This reads as a general complain about the direction CB is taking - it is not a Morat specific thing. Morats were, in fact, one of the first factions to get mixed links via Kornak/Raktorak links... So you've had a while to raise this issue and it is not a new thing :P
Not new, but real complaint. Mixing the teams doesn't make Vanguard better or fix them. It just means spam Tactical Sense Suryat HMG everywhere. Very boring. Back to the days of "just take HMG to solve problems". Im happy for change. More choice is very nice, but fixing old problems with is nice too. This doesn't fix. It just says "Ignore old problems. Take mixed team". More Fireteam was never best solution to Morat problems I really think.
Based solely on what has been revealed to us, which is very little. @DaRedOne has already mentioned knowledge of Kurgat changes which had, thus far, only been speculated - ergo, what has been shown/hinted thus far is not the entirety of what is being changed. But also *shrug* I have almost always used Vanguard, despite people bagging them. Anyat made that link amazing - and hey, she was some tack on link inclusion. She also made them amazing by just adding that versatility - the HMG/Missile Van still did all the heavy lifting.
Anyat is definitely one of the dire foes characters that pack an amazing amount of versatility for their costs, and as a result brings a lot of additional capabilities to the fireteam. I frequently don't use basic LI links because I think they're boring, but Vanguards certainly get the job done.
Heh I was trying to indicate that my opinion about HI likes is analogous to deactivator and the like. That is, I don't use them because I am not seemingly able to see the utility of it. I should have been more clear. :P
Nah, I got the joke - I just think you're right on this one. Should've used a winky face or something.
Someone on the WGC Infinity FB page (who I'm assuming has already received a copy of their book) has stated Kornak has retained his Haris Fireteam rule and can still Haris with Suryats.
Of course. We all use Vanguard because they are what we have. But they have always been problem. Anyat is great, but did not fix Vanguard. She does not make Vanguard amazing. Instead, she is amazing and Vangaurd are just along in ride. Suryat is nice, but does not fix Vanguard either. Raktorak same. Fixing Vanguard fixes Vanguard.
Correct. Thats basically it - the dude listed off the special links. Which is; Raktorak wildcard Anyat is a vanguard Kornak + up to 4 Suryat Kornak Haris with 2 Suryat Hungry team - up to 4 Hungries with 1-2 Oznats Vanguard link may include 1 Suryat
The book is out in the wild, but no one is talking!! My LGS wont have it for 2 more weeks with my luck.
I'll be honest: I'm hoping for an MO level of changes. Hoping, because I haven't seen the changes yet, so I've no real idea of what's changed and what has not. However, I do believe that this will be hugely positive. We might see a MAF resurgence soon, especially with how much Limited Insertion is gaining traction, and MAF can play LI like a boss.
Profiles aren't in the book, but Carlos (not that one) from CB had confirmed Army update is nearly ready and will be up next week before the 30th.
You mean for MAF? No bit and kiss in MAF seems reasonable. Doesn't seem like the morat way to use any non-morat besides violent dogaliens and robots :p
Leaves MAF as the only non-Ariadna force in the game with no access to KHDs. Unless we're getting the long requested Zerat KHD or Daturazi KHD... But I think that's doubtful :(