Tactical Sense on 2:02:45, he reads a long text of the same tipe of the rules and specify about the order being able to be used in a fireteam if he is the leader, they talk about it, they spoil that a SanJi will have TS (Hellois was speaking just before, true that he didnt speak during the reading of that rule, but speaked on Decoy that was the next one) NCO on 2:06:34 they say about Shakti, Garret and a YJ character having it, read the rule, say there is a Raktorak that have it and use it as an example of the Raktorak using it to feed a fireteam, it specify that they can use it as a regular order and that does not break the fireteam (this is the example in the book, again in this one Hellois did not speak) @ijw are you sure you dont have an old version? they are reading it from the book, if you are correct then the books are written , well, with a wrong version Edit: in the example the Raktorak is the one activating the team, the speak about using it anywhere comes from the guys, still the links stay together Edit 2: a friend just told me that Shakti is actually not an NCO.... so the example must have use am HMG Yadu with the same name Edit 3: Skype dropped the ball on this one, they were fighting connection problems all the time
The NCO can use the Lt Order as if it were a Regular Order of their Combat Group, keeping the Fireteams together.
Note the bit I've highlighted in red. That's the Raktorak in a Fireteam, with the Raktorak spending the LT Order. Not that someone else can spend it because the Raktorak is in the Fireteam.
So what you are saying is that works in the same way as TS, the Raktorak can use it without breaking the team, but he has to be the team leader, is that it ?
NCO being usable in fireteams is pretty much what we've hoped for, so I see no issues. That would be my interpretation as well.
Thanks for the clarify, Ms. Garret maybe still has work in my lists then, but now that is something that will depend heavily in her weapon load-out, an Orc is too expensive for just a free move-move on a fireteam.
But wait, isn't Wildcart text saying something like "this soldier might join any fireteam of XXX army" ? Any == including "special" fireteams ? Are you saying Vet Kazaks cannot join link team of Line Kazaks and Frontovicks ?
What? No. I'm saying that Joan + Hospitallers is a Special Fireteam, because otherwise Joan couldn't be in there. Whether you incude Santiagos or not is irrelevant to it needing to be a Special Fireteam.
So there is a special Crusade firteam of Joan and Hospitallers. Can Santiagos join this link due to a power of Wildcart or not ?
Then what Koni wrote is wrong and you can indeed make a crusader fireteam of Joan+Fersen (counts as Hospitaller) + 3 Santiagos ?
I think you're getting confused, Koni hasn't posted here. :-( If you mean PsychoticStorm, he wasn't talking about whether Santiagos could join, but about Joan not being a Hospitaller. Only if the trooper's Fireteam notes say so.
Can be, but if Crusader Firetam is Joan+Hospitallers then it still easily can be Joan+Hospitallers/Fersen+Santiagos (due to Wildcart). Yep I'm confused, I should go back to my usual work of saving the (tiny piece of) world.