That would be rather interesting. I have a 28mm modern Military Working Dog that I use to indicate a model with sensor.
Since I care about Generic YJ over Sectorals, I’m trying to see what the Mowang may have over or different to a Su-Jian. Right now, I can’t see much. Su-Jian Move 8-2/4/2, CC 8/16, BS 12/14, WIP13, ARM5, BTS6, Structure 2, Size 5, AVA 1 (Generic YJ) Remote Presence, NWI, Mech Transmutation, Hackable / HMF: Climb+, Kinematika L2, Multiterrain 59 (Spitfire) or 54 (Heavy Shotgun) points Mowang Move 4-4?, CC??, BS13 at minimum, WIP??, ARM5, BTS3 minimum, Wounds 2, Size 5, AVA 1 (Guessing for Generic YJ) NWI, Mimetisim. Red Fury? Multi-Rifle? Panzerfaust? It’s going to be hard to equal or beat the Su-Jian. If it has the same movement as Yan Huo I’m not going to be thrilled. I’m also not impressed by the weapons.
big woop. Can't find the yawn emoji. At most I like the Akrylate-Kanone. At least the Daiyoki has Fantality L1 to go with them. Making him almost exactly like the Die-Jokey?
Well, it was apparently developed from the Kikuchiyo prototype that was left behind during the Uprising...
Daiyokai doesn't have Akrylate-Kanone (it's only got 'fausts) and Fatality doesn't work with glue ammo. The Flammenspeer is at the very least on par with Panzerfaust in terms of deadliness, but I'd give the win to Flammenspeer simply because it's got a template attack. The dossier is incomplete and subject to change, obviously, there is probably more weapons hiding. The Daiyokai dossier, for instance, didn't mention the 'fausts nor the Multi Marksman Rifle. Personally I'm hoping, near expecting, Full Auto 2, simply because of when the changes to Full Auto and Suppression Fire was announced and I wrote that it's probably to do with stacking with camo MODs, I got a like from a specific person that makes me think a unit with camo and Full Auto was in development and testing. Mowang fits the bill, but I will freely admit that it could be a unit in a completely different faction.
I'd like to agree but I feel if it had FA2 they would've dropped that info by now to try and shut us up after the Liu Xing got such a shitty reaction. Then again who am I kidding, CB have proven they've no fucking clue what they're doing when it comes to managing customer expectations.
It might be FA2, it might not be. They are absolutely hiding something if you read between the lines. Not only is the Mowang as presented fairly meh, it completely lacks an reasonable use as a barebones S5 with NWI - it needs another special rule, and if they're planning on having a reveal hype thing such as the release weeks they usually have together with BoW in the future, that's absolutely something they want to save as a big reveal. It should be clear by now they absolutely do not care about shutting us up.
I mean yeah, you and I, and anybody else with half a brain knows that. But then we've got the Liu Xing with a shitty gimmick, CC16 and a crappy normal CCW that nobody in their right mind or at least not close to overdosing on cocaine would've designed and I'm not holding my breath here on the Mowang.
Yeah, the Mowang is still firmly in that grey zone. What we know so far is not bad but it's not anything to rejoice about yet either. It's right there on the line between decent and ''CB did you actually give Yu Jing something nice this soon?''
Guess I'm overdosing on cocaine, then. I find the Liu Xing to be very predictable. It's literally a Zuyong on wings and a bit of NWI shenaniganery to keep the price in check. It's the AD trooper you design when you want an AD HI but you're afraid it'll turn out to dominate the game so much like the AD troops did last edition. (CB please prove me wrong by upgrading the Guijia to also be an AD trooper!) ExplodeX was a way to spice it up, but it being a chain-pistol instead of a chain-colt... well, it's tame but there.
True but I don't think they need to make it exactly like it. The Glue gun and Flamenspear helps. I'm more concerned about what's he going to do that the Su-Jian can't. I'm thinking he could be a great defender due to the Armor and mimetisim but the short range doesn't help.
You think that paying points for CC16 (even more inflated than the Zuyong) and a plain CCW is a valuable investment when designing a unit? I'm not saying everything needs to be as lean and mean as a Hollowman, but I'd just like to stop paying for fucking CC16 on shit all the time, it's getting old as hell. It was only tolerable before because we were actually the top dog at Close Combat. Now we're 3rd rate idiots that just pay for profile inflation for no reason.
Wouldn't be the first time CB added a bunch of CC gubbinz to a unit just to, I assume, reign the cost of the unit in a bit. Pretty sure that's why the Cube Jager has that Monofilament CCW anyways. 'Cause I'm pretty sure it'd be a pretty amazing steal if it simply had a knife.
My point is sometimes CB clearly just don't have much of an idea of what they're doing when it comes to designing crap and they just decide it's ok. I want to believe the Mowang will be all it can be, but this year and what we've been shown don't leave me with much faith that CB have any idea of what the fuck they should be doing with Yu Jing's design space. If I had to put it down to my knowledge from other game companies, this kind of effect usually means that design and balance isn't handled by one guy, and certain people handle certain factions. Which is why for example in Warmachine, certain factions are always disgustingly efficient and good, and others are garbage and are clearly designed by a fluff bunny not a tournament player. Not all game devs are equals.