Bandit repack. Are they trying to make Tunguska a mini-Tohaa here or what? Or have they saw sense and elected to scrap the Securitate SWC box and give us a Feueruururbach?
I don't mind the Crusader or that Rasyat but I can't bring myself to buy those Ragiks... And I'm a Hassassin player... Guess I'll be buying multiple copies of the beyond red veil Ragik and doing weapon swaps.
So we are getting a box of 4 Kaauri instead of 2 duo blisters? Interesting. I'm going to pick up the Kurgat for sure. Dakini probably since I'll be getting the Coldfront Dakini in the mail sometime this month. And I'll have to see about the Zulu Jammer's price. That is surprising yet at the same time not unexpected. Good thing I have a NCA force in the works so the Team Rocket Deva won't go to waste. You think that CB will have a Deva that looks similar to James from the Rocket Duo? Considering that the Deva box, Coldfront Hacker & now Spitfire models have been released that covers all the loadouts. So I guess I've answered my own question. Though I can see some clever people out there converting the Deva Hacker to bear a resemblance to James.
Perhaps there will be link options for Kaauri in the future because of the box? It's likely just to reduce SKU numbers but still. Could be for future Trimuvirate sectorial
Community members have seen the concept art, but it was made very clear that it was intended as a "closed door" preview. So the new look and aesthetic exists, we just don't know anything about it yet!
TJC have got the starter, Heckler Jammer, Hollow Man box and Securitate box since June. That's a pretty decent line of releases, even if the Securitate and Grenzer box has odd load out options...
AFAIK it is not confirmed by staff, it's a forum speculation, it seems to fit, but it's just a speculation.
Except we don't have the Securitate box yet and apparently it's at least January until it arrives if this retailer preordering list thingy is correct. Meanwhile TAK and OSS have had a slightly bigger amount of releases by default. It's also kind of bollocks the Grenzers don't get a box for the foreseeable future, we don't have dossiers or fluff for most new units, and Tunguska isn't even in Third Offensive. Personally I think they might be separate. CB showed them apart, they haven't shown them together yet. It would be sensible, but at the same time a lot of "sensible" options seem to not happen. We need to wait for official confirmation I feel.
As I said in spanish forum it would be better a Securitate box with: Feuerbach, MSR, HMG, BS (or wildcard option with pistol) and a Grenzer box with: Combi+LF, BS, ML, Spitfire. With just two releases you will have basicaly all options covered (with this boxes and Hollow box you can make all the basic Cores and Haris).