Maybe ORCs will get their Wounds dropped to 1 and get NWI so they are cheaper and AWESOME? (also, lower stats)
You know, the most dangerous and efficient HI in the game are typically the 1W NWI/Dogged variants with skills right? Vet Kazaks, Highlander Greys. they are insane in the damage output they have for their points cost, in part because of the skills, and in part because of the support they can fit in for those unspent points. You are looking down the potential of cheap HI with all the relevant stats like BS ARM and the lions share of the W stat in NWI. All without paying the premium on true 2W which allows them to gain a set of skills that are utterly unique and terrifying on units that can fight that well at that cost.
You mean the HIs with No HI vulnerabilities and HI stats. I'm not. Honestly I find it unlikely for ORCs to suddenly get good, and specially not becaus a guy from CB tells us "wow, guys, ORCs are amazing now"
Not grasping or knowing the rules would explain your poor evaluation of the explode AD i guess. Because you are wrong
Wow, this forum is full of classy people. I bow to your obvious superiority and possession of the truth, you must be some kind of genius
Shrug i pointed out you were labouring under incorrect rules. Its not my fault your wvaluation if the unit is based on that. If you have 2 opinions on a unit and one of them is based on incorrect rules....well...
Teucer. That's because Santiago has Frenzy, and Frenzied LTs get an SWC discount (usually). Though 1W + NWI is pretty dangerous duo to shock being everywhere. But 1W + NWI + Shock/Bioimmunity is cool (like Tohaa Symbiont Armor, which implicitly have this, or some new troops). I'd generalize this to discounts. Camo over TO, The AD level everyone uses instead of jumping in, all the discount weapons (SMG, Chain rifles, Light shotguns), FD instead of infiltrate, ODD instead of TO, frenzy discounts, lots of ways to make troops cheaper than they should be. Overall the point system is messed up/outdated imo, partly because of the discounts, and nearly any extra thing is 1-2 points.
I'll grant you the Kazak, but every time I lose a Grey to a lucky crit I wish I had 2W instead of V:Dogged. Don't get me wrong, Greys are nice, but they've got few skills, and they're about to be more expensive than Hospitallers.
They tell us that people in the community like Bolts rules, so that is how much faith I have in that.
ORCs don't really need a whole lot to be good, all they need is a cheap-o specialist option (SMG, FO), something like tactical sense or NCO on the HMG, and maybe a weird profile like mimetism marksmen rifle. and im a happy guy