Gentlemen, need I remind you that when we go Off Topic in here, we are to talk about fried foods? Get your shit together. Now, on the off topic of fried food, I've recently discovered beignets as a Cajun-y food place has opened up in the food court at the outdoor mall where I work and I love them. I love them more than I love any of you. Of course, I don't particularly like most of you, so that's not really setting the bar very high. There's also a place that makes fresh donuts, but they're more like ring-shaped funnel cakes, and you can get them covered in ice cream. That's brilliant.
Would be nice, but given Uprising and that evil taoist character in Aristeia! I'm not expecting much. Edit: Please, for the love of all that is holy, WE NEED MORE NEWS about 3rd Offensive @Koni !!!
Or the regular army despised the actions of the chekists as much as they despised the actions of the kuge...
For those who understand spanish, here there is a podcast when you will find a 3 hours interview with @Interruptor about 3rd Offensive book.
Crusader imagery has seen an upturn in popularity ever since the war on terror. Remember "Pork-Eating Crusader" patches? Those "white supremacy groups" (which ones?) adopting it makes them really late to the party. Not to mention Order of the Holy Sepulchre has been using "Deus Lo Vult" for 920 years now. If anyone shouts about some fringe groups when the motto appears in the context of knights, it's on them. I mean, Fire Forge have a miniatures game called "Deus Vult". With some rather swanky Teuton and Templar models if I may add (I considered playing SAGA with them, but found a glaring hole in rules I cannot get over). I think it's fine to use the phrase within the context of Inifnity, specially since the game also has Hassassins and racism ("filthy Japanese") in it, and is considered 18+. Can anyone remind me if the book will have Campaign rules? I'm not a fan of campaign-based skirmish games, but it seems like those are expected in the market.
Well, the Haqq have been there before. Not with just fried food. Apparently someone on Bouraq had observed that there's nothing for us in the 3rd Offensive, and decided to run a topic where the off-topic will be on-topic :P Hence, Haqq Culinary Thread!
Okay, new third offensive rumour I have heard, seems odd but let's ask: Is it true the Third Offensive is NOT microwave safe?
Third Offensive is not to be brought to Fahrenheit 451. Keep Third Offensive out of reach of children under 1 day old. Third Offensive may contain traces of nuts.