Absolutely, but it is using what is available and purchasing 1 or two items without much wastage. There was a disclaiming saying they weren't the best for the game ;) The post human one is getting towards the most competitive one, and if you replace the deva with a HMG dakini and normal dakini (drop the yadu down to CR) you start getting towards semi-competitive And yes, perfectly serious since the shukra limits the loss of orders.
Me too Tweaking that one slightly starts getting towards semi-competitive too, replace the deva with a HMG dakini and normal dakini (drop the yadu down to CR). You "waste" a dakini and two deva as well as the other two posthumans, but full 5 man link.
Could we not bombard a new player with "mandatory" purchases (Infinity is balanced better than that) or gripes about units you don't like, please. For the OP: all the options are viable. If you want a lot of points in one model, then asura (didn't see it said yet) . Said asura, rebots and dakini SWC box are all new sculpts that match the coldfront boxes (not that all the older minis will be out of place). You're 36 points from 300, so you only need one thing. Honestly, you can play just fine with any of the suggestions. Which models do you like the look or idea of? Warning: you will be tempted to get something that can complete a 5 member core down the line.