Even an NCO with a weak weapon is still helpful to a link team. Any time you MOV-MOV the link, you can have the NCO handle that.
Wait, what's the confusion? Joan in hospitaller core, is called Crusader team. Santiago's are wildcard. There are other links, but Joan's not specified to be able to join.
Yeah, this is my fault. I was calling out the "Crusader Fireteam" as an unecessary option. But as it cannot include an Order Sergeant, and is the only way to put Joan into a Fireteam, that was unfair. It's actually more different from a "standard" Hospitaller Core than I initially realised. Now, I STILL think that it'd be easier to just allow Joan to enter Fireteams as a Hospitaller, but obviously CB want her more restricted than that.
I suspect they didn't want the joantrain to get cheaper from OS as cost reduction. The choice is harder this way, where before Joan was hard to say no too.
It'll be interesting to see how it all shakes out. Before the choice was basically between Joan pain-train "fun" or Hospitaller + Magister "impact". The latter being significantly better for the points than the former. There was also a case for going with an Order Sergeant core and either Solo Knights, or Specialist Sergeants, or a mix of both. It's already clear that there are going to be a lot more viable Fireteam options, which is going to be great to see, and more of them look like they will be a solid basis for a list which will be competitive too.
Yes, I'm keeping my eyes on this for my Mercedarian Order lists with De Fersen and company. Don't want to spend a crapton of money, but do want a usable force.
OMG, those MO changes. OMG OMG OMG! Father Knights in a linked team! Technically, thanks to the wildcard rule, this is an Order Sergeant link: 3 Father Knights + two Santiago knights. :P And this is a Teutons LInk: 2 Santiago Knights + 3 Magisters knights. I sure hope the new Seraph profile without an auxbot isn't an excuse to not give their auxbox super jump. That will make me a bit angry. Albedo Dominico profile can be part of a core Order Sergeants link: Well, thats a lot less exciting than the Multi-sniper profile but an interesting option still I guess. Up to one OS can be part of a link of Teutons or Hospitalliers except in the Crusade link: This is only really interesting if you can include an OS hacker. A new Montesa Tikbalag profile thet can be included in MO (pressumed w/o mines and AP HMG). The current Tik profile can't be included: I feel this is a bit of a nerf but the AP HMG is better vs TAG's which are getting a bit more popular.
I'm really fond of light tags to support your HI fireteams. An AP HMG is one of the tools we need if we don't want to run a Hospitallier fireteeam over and over again. With an Order Sergeant link team, we can run a 10 order list with both TAGs working in tandem.
Well... yes it was a missinterpretation for my part, and hellois confirmed me that works like the Tactical sense, wich can be better or worse, if you have a liutenant L2 the NCO has 2 regular orders, that even if its not geared for combat can be used for moving the fireteam around and position them at the end of the turn, but you cant combine NCO with strategos, so if your LT has strategos tactical sense is better,
Dude, you guys were trying to understand new rules never before discussed while fighting skype and all of it live, not an easy feat by any standard. It was a great show with loads of good stuff, keep up the good work !!
So it's still amazing, but you do want your NCO or Tactical Sense troopers to be viable "point men". I'm thinking either heavy weapons (HMGs, Spitfires etc) or close range options (Boarding Shotguns or DTWs) will make for popular loadout options so that you can use the "bonus orders" at different ranges.
Im seeing people post that they have Third Offensive, if this is true when can we expect Army to be updated? Also what's new with the Orcs?
As far as we know, Army will be updated sometime next week. Official word is "after the 25th, and before the 30th."
So here are the FT options for Varuna (I have the book) : Special FT core : up to 3 Fusiliers + up to 2 ORCs Machinist (Varuna Div.) can join any FT of Kamau Bipandra counts as a Fusilier Kamaus, Patsy and the Clipper (Varuna Div.) are Wildcard troopers. Squalos have duo.
Also Kamaus have FT core and Haris, right? What about Orcs, do they have Haris? Edit: it doesn't feel like there are a lot of fireteam options compared to OM or the other new sectorials. Seems like it will always be the 3 fusiliers + 2 orcs, substituting some of them by Kamaus. And maybe a Kamau Haris on the side.
He only listed the special options. Fusiliers have core Kamau have core Orcs have core Kamau have Harris Orcs have Harris Iirc