Kurgats kinda fit the more traditional sapper role (dudes who go ahead of the army to dismantle traps and fortifications), with a little bit of combat engineering on the side. I totally think they all deserve some sort of thrown explosive, maybe also Minesweeper or Nullifier too.
I think the Engineer skill holds them back from being interesting to both MAF and vanilla CA. If I were to do there profiles I think I would do something like this: Kurgat: Morat, Haris Kurgat (Sapper) 28pt 1.5swc Autocannon, Light Shotgun, D-charges, pistol, knife Kurgat(Minelayer, Minesweeper) 25pt 0 swc Mk12, D-charges, AP Mines, E/M mines, pistol, knife Kurgat 18pt 0 swc Boarding Shotgun, Stun Grenades, D-charges, pistol, knife, Aerocam Kurgat (KHD) 25pt 0.5 swc Submachine Gun, D-charges, pistol, knife For me the two major missions of a combat engineer should be to either be an obstacle or to break an obstacle. Mines are obstacles or need to be removed so give them a minelayer and minesweeper profile. Killer hackers are either obstacles or break hacker obstacles from your opponent (if hackers were a real life battlefield opponent you can bet your ass combat engineers would be stuck finding out how to get past them). The autocannon sapper breaks HI/TAG obstacles while being one in turn. And the BS kurgat with stun grenades can move to clear corner campers, objective rooms or hold them with their aerocam support. No doubt Kurgats get stuck with the dirty job of keeping the MAF moving forward while also having its back. To me something around this design philosophy for the Kurgat would make them more interesting instead of being engineer specialists that kind of suck at engineering and being engineering specialists.
Important thing to remember, also, is that at its core Infinity leans harder into the RPG / narrative side of things than people tend to think. ITS is a subset of it, which is why it has its own set of rules. The reason why all the armies in Infinity tend to have more engineers and hackers than they have doctors, for example, is because they have interactions with a lot of the scenery rules. You need engineers to open doors and interact with consoles and that sort of thing - its just in ITS that they expanded it to include other kinds of specialists. tl;dr: kurgats arent going to lose Engineer from their profiles, because Engineers are important outside of ITS.
Well to that I would say, they are combat engineers with D-charges. They have exactly all they need to open any door. As for why they won't lose engineer, of course they won't. I would be shocked if anything happens to them at all at the end of November. I know Infinity was almost an RPG but I haven't met anybody who plays anything but ITS and CB only talks about ITS so I would find it dubious that at this point they should be making considerations for a style of the game that the plurality of their players do not play and is hindering they game they do play.
NCO on the raktorak is one of the most moraty things in the update, seeing as Raktoraks literally serve as a right-hand man to the commanding officer, so them getting to use the lt order is really fluffy
I am of the opinion that you should play ITS even in a non-competitive environment. ITS tends to be a lot more balanced than the alternatives.
Kurgata are cheaper than the Medchanoid and can still keep your q-drone, Avatar, and Skiavoro functioning, I say they're ok. Plus they ignore retreat, so good for grabbing objectives if things go south.
Oh I agree totally on NCO, especially given the Raktorak is an NCO, I was referring to Counterintelligence. I should have quoted the post properly.
Yea, almost never used linked LGL (mostly Squalo HGL). And we are talking about HGL starting midfield so literally having whole enemy half of table in "good" (for HGL) range.
Except that isn't what you raised issue with. You made an eye rolly comment about "More spec fire? Just what we need"... and then admit to using one of the most potent spec fire units in the game... Seems pretty hypocritical. Further, Kurgats have only Haris link option, which would provide no bonus for Spec Fire.so troll comment is troll.
Yea, this one or two games I've actually used the HGL. And Squalo is miles behind Emily when it comes to effectiveness of blind grenade tossing. Also mind you that MO just lost their primary/only/all LGL ^^
Guys, this thread isn't about spec fire being OP. There are other threads about that. People can wishlist as much as they want. By this point I don't think any wishlisting will go into deaf ears anyways. That being said, the vanguards have a grenade launcher option already if we want spec firing with link bonuses.
Yep, Combat engineers having a combat engineer weapon that the faction used to have, seems legit to me. only thing that'd sound more Moraty would be a vulcan HGL
I am not sure an HGL would be a weapon specific to CEs. That kind of firepower would be more rare for them. They are heavy and have no use for anything but infantry killing which is an infantry, artillery or armor type of job. HGL would be glorious however on the stalwart shoulders of a Sogarat. Also can we get explode LX on the Rasyat please? I don't know what it does but I like the sound of it.
I agree with all of this post, I needed to break it down into sections to indicate how good it is: edit* It pains me I have but one like to give. True however I feel the autocannon has somewhat set the tone here. *Shudders* Somebody get this man a promotion and a more fanciful hat! I've been in the YJ subforum, I know this skill sucks...