I disagree, I thought season 2 was weak, directionless and ultimately had nothing to say. Looking past the "I remember the 80s!" references, there really wasn't much of value.
LOL, Last jedi was made to show that prequels werent worst thing that can happen to star wars;) And yes DK was great but it wasnt about Batman so...
very very true I can see how some might think that. It was pretty good though, we haven't seen such an homage to Spielberg like that before, so I enjoyed that aspect of it. lol I'd like to think that Last Jedi was an attempt to show Disney share holders that you don't actually have to make a quality product for something to be successful, you just need the Star Wars logo. It kind of back fired in their face.
Maybe if there was actually some new information about what's in 3O we'd be talking about that. I barely consider Aliens a sequel. Alien was survival horror. Aliens was an Action movie. The relationship is more like the newest batch of Hairy Pothead films, they just happen to be set in the same universe and might share a character, but don't really continue much of a story from one to another. Though I also consider Aliens (director's cut) to be a better movie than Alien. I do think T2 was better than Terminator. Wrath of Khan was awful.
just because a movie or sequel takes it's content in a new direction doesn't make it any better or worse in my opinion, it's the ability to expand and grow the series in a new direction that keeps it fresh, interesting and ultimately successful. While I can't speak on the new Harry Potter films, as I did not really like the original series, Aliens borrowed elements from the first one and spun it's own story. To be honest I'm not a huge fan of the "soft reboot" era of movies we're in now, where people just kind of want the same thing over and over again so studios play it super safe. care to share why? this is a pretty effective movie and is relatively true to the original series and it's themes while adapting it's source material for the big screen.
Or about Infinity on the thread about Infinity's 3rd Offensive. Given all other threads working off the same info constraints, this thread is still the most worthless on the entire website lol. Mods sleeping at the wheel over here.
I only participated in this discussion for @psychoticstorm. @Alien and Aliens - yes, tehy are two different movies. Both great, cant say that any of them is better. But it CAN be another example. Evil Dead anyone? Huh? And backstory about making part one and two anyone? And YES, its still better than Nietzsche discussion. At least WE ALL saw the movies. Not only saw reviews on youtube like with Nietzsche and Solar to make out random opinion! :D Thats the beauty of pop culture. We can all participate as equals, because we all know source material and most of all know background about creating it. We can all be included!
Listen, I'd love to chat about the third offensive, but it's all been pretty much discussed already. and thats okay. But it's not going to stop me from blasting my opinion to my internet pals. whether it be about metal miniatures or movies. as far as Evil Dead goes, I honestly haven't seen those movies in years. its a real shame too. I remember liking them when I was a kid and my dad showing me. I should really get around to re-watching them though.
This forum has a light touch on moderation. The only thing I know for sure will get a thread a insta-locked is advocating for literal slavery as a socio-economic system. (Discussing intent will get the thread locked eventually but we usually get a couple of days if arguing in first). Advocating for your favourite fried foods (which I thought was the actual topic we were discussing here, guys?) only results in a moderate comment, if anything. Whether you think this thread has value largely depends on how you see the community: the reality is that these sort of general news threads inevitably wander but they've also produced (directly or indirectly) some of the most interesting topics of conversation on the forum and go some way to building a sense of community (the shit talking you see isnt just meaningless +1ing, it's a community informally bonding in the lobby while they wait for the next big announcement at a convention). We're being polite and articulate so the fact that we're not adding anything of value to the 30 conversation (also nice initialisation, first time I've seen it: it's on point) is irrelevant to the point that we're doing something that the members of the community find meaningful.* @psychoticstorm would be well within his rights to close the thread due to off topic conversation, but that would just initiate a game of whack a mole as we all move to another (potentially new thread) to discuss 30 before meandering off topic in the absence of any hard news. * There's a decent body of evidence that we're wrong and we'd be better off talking to the person next to us on the train on our way to work.... But that kind of behaviour, while probably healthier, is just weird.
The TV show wasn't awful as rainy afternoon popcorn material. Completely pointless, but relatively entertaining.
Bruce Campbell has that cheesy, campy charisma that just makes anything he's in watchable. See Burn Notice, Jack of all Trades, Brisco County Jr., Bubba Hotep, My Name is Bruce, etc, etc. Heck, I've even seen him play Santa Claus, and he was brilliant.
I've heard good things about the show. I'm actually looking to watch something new while I paint, as I've just finished TNG
I rewatched "Darkman" about a week ago. [relevant to the ED discussion] I'd forgotten who the last face you see him as was. In retrospect, I really should have seen it. Directed by Sam Raimi, co-starring Ted Raimi. It really was only a matter of time before "the chin" showed up in it.