That's it, do we know anything vague on what these two units will give us? I know the Mowangs have had their dossier shown so far, so we do have a vague idea of what guns it'll have... but anything beyond that? And do we even known anything about the Hulong Shocktroopers? P.S.: Mowang dossier for reference.
Think about it: Shooting Stars brought back explode from N2. Maybe those bars mean the Mowang is bringing back the "Braces" special rule.
Does or look like it has Super Jump? With those big exhaust looking things coming out of the back. And, with the big railings, can he bring a friend along?
Braces was a rule on the N2 Maghariba, basically let it be an APC. You could store a couple troopers inside the Mag and take them for a ride, then unload them later.
@Fire@Will It's funny you should say that, that's exactly what the brace skill was. @Maksimas @Eranziel explained it correctly. It was a super niche, cornercase special rule that was very clunky and not particularly usable. The Maggie was the only unit to have it iirc. I largely suggested it as a joke because all of this waiting brings out my sarcastic side.
Okay, as niche and corner case as that sounds... A Yan Huo with a HRMC riding piggyback on a Mowang. Think about it.
We know some things about the mowang It's a S5 Heavy infantry (so i'll expect a 5ARM and 2W trooper at least) It uses Light weaponry as primary. Basically damage 13 ones It has a camo patern on the dosier. This is really rare on yujing, were troopers with some levels of camouflaje doesn't usually have it represented, like guilangs or tigers. It's name means "diablo king" and someones say that this ties it with the daiyokai. There are also references in uprising that lead to Yujing taking It's hands over part of the daiyokai techonology. But we cant get this too much credit Regarding the Hulong we don't have any clue beside the position on the army list. Suggesting a new TAG or some sort of skirmisher. But this is pretty circumstantial and can be a false assumption
Mechanical Transmutation TAG pls. Well, we'll see what the loyal R&D staff made of it then, I suppose.
Shared between the two of them right? If one falls, the other dies from the feedback! Now that's what I called "advanced"!
The bars seem to be on the front, more like crash bars or bush beaters. Maybe a high mov, multi terrain, super jump or forward deploy?
I fully expect from what the spoilers have shown us for them to be 1 wound troopers with mediocre stats (like BS and PHY 11) and the HI tag dropped on them just for the meme. Well, not the S5 one, but the Hulong and the Daoying for sure. On the other hand, if the Daoying has Super Jump, along with C+ on Zencha and Explode LX, we would only be lacking some Hyperdinamics unit to be able to field a kinda superhero army, shounen/wuxia style. But it won't happen because YJ can't have nice things.
X-COM Sectoids spotted.. :D Aside from that, I think Hulangs are more like CC oriented unit. Around MA2, compensating it by some kind of Camos. Mowangs, they should not step on Yan Huo - which makes me think they will be more movable, momentum-catching unit with MRs. Could use a HMG or spitfires, though. One thing I'm expecting is at least mimetism on Mowang. S5 ARM5 mimetism! Now that's something.
You know, I REALLY hoped that now this FINALLY doesn't apply to PanOceania anymore, that it would just go and die quietly in a corner somewhere. ... I guess not.