Lunah just got better with the changes to MMX too... Like a lot better, and she was not bad to begin with
And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how we became the princes of a faction called Yu Jing On Earth born and raised In the Human Sphere spent where we spent most of our days Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool And shooting some bases outside of the borders When a couple secessionists who were up to no good Started making trouble in our Empire We got in one little war crime and the Sphere got scared They said "The Japanese have seceded from the StateEmpire!" EDIT: Should probably toss this into the meme thread I believe.
So does the pheasant sniper. They both suddenly became viable tool to take down fireteams long-range aro, with lunah being better against those without MSV and modifier while the pheasant has an edge against the like of dakinis or the new kamau sniper.
Lunah offers the best cost/quality long ranfe ARO, killing in active, plus with the buff at MX she can be a very good defensive link team. I admit that the guilang MS never looked me worth, but maybe i should give it a try
Guilang sniper makes an excellent tag-team with a TO/ODD sniper like Armand. Together they are able to bully enemies very effectively with Armand providing the -12 MOD against TR HMGs and the Guilang providing a flanking sniper, able to take some very awkward positions. Because the Guilang can revert to Marker state, it is also very good at being a nuisance throughout the reactive turn in a way Armand, Tiger, and Lunah can't. That said, I think with the Marksmanship changes, Lunah will sail up to be the faction's best sniper while the Pheasant still lacks visibility MODs necessary to make low-burst weapons great.
When I run a Hac Tao and Lunah through the roller and compare them when shooting a Sin-Eater, yes her numbers are amazing. She's at higher risk of taking damage than the Hac Tao, but also at higher chance of dealing damage. Still, the Hac Tao is significantly better if the Sin-Eater is close enough to deny long-range MODs, and we don't even need to contemplate which one is best at ARO. For 29/1,5, though - really good investment. As a minor point, interestingly enough in spite of Lunah's Mimetism and the Pheasant's MSV, it's the Phesant that has lower risk of dying and Lunah that has higher chance of killing the Sin-Eater. Thanks, Viral!
They do seem pretty good. Increases her odds of putting down TR bots by 19% if she uses MLX, and in a F2F with a Nisse her odds jump by 25%. Dropping 1 burst for a +9 MOD swing is a pretty big deal. I can see myself using her a tonne more. I can also see Grunt Snipers becoming absolutely disgusting particularly when linked and shooting on BS23 and ignoring cover, but we'll see if that gets out of control at all.
Depending* on what that Grunt is shooting at, dropping from B3 to B1 is a pretty big deal. You're looking at very low benefit versus a TR REM at 33" in cover. (We're talking less than 3 percent units on each side) * I haven't actually checked more than just TR HMG, but a Marut or other multi-wound model is likely not going to be better versus at all.
Against a hard target in cover, like the Marut, the chance to wound actually jumps by 9% from 30% if you use MLX. The increased crit chance and stripping the +3 armour is what's doing it I think.
True, but at the same time, 27% for the solo Grunt isn't shabby and means you don't need to drag a sniper along with the Fireteam (or means you don't need a Grunt Fireteam at all). I think it's a greater blessing for the solo-MarksmanshipX Snipers than the Fireteam Grunt/Pheasant :)