'll get it done tonight.
    Golem2God likes this.
  7. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I was incommunicated for a while (hospilalized, nothing life-threatening, but still bothersome). And then made a trip to the US for the Renegade Open. So, at first not so great, then really great.

    And now, I'm in the middle of reactivating the Digital File System on my ER and it has been so far a royal pain where the sun doesn't shine.

    That, plus the routine family affairs, are making it harder to be more interactive
    Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  8. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @Danger Rose Whoa!! That is a hectic series of events indeed. You can always join back up in the far future if you wish. For now rest and get your life under control.

    How did you do at Renegade? Did the Sand Cats make an appearance or another force instead? You think that you might make Drennea in mini/model form someday in the future like your other characters?
    #668 Golem2God, Nov 20, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2018
  9. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I hope I'm all cleared as well. Ready and willing to rumble.
  10. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @Beodren @inane.imp Just a question for curiosity's sake, what would our characters be like if they were the opposite gender? How they change personality wise or backstory? Would they remain mostly the same with a few differences? What are your takes on this?
  11. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The Sand Cats did make an appearance. I lost all my games, but gave a good fight (didn't allow any Mayor Victories). I'll write the story in the coming days.

    I do have a Mini for Dreanna (a converted Hazmat Suit HVT) and an unassabled Geko for her.

    I'm thinking of recruiting her for the Sand Cats, though. I have open spots on my Djanbazan Link Team proxies. Since she has subdermal armor, limited regeneration and Multi-Spectral Eyes, she does seem like an interesting choice.

    Hmm. One Intruder and 2 Quimeras as Djanbazan proxies, might be pushing it.
    Golem2God likes this.
  12. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Tony would be very similar. Think Bobby from The Expanse but meaner, angrier and more fucked up. Ie very competent, but a bitch (rather than very competent and a good sport).

    I probably wouldn't have gone with the romantic subplot though, and would have made it Tony 'herself' who'd been screwed over.

    Personally I don't like RPing women (I'm bad at it).
    Golem2God likes this.
  13. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Nah go for it. I bet she will look great. Looking forward to your stories in the future.
    Interesting. I do understand not RPG the opposite sex. Many people are like that because they feel they can't do it justice.

    Uja would have some changes. She would be a Zerat for one possibly a Oznat. Concerning the boys, she would struggle with having motherhood thrust upon her and add to the fact that Morat motherhood is different from Human motherhood. I don't know if Ugee would have another person she would be hitched with but Artair Blaan McGregor, the blonde hairy bear Gray Rifle Scott, would be the most likely. As the two would agree to get legally married in order to keep and raise the catamite boys. I actually think this alternate universe would be cute in it's own ways. A female Ugee and Artair couple can be just as fun to write as Uja and Bella. At least in my mind.
    #673 Golem2God, Nov 21, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2018
  14. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    And we lost another Player. . . . .

    Sorry to hear of Your problem @Danger Rose , hope everything will solve if there are still ongoing issues. . .

    @inane.imp ; @Golem2God ; @Beodren

    About the "Character's Upgrades" I will ty to write down a X.P. Summary and a "Available Gear Cost List" as soon as is possible (unfortunately Today and Tomorrow there is a lot of stuff that I have to do for work). . .

    Will "Open" probably a "Mission Thread" to have NOT cluttering the Roleplaying ones with back & forth R.P.ing. . .

    . . . . .

    At the moment there is NOT time to EVER check for other Players Recruiting, will EVENTUALLY do it AFTER the "Test Missions". . .
    Golem2God likes this.
  15. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @stevenart74 Willing and waiting to go into battle. "Cue the Stage Select Music"
    inane.imp and stevenart74 like this.
  16. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Well I am ready and good to go!
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  17. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Today still some Issues to solve with Graphic Works, Job-Related Dates and Attorney Problems, but THIS NIGHT or AT WORST Tomorrow should be able to prepare everything. . .

    My "SUGGESTIONS" are:

    1°) "Dual Nature Operation" simulating a "Stealth Incursion" inside a Enemy Base (that STOLE important Military Wargear rather than "Simple Teseum Crates"; MAINLY the Character's "Heavy Stuff"). . .

    . . . . .

    2°) @Golem2God character will be "wearing" the EXPERIMENTAL Tohaa "Symbiotic Suit" of "Cloned Muscle Fibers" that He is trying to kitbash together as "Reward" BUT WITHOUT the Jump-Pack External Armour (a sort of crossbreed between Morats' Rasyats and Tohaa's Gao-Tarsos, BUT designed by a Ex-Panoceanian Templar Crusader Brother !!!) and Weapons Heavier than a Ultralight Autoshotgun (capable of shooting 15mm. Micro-Smoke Grenades and that Uja'Rak could shoot with a SINGLE hand, due to brawny physique, rather than bracing it like a Rifle, as "Puny" Humans are meant to do !!) and His "Daturazi Kung-Fu Melee Tools". . .

    INSIDE a "Target Crate" in the MOST well-defended Area of the "Enemy Base" (A.K.A. abandoned Airport Hangar with Cargo Boxes and Trailer Crates RANDOMLY put to create a "Maze") there will be the External Armour Plating, Winged Jumpjet Backpack and the "Augmented Virtual Reality" Helmet that latch on the "Symbio Suit" creating a lethal "Morat Guyver" (check the "GUYVER Bio-Booster Armour" Manga / Anime to see where C.B. took inspiration for Tohaa Symbiotech !!) along with the "Heavy Guns": Modifed Trench-Hammer (Teseum "Blunt Claymore" with LIMITED Shaped Charges "Ammo Warheads"), an Automatic Boarding-Vulkan Shotgun, 20mm. caliber, with Underbarrell 40mm. Grenade Launcher) and finally the Custom U.S.Ariadnan "Selector Revolver" Heavy Shotgun chambered for 30mm. Kazak Mini-Grenades. . .

    With the COMPLETE Armour On, then the muscular Morat will be enhanced ENOUGH by "Extra Muscles" and Rigid Armour Bracing, to be able to use ONE HANDED one of these "Heavy Tools" in EACH Arm (so EITHER Boarding Shotgun + Heavy Shotgun; Maul + Heavys Shotgun; Maul + Combi Boarding Shotgun !!) much LIKE in Dogwarrior Form, thanks to the Cybernetic Arm, @Beodren 's Alistair could EASILY wield ONE HANDED a monstruous Mega-Claymore AND a Custom Molotok, weapons that in Dogface Form is BARELY able to lift and carry. . .

    . . . . .

    3°) @Beodren Lieutenant Mc Elliott will be wearing his "Dogface Spandex" AND a customized Stealth Camo-Poncho, worn as a BIG cloak that cover most of the Dogface-Sized physique; His Claymore and Molotok will be INSIDE ANOTHER "Dungeon Treasure Chest" Target Crate, so He will be using a "Human Sized Heavy Dirk" (TECHNICALLY Corvus Belli classify as "Highlander Dirks", traditional daggers of the Caledonian Celts, the weapons in Concepts, even if they are SHAPED / SIZED like "300 Spartan's Xyphos" Short Swords) with Rules as "Teseum 1hand Blade" and a 15.mm (15mm. / Cal.20 / .000, "Banana Clip" with 10 Shots) "Sawed-Off Light Shotgun Pistol" like the one of Uja. . .

    OTHER useful "Rifle Guns" that He will be able to use ONE HANDED as BIG Pistols, EVEN in Dogface, could be a "8 Shots Straight Clip" Light Shotgun (20mm. / Cal.12 / .00); a 6 Shots "Selector Revolver" Sawed-Off Heavy Shotgun (30mm. / Cal.10 / .0, UNWIELDLY 1) or a RATHER Heavy and Cumbersome (UNWIELDLY 2 Gun Special Effect) "Grenade Launcher Riot-Revolver" with a 4 Shots "Selector Revolver" (40mm. / Cal.5 / .-0). . .

    INSIDE the Target Crate that is HIS will found ALSO a "Dogwarrior Breastplate" of the PUREST 100% Teseum (much like if He would have been a HUMAN Mormaer would be the BASIS of the "Mormaer's Helghast / Jin-Roh" Full Plate that would have been His "Bloodline Birthright" to don in battle !!); when assuming the Dogwarrior Form, Alistair will be able to DISCARD the "Camouflage Cloak" and wear it (WITH PRIDE !!) and so ALSO carry a "Unknown Ranger" styled "100% Teseum Riot Shield" (well RATHER a "Romanic Legion Tower Shield, with Eye Slits" that an Ariadnan Werewolf could carry EASILY as a Buckler Mini-Shield). . .

    In that manner ALSO DOgwarrior Alistair could have a "Versatile Tactical Approach" much like Uja (so Tower Shield + Claymore; Tower Shield + Molotok; Claymore + Molotok) enhancing CONSIDERABLY the devastating prowess of an Elite Highlander Caledonian. . .!!

    . . . . .

    4°) @inane.imp would instead be able to have a "Light T.O. Camo" kind of "Nanotech Spray Pant" ADDED to His personal "Gecko Pilot Suit" (BETWEEN Light Infantry Armour and some form of "Lightweight" Medium Infantry Suits; a considerable GOOD protection for Exoframe "T.A.G. Pilot" if compared to the "Transparent Swimsuit" worn by Guijias Pilot, Raicho Babes or the rather ABOMINABLE "Samurai-Bitch Cosplayer Outfit" of the Female O-Yoroi Pilot). . .

    While His Character is NOT customized for Stealth like others, will be able to have BONUS MOMENTUM (for POTENTIAL "Hide In Shadow / Move Silently" Rolls) with this personalized gear. . .

    As weapons could be able to carry His trusty "Twin Nomads Gunblade Pistols" (U.S.Ariadnan "Colt 1911 Cal.45ACP" transformed into FULL-AUTO Assault Pistols, with TESEUM Alloyed Bayonets !!) and an "Exoframe Engineering Tool" (Part Wrench, Part Crowbar and Part Fireman Axe; stats as Teseum 1 Handed Blade BUT ALSO capable of Nonlethal Bluntness) that is AS MUCH useful to pry open Orbital Steel Bulkheads AS Heavy Infantry Helmet. . .

    As a "Corregidoran Gunslinger" there are other "Sidearm Handgun Pistols" that Tony Rodriguez could consider TOO; smaller than the ones that the other two "Nonhuman Monsters" could wield 1handed, are still quite lethal. . .

    PLEASE NOTE that these are USUALLY the "Sawed Off Unrifled Shotguns" used as UNDERBARRELL ATTACHEMENT for Rifle-Sized Weapons, but could work efficaciously as "Big Pistols" on their own. . .

    15mm. / Cal.20 / .000; a smaller version of the "Nonhuman Shotgun Pistols" is anyway good enough with a 8 Shells capacity (7 in the "Mini Banana Clip" and one YET in the firing chamber); in R.W. there are similar "Masterkey" Underbarrell Rifle Attachements employed by Police Assault "Special Team Forces" to shoot away door hinges WITHOUT changing their main gun. . .

    20mm. / Cal.12 / .00; a CONTEMPORARY Sawed-Off Browing Automatic Shotgun, Pistol-Grip with a 5 Shells capacity (4 in the Tubular Slug-Tank and 1 YET in the firing chamber) much like the ones that "Minotaur S.W.A.T.s" employ under their silenced 10mm. "MP5SDK". . .

    30mm. / Cal.10 / .0; technically an Oversized Revolver, with Smoothbore Unrifled Barrell and THREE Shots in the cylinder. . .

    40mm. / Cal.5 / .-0 "M203" SINGLE SHOT (MUNITION:1) Grenade Pistol; will be "Crack Open" like an old "Sawed Off Dual Barrell" employed by 1930 Sicilian Mafia Gangsters and Old-West Cattle-Rancher "Bandidos" (essentially a Vietnam Era "M79 Blooper" with shortened barrell and sawed-off stock). . .

    . . . . .

    Obviously what will await Tony in HIS "Treasure Chest" will be the Gecko T.A.G. in "Open-Cockpit Kneeled Configuration" (like Land-Mates in Masamune Shirow mangas) Fuel Topped, ready for Battle-Launch and with the Guns totally ready. . .

    NORMALLY the "Typical Loadout" of Tony's Gecko will be 5,56mm. "FN MINIMI" L.M.G. with Riot Grenade Launchers, BUT. . .

    With the "Mock Battle" taking place in an ENCLOSED structure MAYBE trying some of the NEW "Shotgun Weapons" that I'm attempting to kitbash together COULD be an interesting idea. . .

    A 15mm. "Belt Feed" Light Autoshotgun will be TECHNICALLY Identical to the Rifle-Ammo Machineguns usually mounted on the Gecko Vambraces (that are THE SAME of the Haqqislamite Azrail "Heavy Spartan Powersuit" Gunner Configuration); JUST some minor tweakings such as LESS Long Range and MORE LETHAL at close distances. . .

    20mm. "Belt Feed Shotguns" could be mounted in TWICE Combi-Rows or combined "Single Main" with a SINGLE Underbarrell; they are essentially Boarding / Vulkan Shotguns, with AT LEAST +1 Burst Value due to LARGER Ammo Feeds. . .

    30mm. (EITHER Belt-Feed Auto-Burst Modules or "Selector Rotating-Cylinder Ammo Revolver-Wheel") ARE DIRECTLY the "Ariadnan Heavy Shotguns"; the "Selector Revolving Wheel" Modules TRADE -1 / -2 BURST for +1 / +2 MULTI choice of Different Ammo, while "Belt-Feed C.A.W.S." are the OPPOSITE. . .

    40mm. SMOOTHBORE Grenade Launchers (so ESSENTIALLY "Super-Heavy Shotguns") are YET mounted UNDERNEATH the "Main Combiweapons" and they are "Selector Revolver Ammo-Wheels" kind of "Support Variable Ammo Guns"; substituting those with JUST 40mm. could have a COUPLE of Light Autogrenadiers, taking Shot Slugs from AT LEAST two different Belt-Feeds Ammo Boxes. . .

    SHOULD Tony decide to trade the "Bandersnatch Drone Zonbot" Anchor-Bay on the back of the Gecko Suit with some "Rocket Pods" the "Light Panzerfaust R.P.G." employs ESSENTIALLY 40mm. Grenade Warheads; each of the 2 boxes will have 20 Shots that could be depleted into "Burst Volleys of 5 each" (so EACH POD will have 5 Bursts and TWINNED Pods will have 40 Shots before needing complicate Reloading by a "Gun Servant Drone" !!). . .

    5°) The "Opposition" are H.I.V.E.M.I.N.D. Drones acting PURPOSEFULLY as "Simulated Human Bandits" with Ariadnan Weaponry; they will act EXACTLY as "Single-Minded Organic Humans, Linked by Hackable Radios" rather than "Homogenous Karakuris Puppeteered by an Omniscient / Panopticon A.I.". .

    . . . . .

    While "Specialized Training" against what could be ESSENTIALLY "Svengali Drone Armies" will be done in the Future, this "Mock Battle Exercise" will be to have a "Reliable Enough Simulation" of how well the Squad will fare against realistically acted oppositions that they could face NOW, in the Ariadnan Mainlands. . .!!
    #677 stevenart74, Nov 22, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2018
    Golem2God likes this.
  18. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Keep it simple.

    Give us the mission (Go retrieve the macguffin from the enemy ‘base’), tell us what resources we have, what the ‘terrain’ is and what the opposition is. We’ll sort it out from there. This can all be done in character.

    It’s a simulation so you can literally go:

    Re: your specific mission suggestion. If you want to do that I’m onboard. But it’s absurd that you are going “I’m deliberately putting your character in a situation he’s not designed for, but don’t worry have all these free mods so you can deal with it without breaking a sweat.” Tony is not stealthy and is squishy outside of a TAG: these are features of the character. Getting him to a stolen TAG to steal it back is cool, but means that the first half of the mission is basically a VIP escort mission where Tony is the VIP (albeit he is, admittedly, more capable than a clumsy NPC): this is fine.

    Re: the equipment. Honestly two Combis (ie. ‘Minimi LMGs’) with LGLs (ie. ‘30mm GL with selectable revolving magazine ’) makes a lot of sense to me even in a relatively confined locale (particularly since I know how they work mechanically, and Geckos also have Chain Colts for really close in work). If I have access to an armoury to select ammo types after we finish planning there’s a lot of interesting things you can do with that set up. It’s extremely tailorable to the mission while still allowing lots of versatility to respond to in mission surprises.

    The servantbot can grab a lift by holding on. Or he can travel with Uja, Al and the dog. Or I can leave it behind.

    I’ve got a TAG: you don’t really need to give me any more cool stuff. A stock Gecko with LGLs is EPIC!!!! It’s already turned up to 11, you don’t need to keep trying to crank the volume further. All you’re doing by modifying all the stuff left and right is confusing me. Stock Gecko with LGLs on the Combis is SIMPLE, both you and I know exactly what that is, the only outstanding question is “how many reloads does each of the weapons have?”

    Re: Tony’s personal weapons. Right now he owns a single pistol, which is fine for basic self protection (and is what he’ll carry around pretty much all the time). For work, I was just going to grab two stock Assault Pistols (as in completely absolutely stock as per the rule book) from the unit armoury. Tony may tinker with them down the track, but I’ll bring that up when/if it eventuates.
    #678 inane.imp, Nov 23, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2018
  19. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @inane.imp . . .

    Seen & Read all Your notations; the idea was not to ADD stuff but JUST to offer ALTERNATIVES. . .

    The Option to give You a "Limited Stealth Suit" was to JUST offer ANOTHER Tactical Role for Tony; but if You insist that He is JUST "Bi-Polar" about Rule-Wise Actions (Attacking with the Gecko Suit ON, and jsut executing "Pit Stop Mechanic Actions" in the Service Bays when T.A.G. is OFF) is good enough. . .

    The idea of having the Team simulating a "Stolen Tech Retrieval" was to TEST-BED the "Infiltration Capabilities" of the OTHER TWO Characters, especially if @Golem2God wanted to test the Tohaa Symbio-Skin that was trying to get ALONG with the "Reverse Engineered Rasyat Jump-Suit" and wanted to add some more FLEXIBILITY especially now that the "Squad Stealth Specialist" is GONE (Technically Dreanna of @Danger Rose will go to custom-build Her suit with the Tunguskan Kazak Mobsters and fill find them SO AGREEABLES that She will MORE OR LESS never exit anymore their Vehicle Hangars. . . . .Such as the OTHER MANY Abandoned P.C. that I choose to NOT KILL AWAY but are rather "Elsewhere, Until. . ."). . .

    Both the Morat, without whatsoever Armour, and the Caledonian Werewolf (in Dogface Form) are MORE than capable of "Stealthing Around", inside or outside Urban Environments, and this NICELY compound the fact that when "Fully Geared" they will become "Engine-Of-Death Warmachines" AS MUCH as Your Custom Gecko (Guijias and Magharibas are MORE Stout, Brawny and Armoured, but STRICTLY "Military Battlefield Heavy Gear" that will have pain-in-the-asses to go where the comparable tiny Nomad Exoframes will truly shine !!). . .

    The Idea was to have the THREE Player Characters' Team to be able to face ANY kind of Adversity with TWO different Multi-Pronged Approaches:

    PLAN A°) "All-Out Assault with Heavy Weapons Blazing" ; make difficult to take alive Sensitive Prisoners or retrieve INTACT Data Packets. . .

    PLAN B°) "Stealth Incursion" ; that could ANYWAY devolve into "A" after a couple of Failed Stealth Rolls; could be useful to scout Target Zones, gather Vital Intels and capture (and interrogate) Key Figures of the Opposition. . .

    That could be useful too as to show that @Beodren 's Character is NOT ONLY a "Slavering Lycanthrope Deathbringer" but a Veteran Lieutenant Officer able to face, and vanquish, ANY kind of Possible Obstacles with MORE than Violence. . .

    . . . . .

    I do NOT want to force Your Character into an Uncomfortable Position; with Your T.A.G. AS IT IS NOW WRITTEN FROM YOU and particularly with the Cyber-Enhancements of Tony, AND Personalized "Anti-Hacker" Geist "Betty" AND Customized Com-Log there is YET a big rooster of AMPLE Tactical Options with the two "Warriors" scoutibng around and Tony INSIDE His "Armoured Shell" hidden nearby (a Gecko, kneeled down OR lying prone is SMALL ENOUGH to be able to stay safely hidden insiode an Army Truck Cargo Bay or a Small-Room-Like "Place" such as a Shipping Container Box, an Unused Car Garage, an empty Trailer Park Tender and so on). . .

    Basically Tony will act as "Mission Control On The Spot" due to the Advanced Sensors and Enhanced Processing Speed of the Customized Exoframe; then, when INEVITABLY Shit-Hit-The-Fan EXPLODE from the coverage and go "Rescue / Help / Support" Team Mates with machineguns blazing. . .!!

    The Gecko is LIGHTWEIGHT enough that there is the Option of having it inside a Vtol Airplane of the Minotaurs Airforce, linked to the other TWO squadmates of the Team by "Hypersecure Encrypted Data-Link of Synchronized Quantum Geists" executing "Collating and Analysys" of the Data-Feed from THEIR Comlogs and then, when is needed some more brute force PARACHUTE directly on the Firezone (Ariadnans parachute Traktor Muls, TWO or THREE of the Drone Chutes are sturdy enough to SAFELY land the Gecko ANYWHERE on the Operational Theatre). . .!!

    Should a slow descent by Parachute be too risky (intense Enemy A.A. Fire; too cramped Urban Area; Snipers Aplenty; risk of Passerby Photos that "Denies Plausible Dineability") there are some "Experimental Options Too": a "Inflatable Rubber Balls Shield" much like the one of N.A.S.A. prototypes for Atmospheric Re-Entry or EVEN a "One-Use Rocket Backpack" that will stop the crash at mere 1-3 Meters from Ground Zero Levels (maybe shouting "Prepare to TITANFALL !!!!"). . .

    Yes, I'm suggesting to transform Your Gecko into a "Tiny Caskuda". . . .While Uja'Rak'Se'Ok is NOT an Exrak "Bug Man" as a Veteran Daturazi had, in the past, employed a lot of "Death-From-Above" Calls with the Warrior Monk Warbands calling down an Insectoid Exoframe DIRECTLY on a noisome enemy entrenched down in a gun-nest. . .!!

    These are ONLY Options that could ENHANCE the Tactical Flexibility of a Squad of ONLY THREE MEMBERS; You are NOT OBLIGED to take ANY of these Suggestions. . .

    Why not discuss with the other Squad-Mates about Tactical Roles for Operational Needs (@Golem2God YET asked if You, @inane.imp , and @Beodren wnated more some "Overlapping of Skillsets" or, rather, ANY Players "Hyper-Specializing in His Trade"). . . . .???
  20. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    O.K. as usual UTTER SHITE still try to hit Me in the Face, but I endure and survive!!

    What DOES NOT KILL ME simply is giving My MORE STRENGHT!!!

    Currently in an Hospital Course, bedside my 81 Years old Mother that is executing a VERY wide set of Medical Exams for a very important check-up. . .

    IT SEEMS NOTHING OF SERIOUS but YET were done RX and Blood Composition testings (and this last VERY THOROUGH to assess if TOO much different Medicines had SOMEHOW intermixed badly and made some weird side-effects) and some more will be done. . .

    She is still spry and hale for Her age (and general Healthcare Status!) but there were some NASTY diseases and afflictions in the Family, so BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY for risks about Inbred Genetical Defects!!

    Please have Me (and Mom, too !!) in Your thoughts. . .

    "Gamewerks Prepping" will resume when possible (such as Late Tonight JUST to take my mind off bad ruminations !!!)
    inane.imp and Golem2God like this.
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