I don't think we will see changes in any released profiles. However,I am trying to be positive for the profiles we haven't seen yet. Namely the Raktorak and Sogarat, as these are the ones more likely to actually get some changes, even if minor stuff (BTS 6 on the Sog would be neat)
I am a little worried the Raktorak may lose Specialist Operative on some profiles and get NCO as a trade, instead of getting both on all profiles.
That would be a bummer ... Raktorak being specialist and a complementing weapon loadout with the redfury as a wildcard in Daturazis is the only silver lining of this release so far.
Yes! I want to try the Rak in a Yaogat fireteam too. He is cheap guy, a specialist and has a big template. I think thats a good match with Yaogats. Very much I don't want him in other fireteams.
I don't think there's reason to worry about the Raktorak losing specialist operative. As we know there won't be specialist suryats, taking specialist out of the Raktorak could cripple the suryat fireteam as it would become way too stiff. However, I do think not all profiles will get NCO. We will probably see 2 profiles with NCO at best, but I do think it will be NCO on top of specialist.
If only some profiles get NCO, it would be very cool if the rest got some useful skill. Counterintelligence would be very great.
Not very Morat-y though, especially on the Sgt Major. I would bet something extremely valuable that Counter-intelligence will crop up in Shas.
I agree. I would prefer Counter Intelligence on shas too. What I want to see in MAF: Minelayers up the wazoo; More NWI; Some sort of low end HI like Riot Grrls or Domaru; More fireteam options (this one seems like we'll getting). Also, unrelated, but @Sparrow: is that Talyah on your avatar?
From the spoiled Suryat profile the points adjustments aren't looking likely, however hopefully there are more fireteams and options therin. Wish list *Warning, contains pure fantasy*: Revist to the actual cost of the morat rule. Yeah some discount HI would be nice. Something fast that isn't a Raicho or a drone to offset the midfield skirmisher problems MAF really seem to suffer from. Maybe a sprinkle of not camo visual mods, bit more mimetism here maybe a skirmisher core with ODD or such.
I really hope the sogarat gets something interesting. Especially with the new Suryat profile with tactical sense he now has to compete with.
Lots of answers! But Morats are a military people , uh huh? The whole race is military focused. Wouldn't they have counterintelligence maybe? And also, if you forget the name and just think about what the skill is, it seems very perfect for the Sgt Major. Keeping the troops together! Don't get separated by the enemies! Follow my orders! Very Morat. But wasn't Mine Layer from way back in second edition? If they wanted Morats to have this skill, I bet they would have given it to them a long time ago I think. I'm not sure who Talyah is. I found this avatar on an art tumblr, but I don't know the character yet. Oznat is fast, but not very good.
Zerats literally do counter intelligence in all but the actual use of the two words. Same with Yaogats who also do COIN operations. Further Rasyats do both intelligence gathering and counter intelligence operations. Counter Intelligence can be as simple as finding and killing the other guy's spys and intelligence network. Something Zerats, Yaogats and Rasyats do. I feel like Morats keep getting depicted as slightly more disciplined 40k Orks despite all the evidence contrary. They favor aggressive military action but so does the Russian and US military lol.
The thing is counterintelligence as it is right now works more akin to hacking enemy communications than killing important enemy leaders. Again, I would love for MAF to get skills that make them good at laying traps and killing stuff, but I'd like that to be more than 'slap this new rule into that model'. For example, minelayer is an old skill, but it is one that I feel both adds to the army, and allows them to mitigate an actual problem they have (poor ARO game) without shoehorning in something silly (like a neurocinetics model, which I know nobody suggested, but I'm using it as an example of a good skill that I don't think MAF should have). On the same token, more fireteams means fireteam buffs, order efficiency and flexibility. These are all characteristics of good soldiers that do fit the morat feel more, so I would rather have more fireteam options than counterintelligence if I had to choose between the two. This is, of course, assuming these fireteam options are actually good, so stuff like the 1SWC Suryat haris really needs to go.
I really like Infinity more without Fireteams. They are very boring to me. I'm sad that Morat army strong points and improvements all seem wrapped up in those, instead of making units better so they can be good in Fireteam or as solo.
In game counter intelligence just prevents your opponent from disrupting your order pool to their fullest ability. You could imagine an enemy has many ways to do this. I couldn't see it as purely a hacking concept because Ariadna and Tohaa can disrupt your order pool just fine. You could imagine that whatever disruption the enemy had planned, something like a Zerat throws a wrench in it. Thus reducing the effectiveness of disruption. Morat style counter intelligence. As for minelayer. The Kurgat should absolutely have minelayer. It would be hard for a combat engineer to face themself in a mirror if they couldn't lay a mine. Even a space monkeypig. But I also think Kurgats should have little monkeypig versions of drop bears because no self respecting combat engineer should be unable to bring the boom to the enemy.
Kurgats really should have more explosives. A grenade launcher would be very good. Or a Mine Launcher!
I've posted an idea about something like that on the old forums: Mechanized Deployment, all profiles linkable Autocannon, D-Charges, Mines - 1/31 HGL, LSG, D-Charges, Mines - 1,5/25 Boarding Shotgun, D-Charges, Mines - 0/20 Mk12, D-Charges, Mines - 0/26 Mk12, D-Charges, Mines (Minelayer) - 0,5/27 Mk12, D-Charges, Mines (Haris) - 1/27 We could remove Mines from Autocannon and HGL, replace them with Mine Dispenser on BS, and ta-dam (though I really see Kurgats as MI with ARM 3).
Considering Morat's more offensive conception to warfare I think I would change the D-charge to something more aggressive as its almost entirely a weapon just to accomplish a classified. Actually, CB just needs to change the D-charge. Make it a throwing weapon with a circle template but not allow speculative fire due to weight. Personally I would drop the Engineer from them. Its has nothing to do with combat engineering and doesn't make sense for them as they are inferior to the boob worm for the job. That would bring the points down. Then give them all Sapper. Also they need a perimeter weapon.
I like Kurgats having Engineer, but I do wish they did a better job of filling an interesting role in generic Combined.